
12:50 p.m

12:50 p.m

This is the Chimeny Oven, I first saw the first day I came here.

It confirned immediately what I had known and told Liberty C Liscomb the day she gave me the code 56:56 mins which burst out from here.

I had not understood why I was being summoned here after she and Thomas had rejected me and my role.

Its was then I realized that it was not for her that I was being brought here for but that it was her children and what they represent.

As the Children of the world

From then 6-7 month old (now 17 months)- Jeron to 11 year old Leander

14 year old Aurelia, 17 year old Arden and 19 about to be 20 year old Ferrill.

She was fully aware of that.

12:56 p.m

There are 6 children on the long

And 8 children at the Mouth.


Yes link David Roman Nicholas 11-22-68.

Fahad Hassen F H. 6 8

Meaning Beautiful Leopard..

Black Panther.


12:58 p.m

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