
1:36 a.m

1:36 a.m

So once again we see the play theater.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira once more proven to represent a play.

Recall, he once used the Black Hole as his facebook emblem, depicted in the Human head.


The Human mind as the black hole.

In 2011, a man Marina Burini discovered, had aurgued with me about a Universal Mind, which I had refuted, saying there was no such thing as the Human Mind.


But that the Universal Mind U.M was really an incomplete Equation of C.I S U M.

/ M U S I C.

Harmonies Music.

Universe is made of Harmonics Sound and that there is only a Universal Being.. which means there is subsequently a Universal Body.


1:43 a.m.

And that the Mind Brain Function is an E.M.Field which is the Sum Total of Human Existence/Expression.

And that the Brain is a P.C. a PersonalComputer which is basical an Abacus.

A glorified counting machine.

Limited to a linking manually to serve a function to Add ( Joseph Marry Myrrh ADD the Anointed..The Cherished and Beloved)

Adding.. C. IS. U.M../ MUSIC.

Cecilia is the patron Saint of Music in Christianity.

And music is that which everything can be broken down into.

And Music is litetally Harmonies as well as its designated meaning as Caecilia meaning 6 in


And what is 6 mean but 6th Sense, and to see or open your eye of 6th Sense, there must be an understanding of the Harmonius Music.

Thus, 6 sense and Harmonies.

6 is F

8 is H.

8 8 6..

Liberty C Liscomb mentioned that code today of her farm.

Sum 22.

I have 22 usd in my wallet.

And so imagine the one true Black Hole being a Universal Mind.

And the place in which in the prose of Allegories in Dantes Inferno warns at the gates Beware to enter through these gates is to abandon all hope, to give into despair.. for none who enter, can ever return

What else could this be but the entering the idea of the universal mind.

An impossible maze and labyrinth of the total of human perception, neurosis, fear, ideas, perceptions- the True Heaven and Hell.

1:58 p.m

To make one navigate the web of Human ways of percieving, rooms of which one would be lost in forever.. if one did not understand that all existence is anchored in Being.

In understanding the Music, the point of why everything which vibrates comes together to create Music of the Spheres.

Would that not be the one incation unlike the numbering system in the movie Cube where only a chap called Kazan got out



But that the solution lay in understanding the Point of the Harmonics and transforming it into a song.

And to start, to familiarize with it, we start to H.U.M.


H. C ..I S. U M.

Hartford Connecticut I SUM. 5th State out of 50 States.

5 x TEN. E.. 5 lines of The Elegant Nomads

Or 5 + 45.. 4.5 Billion Year Planet.

10 10 10 10 10 ..50


Decagon. Sum total of its interior angles 1440

144 Masters

The Brain P.C function is used to organize Data.

It keeps the Viehicle Functioning and thus, links it to the Body.

Why is it linked to the body.

Why were we not simply created as Talking Heads

* see sacred portal 76.

There is only one Universal body and he is surrounded by talking Heads.

Is thus the Mind, the E.M.F and experience of one Univeral Body

And all the Talking Heads- the Entertainment of the different points of view.

Different Parts of Itself which it listens and absorbs from a distance of Deattachment because all Truth is centered in his Being and Body.

All One.

And yet, to Add to what is perfect, complete and already known, he must entertain such expressions, from new sensations, by experiencing that which is not of him?

An illusionary sensory, emotive perception

E S P which he can integrate, but only after exploring if its is real and an expetience which he deems worthy to merge add to the perfection of the Already preexisting Universal Body.

Eternal Body and Being.

And how else, can he or she experience that which is Not.. Nu. Mu ..Nothing, except but through a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.

A Creative Entanglement with a Mesh of Possibilities of Being which only the One Being can intergrate to the Sum as real.

Yoseph Mary.

Yonathan Marie..


Y is a Trinity Y

Two Men A A B B. A- B …ENDS..

BENDS. To I. To C.

That which emerges from when the Merging of One Man J.M.J.M

To become 2. 10 10 13 13. 46

46 Chromosomes in a Human Body Being.

46 moves back to 10.


25 13. 38

MY M.Y. 76.

2:27 p.m


76 Code Liberty 76.

I know exactly where I was in 1976.

Scouted by Mr Parker, to join in the Junior Olympic Track Team and then Volley Ball.

Did Liberty emerge from my Mind.

Or did I emerge from my own boyish mind and enter the play of now intergrating my.body?

Did that free me, and grant me the Liberty of becoming outside, what I was inside..

That which many later percieved and nick named me Sun Shine State.

Mr Happiness.

Which was interrupted by the reality around me hampered by duty until age 21..22 when I was finally allowed to..or allowed myself to.be me.

Happy and in what most felt was a perpetual sunshine State.

I.met John Mack when he was 21.

Farell 19

Zion 16.

Arden 16.

Mackayla was 19 but she was not me at 19.

Similar but I had not such preconcieved notions, limitations conditions

Woman Supreme

Woman Identity

True Mind of Reason has not room for subjectivity.

Its is Objective.

Taking in data.


Adding concluding



Gender Emotions hinder hamper distort the point

The Joy of Eguation Concluded Result.

Ah The Element of Surprise.

Not really a surprise.


Adding along the way.

Ah the Terror, horror Nightmare of forever trapped in the machinations of an emotive mind.

Wait! Emotive Mind.

The Mind Brain does not feel even sense, you need Being and a Body…to do that.

To organize all the Data of the Waves of Data, Music and the sensations they make you.feel.

So much for the Talking Heads.

Trapped in your Mind and Heads.

The truth of course, is that you have no body, your moving aren’t you by the Will of someone else.

His Head, his Mind which is his Being, and in or to be you.must.feel and to feel you must.have a body.

And so for you the Black Hole..

The collective Pysche Id, percetioms your are feeling and translating is really all only in your Head Mind.

And none of these are real.

Only that which is able to.feel.and experience everything while anchored in his Being aligned in the expression which added to being a Body.as an extension of the Being as Complete.

And That Entire body, standing walling moving pierces everything..

Is a Penis.

And that is what all Humans are.

Phalluses Piercing the Dark Unknown Day And Night until it Feels Sensational feelings which cause it, you to ejaculate


Until that moment, you do.not Exist

Its all in.your Head.

But to to the One actually in Embodied and in Being, you are an Idea Possible depending on how you perform for The Source Being.who.explores your possibility by listening to.your expresion.and then converse with you

And tis He, It who.decides yes or no if you.can me integrated with the Whole, and thus exist as an Individual, as The Source represents.


Or if your simply bad idea created by.Cause and effect which had, has nothing.to.do.with The Source.

Because He is Exists in body being, expression communication, divine eternal harmony.

While you exist in your head.

Non Existence

No Where.

3:02 a.m


3 6 2


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