
I saw a Face on Eric N page…

I saw a Face on Eric N page…

and I could not help but move to explore this persons page…

A sort of recognition without trying to hard to recall from which this E.T play is about….

Thomas Thurnherr….T T….

It is the Eyes.. Father… like Eric N… I recognize the Spirit Energy…

but I always require more evidence…

( Do you blame me, considering the hell I have been put through proving the Evolution of Human Consciousness and Body through Exemplified Being… in this current world Mentality of which Filth and Rooted Rotted Ego as Evil… literal made Real as and through Irresponsibility…?)

Was I not speaking about the ALP…


P L A N E T….E..

E…T.E.N…A L P… T

Eric N…

Thomas T…

Nikola Tesla…

Nicholas Petcher

Nikolay Krusser…

N.K…Nnamdi Kolo…

T N… True Nature..

Yes, it is a Game…Hideous Human Invention in with the Extra Terrestrial C speed of Light ( E.T.C…) Of Infinity…

Evolved Truth of Hue Mannityy of the Future which I represent and which existed as a seed planted in all but harvested now in only the Clean the Natural… the ones who have Grace… Graceful Expression..

Praise – Appreciate… Gratitude… Expressed Exquisitely

which I have witnessed so far only in one…

Lord Ye… People Republic of China- Taiwan… has shown has shown and expressed constantly since 2013..

N.T… E O… E N O T

E T ON… Yes ..Second baby born in Lincoln Hospital Bronx…

See second Baby born 2018… Bronx…

Excuse me, Mr Thomas Thurnherr.. I can not explain all this to you and why I am posting on your post…

on my page is 5.9 Years of Explanation and Empirical Evidence and response from an outside source moving through all the species, who are being used as tools at which My Family of already Evolved Hue Mann Beings are responding as we complete the play of First Contact begun at the inception of the Human Story…

If you would care to investigate, you will see that I have been following a hideous Script which interfaces with the sum total of Human Expression.. Not a pretty sight of play…

It also requires Imagination and a suspension of Disbelief in order to absorb the information which has been revealing itself…

I find that most human in this reality use denial to cope with what they have been observing me demonstrate on my page…

And others who have called me names of names of Gods of their Human story…

But it is my Family speaking through This Worlds Humans Matrix stories to explain and express and make me dismantle our original programming which we implanted originally…

Please free, to investigate for yourself, my page is in public access…

6:52 p.m.

But yes, I recognize you and the line you and Eric Represent linked by Nicholas Petcher

Dawn Piercy be witness…

E.T… Eric TO-DD… 3-21-2001…

Found… in Space….

Eric Thomas…

Meaning of Names…

Eternal Ruler- Energy Harmony…Twin…

E.N.. T T…

E R..


6:55 p.m.

No.. this is not a Human Play…



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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