
Finally after fighting for this portal to open for 7 – almost 8 years..

Finally after fighting for this portal to open for 7 – almost 8 years..

posting it over and over again..

Perhaps it has finally been achieved.

I know it has but I say perhaps because it has not manifested – exploded into Human Awareness yet.

That a play of the Entire 1-4 Dimension to evolve to the 5th was played out in a Micro Cosmic Scale in a place..

– A Mental Health Shelter in the Bronx in New York.

To bring Humanity out of their heads where they have barricaded themselves in impregnable fortresses ..

Which have been breached my me as V.L.A.D…

Victorious Life And Death… Vlad the Impaler -Penetration Pierces…

Love Links Joy US Existence Divine…

Love Links is a Dream Made Real

Well Done…


Yes this is the E line rep of Lady She…

8:02 p.m.


1982… 82/28…

So you know who She is as He…

Nnamdi evolved to Erike Ebright E E..

To E..


Barbara James..

B J..

I met her in high school my first girlfriend in Nigeria…

8:04 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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