
9:52 a.m.

9:52 a.m.



Q-E.I…. Example of Q



Time and Date Code….

Example of Being, Example of the Q, the Equation of I Infinity…

Whew, got a few hours sleep but truly,at 6’4,and stretching, Grey Hound is not the Way to travel, though I must admit, this is the best service I have experienced of it.

I see, I (we) are at 622 Face Book Friends…

Yesterday 623… F.W…( F VV…code F.E.E)

Today 622..F.V….64-65…V= 22 and 5… This aligns with the bus I am on. S,C…86583..Erik was born 83…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic pointed out the significance of Oduduwa

..and the Cock…

And I have just discovered that a sacred portal 38 is suddenly missing replaced by the sacred portal 83 as also 38…

I have the original, which shows the freedom of man from his animal Nature…

Again, I state that I am compelled to write these posts…

I should have been completed, in New York- but I am seemingly moving through the Youruba (Shango) Creation stories and linked to the Igbo, Nri stories as I make my way to the designated portal of the E line…

A seeming battle for control of these sacred portals…

There is now a Yoruba man sitting besides me, he took my seat…

oh, I do not believe it was intentional on his part, but this is the man who I had to ask to be quiet, as he was talking at the top of his lungs on his cellphone, disturbing everyone around him, and yet no one spoke up until I asked him to recall that there were other people on the bus sleeping or posting…

Now he is seated besides me…

You should have seen his face when he realized he had taken my seat…

(You should have seen mine, when I realized it was him…chuckle)

Yes, Gorillas in the Mist.. Igbo and Yoruba…

Not Nri… I am moving to that portal now…

Fritz represents Arawak… Erik Ebright represents the E…


6 5…F.V…

6 22… Face Book Friends

This is my Captains Log, in real time on Face Book and a the consciousness of Nature and Natural Truth has been contesting and challenging the Eternal Truth, just as Nature’s Law has been challenging Eternal Law- forcing me to Align and link the two as one..

Which really was not necessary…

Everything is Energy, and as far as I can see, the entire script which was re-programed on the Original Script served only one purpose, which was for me to step by step explain and demonstrate how the codes work publicly for the Future reference….

10:28 p.m.


622 F.V… Fritz Venneiq (F.V) sent me a message stating that he did try to send the money code, but had a problem with his I.D.

I could not access the 69;69 U.S.D Erik sent me either…because the only photo I.D, I have was deemed not Valid.

I was at 54 likes… I sent Donna O’Sullivan a private text…

The Ariane Oates appeared…loyal to the play…now the likes have moved to 55…E.E…

Then I got a text from Erik…to text and call him when I arrive…

I arrive at 5:15 p.m… E.O

Link Emeka Odiamma…

Praise Well Done Everything is Beautiful Good..

And the last person to press Like on my page…

and linked with Zeina Hanna and her confirmation comment…


Zhao…From Chinese ? (zhào) which refers to an ancient city-state in what is now Shanxi province. According to legend, King Mu rewarded his chariot driver Zaofu with the city, at which time Zaofu adopted this surname. The later historic state of Zhao, which existed from the 5th to 3rd centuries BC, was named after this city.

This was the surname of Chinese emperors of the Song dynasty.’

Zhao is the 1st surname in the famous Hundred Family Surnames – the traditional list of all Chinese surnames – because it was the emperor’s surname of the Song Dynasty (960–1279) when the list was compiled.

I know it is scary, to realize that you are being moved by either a Demonic consciousness created by Humanity through the ages till preset, or a History seeking to bring forth its truth, thus allowing the H.I-Story, I represent to come into being..

Yes, you are being moved by either the Evil Dead, or and, the Ancestors- through your D,NA.. One seeks your enslavement and the other, your Freedom.

Either way, both meddled with the play…

And the latter, I am more pissed off with because, they should have had more faith in the Existence Harmonious….

11;00 p.m..

11 Years… when I first met E.E..

There is no excuse by the Ancestors, both the African to American…From the Voodoo culture to the Rosicrucian societies…

Any ‘Magical Society’ -no matter the pure intention, to interfere with the Living, and accessing them through a vibration and spells…

They were meant to be Guardians, instead they abused the power and the Heritage of the Supernatural gifts- which was for Humanity…

I will not go too much into this, since I have spoken abut this on many occasions and have spoken to them directly…

The Great Evil came from the irresponsible use of power..

I am now at 56 likes, Benjamin G Owens liked two posts…

While at the station waiting to board I noted the time when I looked at the phone was 1;11..

now it is 11:11…

It is an indication of where I had to reach, which you only understand in hindsight after Being, which is to Do… B.D are the same thing..

2 4..6… Sixth Sense moved me to open my computer and post, instead of getting some sleep….

B.D.F..It leads to Fact…which then creates Harmony…. H..

B.D.F. then Z.H…1O..A.O…

2 4 6 81O 12…Complete…


Benjamin G Owen…

Moved the likes to 56.. then 57… 11 12..Complete…

That is one of the texts Erik sent me, on the 26th Day..


Zhao was a Horse Trainer and Chariot Driver, the only…

Hephaestus, in was a Horse Trainer and Charioteer for Alexander The Great… Hephaestus is the name of the God, and Husband of Aphrodite….

He is the Greek god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes.[1] Hephaestus’ Roman equivalent is Vulcan. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of the gods. In another version, he was Hera’s parthenogenous child, rejected by his mother because of his deformity and thrown out of heaven and down to earth.[2]

As a smithing god, Hephaestus made all the weapons of the gods in Olympus. He served as the blacksmith of the gods, and was worshipped in the manufacturing and industrial centers of Greece, particularly Athens. The cult of Hephaestus was based in Lemnos.[1] Hephaestus’ symbols are a smith’s hammer, anvil, and a pair of tongs.He gave to the blinded Orion his apprentice Cedalion as a guide. In some versions of the myth[citation needed], Prometheus stole the fire that he gave to man from Hephaestus’s forge. Hephaestus also created the gift that the gods gave to man, the woman Pandora and her pithos. Being a skilled blacksmith, Hephaestus created all the thrones in the Palace of Olympus.[13]

The Greek myths and the Homeric poems sanctified in stories that Hephaestus had a special power to produce motion.[15]


Hephaestus Daedalus…H.D.. Haun Delguidce…84.. 1984..

(Jonn Blackwell)

Hephaestus Pandora… H.P.. Stream Computer he bought for me 209;00 usd…29…

Pandora Harmony ..Played by Donna O’Sullivan….

Everything all my luggage and nearly all I am wearing was bought selected by Jonn Blackwell..

Phillip…Which linked to David Philip Gil and Philip Shlain…

Philip means Friend of Horses

Alexander the Greats Father was King Phillip of Macedonia..

H.P.A…The God of Craftsman Ship, the Friend of Horses and the defender of Man….

11:43 p.m..

Was not Lame, his father was Zeus and mother Hera..


Zeina Hanna…he was is The Beautiful One…

Z.H.A.O. Benjamin (Slang for 100 usd)..G.O.. Means 5 in Japanese…

B.G.O.. 2 7 0…9… I.E.

Anthony Spencer….


Of inestimable Value, Priceless…Cherished and Beloved Steward of the World…

There was nothing wrong with Achilles Heel…

11:50 p.m


11;51 P.M


Alexander Emeka Kolo…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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