
9:52 pm. – I:B E. – Well, Its a

9:52 pm.

I:B E.

Well, Its a bit obvious by my last Facebook Friend Scullino Zakiya ( the slight but crucial hold still being exercised on my body and my awareness) that I am not off the hook.

Its obviously linking to Z.

W Brad Pitt ( Plan B) “World War Z”

Tomorrow is the 26th.

S Z.

C Z.

*”Lucy Douglas “C. Z.” Guest was an American stage actress, author, columnist, horsewoman, fashion designer, and socialite who achieved a degree of fame as a fashion icon. She was frequently seen wearing elegant designs by designers like Mainbocher. Wikipedia
Born: February 19, 1920, Boston, MA
Died: November 8, 2003, Brookville, NY
Spouse: Winston Frederick Churchill Guest (m. 1947″

Yes I am a Guest here.

I am listening to some music right now and the lyrics are contantly remining me “Don”t tell me its the End of The Story”…

“Oh, yes it is”

I am listening to ( Calling You Home X Yousseff Visto Mashup
Seven Lions X.. it is at 2.3 k likes and 47 thumbs down.

Thumbs down as you may recall is Sacred Portal 104 and was recently aligned to Being Terrible Death.

2 04.

It is 10:04 pm right now.
So that confirms it.

Z is 26 and that is tomorrow.

“Yesterday Today and now we have the Tomorrow.”
Y TT.”

I had a wonderful facebook friend years ago while at 268 4th Street, Generation X Gardens.

Her name was Ziena Hanna.
Please see the meaning and the code Z-H. 26 8.

She was so disgusted by this play and what was being to the so easily recognizable truth I had been coding- that she elegantly and publicly begged her to leave of this play-script.

As did Kemi Sara. KS but out of loyalty to the Yoruba World she was representing.. Ah, Oya.

And please recall Elizabeth Clarizo and Jean who went by two other names Fee as in Fairy who had waited for the Awakening and thought it would take place in 1979.

10:13 pm and despite all she had to endure, including her husband putting her in a mental hospital and still she stayed present right to my stay in Delta Manor sending me aid, despite her husband watching her every move. Until he finally found out and gradually all three names she used to hide from his presence vanished at the Fairy M.

No, I do not forget.
Just as I did forget Anmla Qayin.

So yes I am Aware.

My Mother’s line is C but if you recall the play of Persephone, she had a mother’s Ceres- Goddess of Agriculture. ( Which is the true meaning of Green God Osiris) and how she went to find her daughter in the Underworld.

Lucy is my grandmother’s name.
The film “Lucy” by Luc Breson.

Just as Liberty had to evolve transform at the moment of the Awakening from L to C.
So does the line of Lucy- Dark Matter Energy.

10:19 pm
J S.

L U. C Y.
L U/ U L.
Kim Arthur Hines date he was discharged from the Army.

Thus through her lines Script of the Ancient Goddess and Titans. G T
Gods Truth- Expressed through a story, that line had to be evolved.

The reminders… they should not have bothered, I was already aware.
I was contemplating that all day after attaining Liberty to C Consciousness C E E.
What of Creation? C C R E A?

My Grandmother… Lucy.

L U C Y C Y/ Y C.

U L is 3 3 The Body is it not and since we have the Sacred Feminine as B E I N G aligned to Eden what of the true Earth Matter after all both my Grandmother and my Mother were my little sister L S Harmony.

L S H.- E. B A Eba “Strength”
L S D -E. “Magic Mushrooms.

It was a poster on Arden’s bedroom wall.
It was the poster and sticker in Esteban’s Fridge and one which he gave me.

Magic Mushrooms M M= 1 A.- 26 Z.

L U C Y= A -C Y.
A.F C.Y.
G C Y.
H C Y.
I C Y.

My mother waited until her crossing for my Book I had promised to write about our family when I announced this age 19-20.

My Aunt Ieasha had taken the book I wrote at age 7-8.

My Grandmother of the Red Car- she gave me to drive without a thought when I gained admittance to the University of Awka, coming 3rd in the entrance exam in the whole country to study Brewing.

Its true that I am dizzy with exhaustion right now, and I almost collapsed on the street as I tried to walk.

But other than that I am finding- that my body may be giving up by my Eternal Being is still strong enough to post.
15 52 O E B.
A E-E B.

Yes, rising from the gap in the middle of the two E’s.
E E.
Sacred Portal 55… 5 O5 intel from both Tree – Kim and Liberty today He through the Spoken Word- Tell spoke of the code 5:0 5.
Liberty sent me two pieces of intel the first 5:05 pm, and the second at 6:09 pm.

5 O 5.
and then 6-69.
Did you see the reciept from Liberty? It had a long list of purchases as ending with 69.

Erik Ebright sent me that exact sum to come to him in Miami Florida. M F.

E M F.

And Esteban Miquel Filgueria came to my heart Mind today…

I underdstood.
Lucy is Dark Matter.

The image I have representing literally grandmother’s face as a youth has the code “6” on her forehead.

My Grandmother had survived her husband, my grandfather 9+9+1 years after he left,
Total 19 years. S.

She saw better than he did, recall her story, how she had told me that she had grown up in Eden Paradise and how she and my grandfather eloped because her father “Pan” a musician did not believe that he was worthy of marrying the daughter of the Sky Being represented by my legendary Grandmother which legend and stories even after our arrival persisted that she had appeared from the Sky along with her sisters. 3 – 3.. Seven sisters in the Lore.
Lorelei Rich.

I recounted the family Legend, her many times, especially while I lived in Pelham Bay Park alone in the Forest and testified to you all via Orient Laplante of her presence. She was the middle way. She had memory-proven of past lives and was able to identify the boundary between this world and the Spirit realm.
And the dance “Egu Torch”- which of course, aligns to the Statue of Liberty and the Torch- Beacon- Light House which she represents- guiding the poor the humble… really the Royals and Loyals to the shore of “Paradise”

What else would be the middle way except for the Backbone- the space between the two sides of the body- the 33 Vertebra.
33 Degree Mason.

She was filled with contempt and disdain when the family succumbed to what had become my grandfathers fabulous wealth and would constantly tell my mother off and remind her that money was not this.

She helped build his empire, her intelligence was beyond anything you could imagine and she had left the city when my grandfather broke his vow to my Great Grandfather to not become polygamous to hold fast to that promise and vow after my grandmother persisited in loving my grandfather and my great grandmother Mba-Afor Ocha chatized him.
Of course it was his testing the commitement to love.

My Grandfather married a 2nd wife, and though it hurt my grandmother she understood his reason it was not his will, but a necessity and it was her best friend – who had been sold by her father in a card game- she of noble birth.
My Grandfather elder brother was outraged at what her father had done and sought to protect in my grandfather who was working with John Holt in the northern part of Nigeria- Idah where all the older children were born. It was here sister self carbon copy as Unaku- or Mama Rose whom we all dearly loved but many were afraid of.
My Grandfather nicknamed my Grandmother because boy, could she talk when she had something to say, she would keep on you until she was sure you got the message. But Mama Rose- Unaku meaning “Barn” ( Remember Russel Barnes at 26 8 East 4th street?) or House of the seed – House of Wealth which is of course a Barn.

Her mouth could send grown men, even my grandfather, running with their “royal robes” flying as they ran between their legs.

Tongue Lashing…?
Cutting you down to size with the truth you thought no one could see.
“Oh Boy”

When my grandfather go really, really rich, he married a third wife, and that is when trouble truly entered what my mother had called her childhood paradise.
She was sent off to that Irish Convent in Onistha and in those days it took days to make the journey.
And that is how she met my father age 13-14 through her guardan who was a socialite and whose son I later met and who was th ebest friend of my uncle Lord Charles- Igwebuike.
He was called Obogwu which means “Duck” though his real name was Emeka.
Uncle Emeka- and yes I saw myself.
* I have come to understand that he was not really that Duck as Ugly ducking since he was a startlingly handsome man.
But Obiagwu.
which means “Obiagu is an Igbo name for babies meaning Lion heart.”

My Grandmother was Tiger- But he was really the line in the west of Richard Lion Heart. ( R L- H)

This is what Aurelia Line represents- The Tiger” Mr Parker- * Strange Fruit” sand in defiance by Billy Holiday in Augusta Georgia … I believe the year was 1937.

Story of Pi.

Lion Heart.

Enyi Agu…
The movie “The Lion King.”

T .. L K and yes rep Liberty and Kim.

T A L K./ K L A T.. E.

His mother had been my Bio father’s girlfriend and that is how he was introduced to my mother- who was already known and becoming a legendary beauty.

And that is how my mothers tragic story began.
By age 16 she was “whisked away” ( Spirited Away” the animation) from Nigeria and did not return or see her Father for the next 17 years.
( yes, 17 years).

She inherited my Grandmother tragic story- all by my Grandather breaking his vow, which he was only to honor, in 1987, by marrying her in church, but by then it was too late to right the wrongs he did from that Ego of making everything about him- not in a corrupted way as here, he was selflessly devoted to his community, to the country and did not use his wealth to show off as many of his rich compatriots did.
His weakness was women and being a playboy.

It was too late, what about his two other wives, what of his 16 children 8 8 from his two other wives?

I respected his intentions were pure, but I also knew that it would unleash the last of the fury and rage of the others children and especially th e3rd wife.

You see, my the time I lived and left Nigeria, a year after my sister who never saw or experienced that reconciliation and birh of what would become a terrible awful war of hate… which once of such great love.

11:22 pm.
She left 1988.

My grandfather had 24 children. * from my Grandmother his first wife and 8 from Unaku and Nwamma. 16 Girls, 8 boys.
8 8 8..88 8.
Already you can see the play of the originals the carbon copies and then the copy cats.

88 is Emeka Kolo.
Now align 88- 16- 8.
P H.
Poverty Hollow.

8-88 and the last 8 … well you understand.
Only 8 and 88 is real.

E M F= 24.
3 8 C H. H C.

But all are really C I.
Hence the license plate liberty photographed. 9 9.

So in the end, just as my Grandmother had stayed loyal to my Grandfather, after fighting my grandfather like a tigress to not allow my Mother to marry my father but also that she was way to young.
She retreated to the Village and lived there permanently, running her farm the household and the Hotel my Grandfather asked her to take charge of.
It is where I too began to take sanctuary from the growing drama in the family and city- I too had so loved that family and was saddened when, truly, when they began to bicker and war with each other.
It was at first exciting and fun, but it was soon no longer light, it became darker and darker until I realized that it had become serious and even deadly.
So much Gossip and then accusations of poisoning.

11:33 pm.

I used to come from my hotel in I stayed in, during the holdidays- I no longer wished to come back to Nsukka or even stay with my Uncle Peter and his lovely wife who was earning her doctorate in Mathematics and was also a Guidance Counsellor.

I just felt quiet and safe with her, and I would keep her company- while my grandfather who loved her deeply and resented her for reminding him of the mess he made was his fault, could not stay away, visiting her religiously every weekend and taking care of his traditional responsibilitie at the same time.

It was there, that I too was spirited away, by her driver called Don. Yes, Donald and this being in 1982 just after Nnamdi had left- there was panic when I did not return or tell anyone that I was going to stay overnight. I did not know either, Don took me to the family hotel and I felt peopels eyes on me, as if they wanted something desperately from me but I could not read that which was behind thier eyes ( yes Tree- But I am watching a different version of that story.
I am watching and have been watching Alias Grace… Oh yes A G.. Like American Gods.

Its 11:41 am.

I am very tired now, but this should be enough expression and weaving.

11:42 pm.

Right Arden?
To link the two realms.
Ma Rose chose to through her lot in with Nwamma the third wife.
I could see why she did it.
I understood it even as I watched them curse me as I went upstairs one day to my mothers room in my grandfathers house.

There was only one original line of the E family.
And even the True story of Africa – Uwa since sacred portal 40 as 4O- 46.
464 aligned to my Grandmother, but that was not even a story of this world. None of the 24 children qualified.

My Grandfather was of Eden- my Great Grandmother the Sky- mu mother the Sea- sent to the center of the Earth as a sacrifice? Not really creation myth of Yam and Coco Yam to feed in Ibo People in O I Nri Igbo Lore.
They were and are from the Future Present having waiting for 4.5 billion years for their original truth to be restored.

Kelechi Christian Anywa-wu has been linking my page of recent.
A C K.

Anya Wu.
Wu” means “Five: in Chinese- Mandarin- Man Drake- herb root.
“Go” means 5 in Japanese.

But it is not any of that really is it?
It’s is about what those codes, painting by numbers really mean.

“Anywa-Wu” means “Bright Eyes”

Noble Bright.

15 52 Facebook Friends.
/ 25 51. Y E A… H.

11:53 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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