
From Angel H. Downs…

From Angel H. Downs…

5:55 p.m.

Anyone reading my page,

will understand how literally true these words are…

Angela Dawn wrote a code to me on comments about the poet Johnny Donne… Donne means Give….

Johnny Deep through Angel H Downs ..( A.H! D…) completes what that Message of Light Which is the meaning of the name Angel… Dawn means Time to wake up…sent this morning…

Don’t Give… Donne a Shit what anybody says, just Do..

Why? because Donne means Gave in French…past tense also…

Irma..already Gave a Shit and serves no purpose to those already Dead….

Johnny Depp.. Pirates of the Caribbeans…

Three -4 Hurricanes…. Harvey Irma Maria ..Jose…

H.I.M… J… Jose was a Storm.

Hurricane Hurry Cane It hit these states in The Usa….

Harvey. H. ( Caned Harvey Weinstein archetype of Men )

Texas Louisiana… T.L… T=20, L=12… T.L.. 20 12… 32.. 5

Irma.. means ( Universal… and Goddess)


Maria… means Beloved same meaning as David.. D..

Puerto Rico… P.R..

Two Three States in the Mainland USA where hit hard by the two Hurricanes, forming the code… H..and I…

H is the 8th letter…

I is the 9th… 89…

Taylor Swift album 1989..?

Or Emeka Swift Taylor ..S.T.. ONE… 1989… Talking To The Silence…

A young man called Trimaine Sylvester just introduced himself to myself and Lisa Natalie Johnson- I will speak about that in a moment- he heard me speaking about the codes of numbers which he recognized…

T.S.. Taylor Swift…

Pirate of the Caribbean … The Black Pearl…

Johnny Depth…


Poet John Donne…

10 4… See Sacred Portal 104…

14…Letter N.. Nature or Naturalness which is O…


Yes Johnny Depp is a Reflection of the line of the Original Father…

( Moi)….

See the three Hurricanes which Hit the Caribbeans…

H.I.M….J… Jose… Joseph Jose means Add…Increase… A.I..

( Ascend Descent Divine….Awareness… AD D…/ D D A…D Means Father… D is Delta… D.A….Father…

@ Delta is Father… D D… 44… A=1…

@ Delta is DA.. The I one Father from 4+1= 5.. the Eternal Realm..

I am somehow living in a place called Delta manor, I am in bed 4-004.. 44.. Room 4 A..

While simultaneously in the 4th Dimension play,

Square… ( Washington Square Park.. W … S.P.. Double V Sacred Portal

4th Color… Green- Blue..depending from which side you look…

4th note of Sound Solfeggio… Fa!… Fractaling As Emeka Eze. FA..EE.

4 4 4…

4th Energy point in the body… Heart Chakra.. (Missouri.. St Louis.. Kansas City… Wizard of Oz)

4th Letter…D…Down… Descend…

AD.. Ascend Descend Descend Ascend… AD.D A… Full Circle…

Who wants to be a Millionaire Billionaire… M.B…?

Trillionaire… ? M.B.T…

Carlton and the 15 year old contestant… Carlton won, the Kid lost at the 7,000 usd question…

H.I.M… J…

H.I…M.J… M=13…J=10… 23… W…5.. E.. W.E…J 1O..A O…

13 M…A. O/ O… A.M….Full Circle A.M- Dawn…Wake Up.. W.U..


H…I.M….J.B…. Harmony.. Infinity… I.;M…Justice Balanced…

Justice League… J.L… 10 12… 22…. 1O..12… 13…M…O.E..

Newspaper Yesterday…

U.SA Today

Justice League is just about Right…

By Brian Truitt… B.T… B=2, T=20… 2 20…

Its about All… Full Circle…

2012 was the End… And 5 yearsof Grace was given to understand the E consciousness…

Eternity Explained by E….

B-Rain.. True-ITT….

The Rock Walks- and runs with animals in Rampage…

Fiction Fact … Aligns…

3 States… T.L…F…..28th State… 24th state…27th State… A B…C..

Puerto Rico…?

Port of Erico… Landing Port of the Eternal Ruler…?

ha! I don;t think so…

Edward Eceinco.. now you see why I could not accept your invitation..

T.L…F….Texas Florida… T.F… 20 6… 26 Where devastated by the Hurricanes…

* Carlton is bed 2-006….

But Puerto Rico…P.R… PR of who of what public relations?

The Truth.. Santeria and Catholicism and cruelty…hypocrisy…

bed 4-007… Dominic Edwin…?

No… Puerto Rico…was the lie… it has no power… Electricity… off the Grid the Power Grid keeps going out… Which state is P.R…?

USA..no, it left them…

A Puerto Rican playing Hamilton… the First U.S.A Treasurer..

Alexander Hamilton.. A.H… C’est Moi…

Not from the Caribbeans…

…See the destruction of H.I.M…J…B…Oft the Caribbeans…

from the real Johnny Depth.. Death…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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