
9:53 PM

9:53 pm








Out of curiousity, I researched the meaning of the name Don Diego…DD…

Don in Celtic means Dark Stranger…D S.

And Diego means ‘Supplanted Usurper

Don Die Go!

9:58 pm….

I:E H….meaning I am the Exemplification of Harmony…

Which of course, is an affirmation from Perfect Timming PT.

Don Die Go represents The Dark Stranger who is the Usurper Supplanter..U.S..

Of the Unseen Seen- Seen Unseen..

The one who is the Supplanter of Beautiful Death as Transformation.

Death as the Ultimate Bully whose mouth expresses the Command as the Don the Dark Stranger…The True Alien who does not really Exist but who has been playing Death as the Die GO (7O) the Purple Grace…

By playing the Mouth of Gode

The Negation and that which takes away…

Rather than Adds..

Joseph means Add.

Joseph Coat of Many Colors..

Rainbow Spectrum Hues.

Death as the Denial of Evolution Transformation..

Death as the Lie of the Ultimate End.

I once told the story of a driver of my grandfathers house hold.

First there was Gabe

Then there was Eke…

And then in there was Don in the village.

Who invited me out to a party.

I was 15-16 and my brother Nnamdi had recently left this realm…

I went with him and entered into.a dark world..

A world which was not demonic but more as if hungry and desirous of Beauty.

He did not take me far..

He took me to my grandmother’s hotel…

So I felt safe.

But I knew that I was in a different dimension and consciousness

But I was aware of the intense stares of both men and women…

It was sexual..

As if they wish to rape me..

But not really for my body.

I recall being very uncomfortable but when he dropped me off, I felt he had taken a great risk to show me something…

When I arrived at my grandfather looming giant gates, I slipped in..

To see my sister being held in my younger aunts arms weeping.

The look on her face when she saw me.

I did not know that the family had thought that I had been kidnapped…

Or was dead or worse…

I got a scolding first from my grandmother then my grandfather…

Then an Explanation of how there were enemies out in the world who would harm him through his family.

Don was dismissed despite my protests.

He was not a Dark Stranger..he had been my grandmother’s driver, took a solitary 15 year old boy whose brother had just passed out for a good time.

And very.near..my grandmothers Hotel she ran…One of the landmarks of the town…

I knew he his Espirit had a deeper motive but it was not harm

He wished to show me something..

Hunger for Beauty..

Desire for Beauty.

And he was not Dark but fair skinned young, athletic and good looking…

Now perhaps I am before the gates of my home..

My Palace..My world after returning from a long long journey …

I met Death already as D S and A4…

Its is a Shadow…

Created by careless and brutal expression

Unfounded ungracious ungrateful mean and cruel…

To get what you want.

To feed a Self importance

To Dominate and Control

As the Mouth which cuts all Breath of Freedom of Expression..

It is the Shadow

The Dark Stranger Usurper Supplanter

Who saw the Truth and thought it had no power and allowed itself to go to far in pretending that life true life.. Existence is thier Slave.

Fear of Consequences of I.E

The Voice now quiet.


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