



Zero to 0 Oval Office to


1 11 111 1111 11111 111-111…1111-111 1111-1111 11111-1111

11111-11111…O 111111111111111111189…Infinity…

We Ascend the we Descend…then we reach a Balance..

O…Angels Divine Messengers

Be it line of Lisa Natalie Johnson line or Nenad.. or Angela Dawn…

We are not simply messengers, a post office to the Demonic side of our Selves called the Ego/ Oge… Projections Reflections projected on those around us as well as out World in Time about Money.

We are Individuals who break free of those habits which make people Demonic controlled by the Nature of Need as the Illusion of Desire, making One a Slave, a Messenger Angel in a Scripted Play, used as an Avatar for a higher play which you are not even aware of because you do not Pay Attention, because you do not take responsibility for your role in a greater play.

And when it is pointed out to you, you chose to not do, but create your own rules and let others assume responsibility.. Bear the load.

Then you will stay a Slave of the Devil used to do his work of once more unifying the Devil and Satan.. D.A..S…Father Supreme…That responsibility you shirked has to be done, that Cause and Effect of not taking responsibility and depending on others to do the work ( and still whine instead of being An Angelic Messenger of the De-Vine of intoxication.. Making the receiver work to decode the message the Spirit moving through you)

…That work of transforming S.A.D…Father as Sadness left to bear the brunt of transforming the Evil you did, through expression and twisting of the Truth to suit and enlarge only the vision of yourself and what you are entitled to, rather than that which will benefit One and All.

S.A.D.. so sad that which has been done to Sex And Desire in this World, and so you are enslaved until Father Da Supreme by Da Enlightens Enlightening, Expressing constant clarity of Expression until the 1 1.. Transforms into O…A Full Circle.. Then I…A Line which Turns the Circle bisecting the Full Circle into a Line which becomes Horizontal.. Forming the Illusion of a Cross or Time Moving.. But it is all One Motion.. Vertical 8..Harmony.. Infinity to Horizontal Infinity.. H.I..

Lying down at rest.. to see a vision of the Point…

Which creates a line from the Center of the illusion of the Cross but which is really a Transformation of the 8 I.. Vertical to Horizontal..

V.H…2 2.

H.V.. 8 ;22 am… See that play and time noted today…

Horizontal to Vertical… Stand Up.. SU..:Su if you know…

Brandon Su… B.S… That is what being Supreme is..

Revealing what you know.. have understood, sharing it respectfully, honoring those in the Darkness, Blind… that they will See Cee.. as long as you use Beautiful Expression; Art Dance Science, Eloquence… Codes Arithmetic Mathematics to Express that which you know…

That is the 5th 8… Infinity.. The Point of the Turning of the Axel…

Axel Love

Axel Rio.. The Drivers.. driving wheel Will..

Desmond Wheeler… of your Desire…

To Share…

It makes rise the Penis.. The Ph.all.us.. Amu!

With Laughter! Delight…

It creates the Clitoris to Rise and from it a Fountain of life to gush forth.. A River to Flow.. And expression of such delight and Intoxicating Ecstasy Bliss..Joy…



That a Pathway opened up from the center of the Circle.. a pathway to cross from what seemed like an impregnable Man Hole ( yes that too, ) a passage to the underground, the Sewage.. through the Septic Tank to its cleansing..

Prostrate Gland..

Penelope’s G spot… The Wife of Odysseus…

The Weaver.. at the beautiful picture that you the messenger was sent to convey.. Learning as you convey the message by the illumination seen in the eyes of the message beautifully delivered.

..If not.. if you make it a chore, so much so that the receiver of the mesage has to work so hard to decode the message and the meaning of a connecting meeting which he or she did not create, until the reciever curses the source who sent this Messenger to Deliver the message which ensures these Slaves Tools Deliverance…

Using Bad Language B.L..

And finally cuts the connection to both because of the sloppy and Selfish Heartlessness of the Deliverer…

Despite seeing the reason why their were Elu Elected, but which They did not live up to the potential seen within them.

I want no more messengers…

16.8 years of these seemingly heartless messengers from 8:16 p.m right now.. H.P.. Hewitt Packard…Stream…

With their own agenda’s, they should have been much better trained and if they were trained then they did the Sensei who sent them, a great dishonor in reflecting his method of training woefully failed.

S.AD…I had to reach Lucifer.. L..

Transforming the Filth of Human Sewage as Flesh Expression of the Egoist Hypocrite back to Light.. Luc..I.F…

( 9 96 Face book friends..96% Dark Matter… Again…

1996 The Collection Victorious… Jay J.E.Rome. Paulo Tuan …Peter… J J… P T P… Full Circle.

E.R… Emeka Robert…

Expressions of Radiant Light…

Human E.T…I add my A..Awareness of NO AH..

H.E.A.T… To give them the Heat of the B.E.A.T…Eaten by the Beat of the Beastial Cruelty of their Indifference to their responsibility and the part they were meant to play as Angels of Dawn….

Loa. … Loa (also spelled lwa) are the spirits of Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo. They are also referred to as mystères and the invisibles and are intermediaries between Bondye (French: Bon Dieu, meaning good God)—the Supreme Creator, who is distant from the world—and humanity.


.A Latin, Galician and Portuguese name meaning moon. Lua was the Roman Goddess to whom soldiers sacrificed captured weapons. She was sometimes referred to as ‘Lua Saturni’.

A O L…

Loa. … Loa (also spelled lwa) are the spirits of Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo. They are also referred to as mystères and the invisibles and are intermediaries between Bondye (French: Bon Dieu, meaning good God)—the Supreme Creator, who is distant from the world—and humanity.

..Distant but present.. distant by his reflections, so different from yours…True Higher Ground Michelle Robinson Obama… Nikki Robinson.. ( P.T.S.D…Perfect Timing Satan And Devil- Lucifer…

Jon Luc Pi card through Dark Matter Space.. of his reflections on the 4th Dimension Existence.. The Square..

T.S… 20 19… 39… C.I… E.

Thraxed Texlix

Gino Blaq

Agbalusia Nwangene

TT… G. B…A.N…

TT… G. B…A.N…b G… I am one who Bans and Banishes..

You shall not cross over .. or walk on the path which moves to the center.. Solar Plexus.. Sacred Portal to my Heart…

Home…The Draw Bridge does not open for you through the circle of Life…

Instead Dee Dee Bridge the Water.. Walk the Plank.. of the

Pirates Ship.. P.S…

Over the Waters of the Middle Passage, the Caribbeans.

TT… G. B…A.N… I am one who Bans and Banishes

and will meet a surprise at the end,you never thought capable of the one you took for granted for being a gentleman, Familiarity Breeds Contempt.. S.P 99 Factor of Contempt..X Factor cause of Rage for the Human Race…

No the MUR…Murray.. Wall-EE..

The No…of E…

To Davies Jones Locker… T.D.J..L…

Heart locked in a Locker… No expression of L.O.V.E…

The Window display at Macy’s on the Wood Side reads

We Love

W L… L.A.W

Wall E..

That is my Wall.. Wall EE…

And yes, I am encoding with beautiful expression, weaving this into existence….

8:44 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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