


12 18= 30….

Jay Woods.

Place of Transformation,

12= 3 see sacred portal 3

and see 63 = 9.

3 9.

C.I…E K.

C I .. A -K.

C I A-A K.

C I B A C K E/ E K C A B C E 17 29 = 46 WW. S P 46 Eri Cloud C.

P.C/ C P 3 16 Coffee Cap from Kamora 316… 19.


6-4-75 Angelina Jolie.. A J 1 10 Aurelia Jaden Jay-Den.

Arden Jay Brown D EN


A J 1 10.

S AT YA E Beautiful Truth see meaning of the word Satya.

Sat-urn 6th.

Jupiter Saturn 5th 6th,

3O C O C K 3 11 Ben jamin C.K.

36. C F I.

63.36… 9 9 18.



12 years apart.

6 4 64th move 32+ 32 64.

6 4 4 4.. 6 12… A G… E

3:06 Am

6 3(4)

6 4 (3)

Same Person

William B.P. Will.iam-ek. Desire

Angelina Jolie.

W A P J.


masculine feminine.

father mother.

man wuman.

3:10 a.m.

West End.

Western World

controlled by a non existent idea

White Woman.

3:11 am


C, A-A.

Kali Aurelia. remember remember the 5th of november…. V for vendetta… the day aurelia was born. 11 5 2005

kim 11 4 1987.

Lorazo Lazaro Lazarus… Dorado.

Delois Larkin.

D L = 16.

Life Death… both worlds an illusion and lie

add And./ D N A

L A D= 17. Sp 147… yes 147.5

father of infinity.

/ D D L 20= T.

bridge link connects A nd

Lad.age code 17.

3:18 am.

C R…

the real world is the space in bewtween A ND… E.

1 14 4= 19 S. add E.. 5…

24 D N A-E.

24.. 1 48.

see post ended 1:48 a,m.

5 8.

49… 58 is what is real 49 is going back to 2015… the past. where we are but also 58 13… +x= 53.. 8 Infinity.

3:22 am,

3:23 am.

C V.

C W.

C V V. C Double Vie.. sigh

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