
From Rocha Jay

From Rocha Jay

Love this….

The Question is what do they do Better…

Rape Pillage Burn Jump move write…

And who are White People… I have never met a white person..

Pale complexioned people sure.. Tan Black…

Unless you mean as the ancients called them Spirit People

Mmuo… From the Spirit world…

And then I would be inclined to agree because Energy must pass through the realm of Motion E Motion Expression- Doing before it can manifest in the Physical Material Plane…

And so those living in that realm,

will be seeing the full picture before those in the Physical Material Realm..

And the Spirit realm is where Sex really is expressed…

Movement.. In and Out..

Rhythm Nation…

I R N…

N R I.. O S. E

O I N R I O S..E…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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