
This is her, S.HE who emerges from the Cracked Cosmic Egg.

This is her, S.HE who emerges from the Cracked Cosmic Egg.

Yes, Nut Cracker…. in Kamora’s home- did something set her up, to make it appear as if she were the Nut Cracker, after all I know she is innocent because it was established that she was in Harmony with the Lie- and she revealed her truth transparently on my page, so no, I know it was not she who made the claim to cracking the code of Whats on a Woman Mind.

Which was how do I know I Know and yet Know Nothing at all.

the answer of course is that to Know Nothingness one finds within it Sumethingness…

Naturalness is Expression- and it does not come from or through Thought Mind.


The Drum aligned to Kim.

Nor did Kim make the assertion that he had cracked the code of the Queen and Quantum.

So why was the Nut Cracker code in her home which Henrietta and Serenity aligned to Kamora because Serenity is the one who instigated the visit to Kamora’s home.

And from what I understood from Kim, that the interaction was clean.

And Isaiah enacted out a play to kim which Serenity had just recently done to him.

And Kim found a Compass like Needle which I recognized as did my body which once Kim showed it to me I held it and suddenly my body was holding it aloft and turning round and round, I knew it was as a Compass but also that which is used to create, delineate and cut a Full Circle Circumference.

It appeared to me that because she or her line had used His Dark tools of Magic that she had been set up because Kamora had come clean publicly and I personally will always honor that very few people have been able to do that publicly on my page.

And still, stay the course.

She did not lie about that truth she instead she chose to come clean.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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