
Now pls read the numeric code on the back,

Now pls read the numeric code on the back,

and yes this aligns to Sacred Portal 79.

And pls may i remind you our telephone number while we lived in Canada.

* Hampshire Bay. H B.

and 105 Wilt-Shire Bay.

J E W B W S B yes William Brad Pitt.

219 South Whitney W Double Victor S P 86 86 to Kim and Emeka.

Emeka Kim,

Emeka Kolo.

Our number was 247 25 39.

2 47 25 39.

I wrote the story of age 7-8 while living at 105 Wiltshire Bay and I went there again in 1999 on a Vist to my brother Obumneme. Both streets. and Indian family who turned out to be my brothers school mates in University.

And the other a French Family who remebered my Bio Father and his terrible rage.

He had sold the house to them.

12:48 am

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