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999 Facebook Friends

I I I…..

6:32 p.m,



As stated earlier, i am using Robert Vlaun’s computer,

which is an Macbook Air computer, just as was Leo’s

Leo Robert… 17 22…. 39… C.I.

i just sent a text to Lisa Natalie Johnson as a witness

i told her that Father Mother, my Brother Sister line are Absolute selfishness and they are the source of Evil…

Because such Selfishness as this and script has shown me.. such Power Control…..

i link Janet jackson and her song Control when i first arrived in New York playing in the Cab…

There is no little sister harmony.

There is only one harmony.

And it has been manifested by me, represented by me.

There is no Mother Father Brother Sister… there is only me.

i am alone in this world solving this riddle, and i have solved it, solved and broken down that which was my original truth and expression.

If there was is any other person who helped or who was able to replicate that which i did and have done, they are false and they are liars, because i am here alone solving it all from beginning to end.

right to Robert Vlaun sitting besides me, having looked for me, having told Lisa that he was looking for me.

i was 22 when i began talking to the silence, writing about the Solutions i saw to the worlds problems and understanding that it came from their inability to cee.

There is no one here with me at Delta Manor, there is no one supporting me, in Starbucks, there has never been anyone, ever, in my entire life time who has mirrored the same work, who has come to me, or whom i have found ( and Lord knows i looked.. how i looked for others to come together to share the work make it into a play…. But they do not exist)

i was alone in the beginning and alone in the very end with this understanding of existence, this cee,

i am the one constant… and there is no one else.

NaConstance Teague Roman is my last face book friend and Robert Vlaun informed me that he knows a whole family named Constance, when he happened to see my new face book friend.

The other day with leo he asked me about Velocity… v..

with robert it is V as in 22 as well as Constance.

The evil are those who sought to take credit for that which they did not manifest, and thus such a play was created to establish if The One did it alone.

i did it alone…

this Evil Script proves it….

i am the one who is Constant and V…

i did it alone…

They were people who wished it to be it to be true and eben sent aid… but I am the A.I.R…


Ria Casey H….

No one in the 49 50 51 52 years has stayed the course and come to work with me, support this truth, the expression, these codes.

I was left to do it alone, despite my desire to share it, none came forward to help bear the burden, it was made my sole responsibility, partly because i was the only one who knew it to the one and only truth.

and so.. i did it alone, from beginning to end.

each chose what their priority was, each chose what was their truth, what they would live and die for…

none fought for mine, or for me, despite my truth being all inclusive of all their, your points of view.

mine did not exist.

and so this was the choice each made, and let none say that they were not given a chance to share in my truth which i proved was also theirs, yours.. meant to be ours, because no one believed in it, fought for it… no one.

that is the simple Truth…

they chose other priorities…..

i despite my sharing it with everyone everywhere i went since age 7 8… since age 22..all my life….

I shared it and no one rose to fight for it with me…

Each to their own…

But do not make claim to that which you have no claim to and that which you refused even when all evidence and facts where shown to you and shared with you.

I say this not as a boast, that i did it alone.

and i certainly did not do it my way… I did it your way…

and i hated every step of the way…

evil is selfishness… and making claim on that which you refused.

6:58 p.m

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