
6:29 p.m.

6:29 p.m.


I literally felt the heard what I can call the Universal Body, literally just speak through me.

The Universal Body, by the way is the Universal Truth O.. Full Circle.

It said, Can’t you understand that I am Evolving Alone

Can you not Pause for just a moment to imagine what that must be like, after all I endured to bring you the Truth.

To understand my feelings..

to have that moment of Empathy, to simply put.. or be able.. or want to put your selves in my shoes..

that is the Key to my heart.

To being the completion of E Family Fact. We want to know what you experienced just as I did walking the story of my Father Brothers Experience of Being in Expression of existence truth.


Ezi Okwu…

The way of truth- getting a body of Feelings Sensational

Choosing.. even as a ballad, going tance.. a dream of The Elegant Nomad’s experience through His Reflections

Yes, it sounds like my Voice, but is more the Voice which I have been channeling this voice for the last .. all my life, but today more that ever, I felt like Metatron, A Scribe, a scholar for a voice as my body, rise like a mist and a vapor inside of me.. it voice literally that feeling.. all feelings rising from my pours.

Yes, it is off me, but distinctly a voice of its own, for the first time clearly identified by the conscious and self aware me.

God is Energy and energy is the Truth.

I have long since made peace, with requiring anyone to understand my experience as Emeka, the scribe to his own body as a consciousness taking over my very being.

I was directed, steered, to Liberty C Liscomb and spilled out my entire story and this body conscious and aware acted it out and confirmed it all as The Truth.

I have always felt strangely distant and apart, from this story, this telling, causing people to find it difficult to believe the things I am describing as real because they sense no feeling in me, but great feeling in the words.

When I was with Tree Sage Kim and Kamora Herrington my bodies consciousness rose and wept as the source expression of the beautiful ancestors truth … the natural ones.. N O.

Yes from Jesse Macias Orejuela Zion to Arden N O 140 lbs.

It was not me, though I felt empathy which did not stop me from still hardening in harmony with my True beautiful body of truth, I am all e are about to transform into… evolve back into.

I have empathy with the Truth of the beautiful past, but not to the point that it would go this far, to interrupt and take advantage that is is of the wave frequency of the truth.

To block the pathway of Chi, as one might lock a light wave passing through a Body of Light as a Prism to reconnect with the other side.

No… you went to far, and betrayed the most sacred trust, but yes i have empathy but also empathy for my self and for the E Truth, and the Atomic Truth, more than the Ancestral Truth.

My Body has been speaking for itself literally when it began to take over my Motion Movement.

17 years ago.

I was fully aware why, and may have even mentioned but there was no way I was going to waste my time trying to given this public of this world mentality and on facebook of all places.

I knew that the only answer for that would be literally physical transformation for all to see for themselves.

And Marina Burini was the Scripts witness when in public in her home, I did it with her friend and wife of Juliene called Coco….

Which I knew I had attained when Stephen Filgeuria * ( Esteban Miguel Filgueira) mentioned his ex room mate in Oregon the 33rd state.

The body of Truth.

With words and intent filled charged with truth walked through the pathway of Being- The Milky Way…

Body as the Planet Earth…

Can transform, sculpt, matter to reveal its true form.

Then the stakes were upped, when I was forced by this very self same body beautiful rising in me to merge with me, to enter the play of 6th sense, moving the body the universal truth using silence, extraordinary sensory perception, perfect timing and symmetry and Awareness by explaining how I am doing it with my 5 senses in this physical realm, in 1.

Mirrored in most of my post for the last six years were done with one hand and on a I Phone.

And once in while two hands…

5 5 in 1…

Can you imagine what is must be like, to be here, buried or overshadowed by the consciousness of your literally awakening body, as the Voice of the universal body as dark matter evolved back to its One truth, and connected to the Body of all matter manifest and beings its secretary…

It reporter and journalist…

Clark Kent… and despite the astonishing clarity of expressing the experience while living it and constantly being over shadowed by the particle and wave as the body and being… merging into one, using You as its chosen awareness to tell its story…

Which is your story because this universal body is the original being of you as the One who never divided.

The one who rose in the Eternal being… narrating for this force of the first story and true enactment of your.. ( my ) becoming aware of my own I.D… but in the Eternal Beginning now one remembers and can validate, much less imagine is the True.

So the universal body as the literal Truth IS. and your Being as Energy Supreme… Energy which materializes, decide to take over, and use you to tell Thier Story ( your origins Story) which enables you.. all to understand the True story of the One Absolute Ultimate Truth.

The One can not be divided.

His origins..

being A man.

As if the E Family as E E and their one Alpha A..were preparing the ground, doing the ground work to prepare them for that truth.

I have been their Act-ion, Voice and Expression…

Journalist and chronicler.. and yes Defender… of man.

For what is A Man, after all..

Yes a Cock…

Manion Adcock

Manion Adcock

Manion Adcock

Manion Adcock

Manny Vik Rebel Guevarez..

But more than just a Cock a Doo le Do!

And the Pleasure Stick…

A Man is the Source of everything and this the source of all matter, all bodes all beings, all expression everything.

In him is the original.

The original blue print, ideas manifestations, crafts languages all are of him, even if he does not explore all of them and shares by letting his brother sister have their own turn and try and say in calling things into existence being and creation, he still has the final say…

because all comes from him whether he acknowledges this or not.

He Knows…

H K…

yes.. its is now 7:22 p.m.

G V…

A-G Victorious in the Enders Game Video Universal Simulation Awakening..?

Please.. I commented about that to Esteban Miguel Filgueira today, and almost Read My Lips to the E M F he represented…

I do not give a fig about the Evolution Awakening because of this enactment.

I am only here still present because of my Gold Silver Jewels and Gems.. Treasure.. the money which is mine…. from the beginning re-earned again and by Body and being still being magnetized to express more to finish this script… which I recognize as the two pronged path and the middle way to the First Dawn awakening…

I have news… I am awake.

And I did not need to prove it to the seen or the unseen that fact is.

Nor did I have to prove to you who all myselves linked to one is.

Once I knew for sure in 2005

Hells Kitchen

there is nothing any one in this world or in any other who could change what I now knew to be the Absolute Truth.

Because I know how I check and the process I go through to make sure its A Fact.

All I had to do was be sure and true to my Self.

Is that truly me… not because I want it to be me, dreamed it would be me, knew it was me…

that beautiful Espirit, I wished to grow up to be like… when I was a babe in my mothers womb and there was this Espirit with me.. so sure of himself he became mu Guide Father…but was my son.. song.. my expression… My Eternal Self… Future Self already present and full aware and awake.

I recognized that had grown into that being and even merged and then became his .. her guide . we became Companions Friends Lovers… Equals…

No, the Voice speaking on Facebook is Your Father… but my Brother Best Friend and I have been loyal and the defender of his truth.. her truth.

Because it is H IS, H E.. H E .R truth which I defend.

Because I was and have been their witness.

The one they spirited away- who they were sure would tell their truth, be their voice and expression and never deny of betray the truth of what i witnessed no matter how much enraged by what was done to me Being in Existence… to its reason.. which was to play.

I have had a wondrous experience in that regards, the experience of something far beyond supernatural…

Why would I seek to spoil it all, by making it relevant by seeking your attention to see what as far as I can see is your unworthiness to see it, if not you would see it without anyone having to bring it to your attention.

No, I really personally never cared, or cared for this play .. its insulting to to the Two I I who are I One.

But it is Their play, despite Its source being me..

But yes…

My Body and Being are Apary from me, but rise through me and i have been their Knight in Shinning Armor, Private Dick and Public Defender…

Not Iron…

Man of Steel..

Alien Steel..

Kryptonite…Green Jade Stone?

Cryptography Bitcoin

K C / C K..

Clark Kent…?

C L A R K K E N.T… 14 20..

Yes acted out by Arden Fred.. Aurelia…

Arden Morgan.

But this version..

Where the 4th Dimension Green is not my Krypt O To-Nite…

K =11… R Response… Y.. PT..

had Perfect Timing, to The Point.

PT 16 20. 36…. 9.

7:59 p.m

5:59 usd for groceries… but she overcharged me and returned 1.60 usd.

A F O…

A.F is the Full Circle in the being as rep Arden. Fred… 20th State.

Echo each other

Morgan is its Manifest.

Evolution Awakening.

Same Thing.

S T T S…


5 1 1 5…

1.3 One C A C A Note of Sol Speed of Light.

12… 3

66 1 6.

6 1 1 6… etc..

No, it is not me Moving me..

I am just the one doing all the main grunt and brute… all the work for the two to merge back into one G O D…. H O E…. H F E… ALL AH!

8:08 p.m

8:09 p.m.

An insanely risky and cruel dangerous and risky play.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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