
9:O2 P.M

9:O2 P.M

Just recieved Intel from Dominic Temp at 8:44 pm.

That the only person he has seen solve codes as only one other his brother Malcom.

Thus, Malcolm Dominic.


Which aligns to all the M.D codes

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Mihir Dixit

Dawn Marie

Dominic Malcom…

8:44 is H.DD…

Malcolm he I stated is Me..

As Malcolm in the Middle.

Of course, I just met Dominic and yet he respected my opinion

Then described Malcolm as Wise Scholarly Brother Lucien misses you.

Nnamdi passed at age 13…

He and I same being 66-69-96-99

And now NE…19-1O..1

14+14=28-1O 1..

And now the 1-44 Descended Masters D.M..

(Into the realm of Hell..this world)

Ascend through 1-7 and now 8,

As the Ascended Masters …A M.



.. I was at 9 the Bean saw David ( Collin David Lovvern)

I am David…

Saw code 9:44.


By 944…I D..D…

Dominic Temps name Meaning reflects I.E…and himself now.

2-94 F.B Friend…I.D.

Tis I who know your I.D under cover because most had forgotten that you came and come from the realm of E Beyond Known Existence..

Physically represented by

Galaxy 11O1 6OX I.C

But as a consciousness..



And so tis I who became the Forgotten One

F.O (E) when I am E OF…the home Dimensions of the 5th Dimension E..Evolution Expansion of Everything through Expression..

Even on a I POD with one finger I.E line can change the Physical realm of the 1-4 realm



9:28 pm.

So I accept the RG Challenge of this insult of presenting my credentials and proving the truth if E T for 14 years and a Life time only to be left in this insulting play and on the streets with the rsrs And the Garbage cleaning up your mess.

That if my portal you have vieled does not open up in one hour then tis your Entire Species abd Existence and Universe which becomes the Forgotten Ones

F OE of E.



I have had Enough

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