
9:55 a.m.

9:55 a.m.

3-4-20 18.

Universal Simulation Awareness.

I had been stating publicly while navigating through it, that this reality is not real.

That it is a Universal Simulation… a Test of Humanities right to Evolve by Meriting it and Earning it Themselves through a testing…

Of Awareness.

A non stop test of Awareness-running through a guantlet of Ilusions, projections, fractuals and moving through the correct portals while gathering the fractals and pieces, then weaving and linking them together to form a weave, then a tapestry, a film… which forms a picture.

Which sound- music, motion, color.. drama.. is added.

Facts, truth, actuality, immediate, intel, information, history- the sum total of Human Expression and Knowledge manifest into an Art and Science which becomes a Universal moving picture, which surrounds everything, intertwines, links and moves through Every-Thing, Every-Where, Every One.. E E E .. TWO.

E E E.. T Double V V O…

Where the Two become One.. this three in one.

Which forms the symbol of the letter Y.

This achieved, the Movie Film- then become a Fact, Truth Real…

and that which was a film becomes actuality…

A Waking Dream aligned with the two points of view to create the Third C…all in One.

And thus the Movie, the Film, transforms into Actuality, Reality the coming out of the Waking Dream ( transformed into the Walking Nightmare) and back into the Original Plan of universal Existence but now expanded from the One Creators Designers Expression to now include the harvested family of E, the One includes the View of the Many.

The Many he had already created for when he created alone anticipating all potential points of views already.

And now in actuality, these Two points of view His and Thiers aligning in perfect symmetry to manifest a literal transformation of the Web, the Film… and a shimmering…

it transforms into actuality…

Both the People evolved to a frequency of Eternity

and Nature and the Environment evolved to Eternity.

The Meeting of the weave of the EEE T W O…. Six Letters…

Equate 555.. 15… O.. 6.. F… FACT….

T.W.O… T.D.VV…. T D… 20 4.. 24… VV.. E E… 6 EE O..

6 5/5= 1 O. A O

6 E…

6 A O E…

Divergent, Insurgent


That was the movie Igbo Anthony put on as I completed yesterdays post.

After 17 years of finding myself summoned to New York to enter a sort of Labyrinith, Maze, Web.. A Matrix which one has to navigate through Human Portals. Proving that this reality, long suspected to be a not real by film makers, artists and creative minds-

I found myself in a literal Script in which that very expresssion is proven true.

By Facts, documenting each movement each person and human portal and providing the evidence that it is a literal numeric and alphabetic maze, in which every Human Portal is a reflection of Self.

And that One has to chose, discern which portals you have to go through in this pre set up Labyrinth.

Who designed it?

Who warped it and distorted it..?

I feel i have answered these questions enough.

The Goal and the point of the Script and the Maze?

To earn Humanities evolution.

There were many candidiates chosen.

From the time I was in the nursery with 4 other children, to my being forced into being summoned to New York, I was aware that there were other candidates.

I knew and recognized when Durek Verrett appeared in Istanbul with his messgae from the Shamnic world or the Astral plane that I had no choice but to come to New York.

I already had an idea for I had watched myself being trained for this role my entire life made poignant by the visIt and encounters by Masters who sought to train me.

I recall the convergence of coincidences in Istanbul, culminating in the appearance of the figure of my brother Nnamdi, which I was immediately sucspicious of because he appeared more like a projection, a recording of himself in the past as a 12-13 year old boy rather than as a live expression from the other side

Besides, Nnamdi is myself, he is me, he and I are literally the same person though I emerged first.. E.O.N…

Elon Musk?

No, E.O N.. E.L.. O N E…

So yes, I was always aware that this reality was a simulation.

I had documented my findings and had left this Weave in 1992 which made my findings conclusive.

I went to the portal of the literal manifest Eternal Realm existing within me, but which I had been challenged to prove exists outside of me.

A Daunting task considering that obstacles placed in front of me, top of the list,People, Humanities irresponsibility.. the Avatars whose portals I had to pass through and the intel placed within them, while giving them a choice, of presenting the evidence facts so that they could chose, read discern .. make the choice with all the information to decide what is true what is false, to return to thier True Nature or embrace that whichis their side which is False, Artificial…

Imposing such conditions, as conditions for my passing through each portal was way too much to ask and is something which I can never forgive.

Dealing with humans, giving them that illusion of power that I needed them, or that I had to intereact with them, get certain codes from momey to intel… that was just too much.

And it continued right up to Peter Nyarkô and Flip J Hendrixs.

I of course balked from these two plays of the two Awareness as People and Nature.. P.N.

Represented in 2012.. and 2014…. 32 5… 34 7…

5 7… Ethan George… rep by the sons of Flip and Nickel…

But there was another years which was figured in between the two… 2013… 33 6….

Which is the meeting of 57..= 12.. 6..


Six is Emeka…

Fact is E.

It is a Simulation, all reflections of me, ( Or it could have been anyone who stayed the course)

I passed through Expression 5, Sixth Sense 6, and 7 Vision of Harmony Infinity.. 8..9… which of course is the same thing.. 7 is 8, and 8 is 9..

and 9 is I.

Divergent… Insurgence.. D.I… 4 9…( 22 4.5)

Divergent is the debut novel of American novelist Veronica Roth, published by HarperCollins Children’s Books in 2011. The novel is the first of the Divergent trilogy, a series of young adult dystopian novels set in the Divergent Universe.[1] The novel Divergent features a post-apocalyptic version of Chicago and follows Beatrice Tris Prior as she explores her identity within a society that defines its citizens by their social and personality-related affiliation with five factions, which removes the threat of anyone exercising independent will and re-threatening the population’s safety. Underlying the action and dystopian focused main plot is a romantic subplot between Tris and one of her instructors in the Dauntless faction, nicknamed Four.

The factions are Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), and Candor (the honest). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-old young adults must select the faction to which they will devote for the rest of their lives after taking a placement test.

Dauntless Amity Erudite Abnegation Candor..


Da Enlightens Awareness Creation… Consciousness.

.Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley) lives in a futuristic world in which society is divided into five factions. As each person enters adulthood, he or she must choose a faction and commit to it for life. Tris chooses Dauntless — those who pursue bravery above all else. However, her initiation leads to the discovery that she is a Divergent and will never be able to fit into just one faction. Warned that she must conceal her status,

Development of Divergent began in March 2011 when Summit Entertainment picked up the film rights to the novel with Douglas Wick and Lucy Fisher’s production company Red Wagon Entertainment. Principal photography began April 16, 2013, and concluded on July 16, 2013, with reshoots taking place from January 24–26, 2014. Production mostly took place in Chicago.

Divergent was released on March 21, 2014, in the United States.

March 21, 2001 Is when I was unceremoniously, pushed into the play, one day after I arrived in New York.

11:15 a.m… K.O. A A A E

11:16 a,m… K.P… A A A F.

It is a Unversal Simulatin Awareness…

And the Olympic Video Game simulation was set in the U.S.A.. New York the 11th state.. to merge the 11 to 1.

I completed my part in 1992… 10 11….

and again in 2004… 24… 6…

and was sent down once more into the Simulatation despite my protest in 2005… 25.. 7-8-9…O.E

And yes, there is a much higher intelligence moving Humanity and everything else..

That is who I have been observing, interacting with…

Talking To The Silence…

11:21 p.m..

.. The One behind the veil.

11:22 am

11-22- 68…47… 11 22 – 112…. 33 112… 6 4… 10

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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