
9:51 pm. – I: E.-A. – 9:53 pm. – I

9:51 pm. – I: E.-A. – 9:53 pm. – I

9:51 pm.

I: E.-A.

9:53 pm.

9:54 p.m.

Strange, Jae Sherman came at sat across from me, as she made coffee, I got up and left the table to complete this post in the living room, and the internet went off.

I asked her, and hers on her phone is still on, she had told me that Alaska her cat had messed up her computer, so I was not surprised by that intel, but the internet play caused me to pause, I had just completed the evidence in the play of Non-Existence and what is Truly Evil, Negation of Truth and Facts even after it has been made clear to you.

It lasted a moment, but forced interaction with the System of Negation of The truth of Existence, it came back on in a moment, but I had already gotten what I was being given to witness and acknowledge.

That this entire system was is based on Non-Existence as the Binary as Yes No. 10 /01.
What about 10 10 Yes, Yes?
1 O

*”Jan 8, 2019 — A zero generally means “no” or “off” or “false”. A one generally means “yes” or “on” or “true”, depending on the use. It’s Possible to represent other numbers …”

So T.T. would be the same as 1-1 Yes, Yes, On,On

No On and Off.So TEN 10 10 is 1-1 meaning Yes Yes, and 0 is Off, No.No.
With Two Yes, Yes, On-On, the Off-Off is countered because one something is On twice its is On, there is no voting here, Yes means Yes. Not On and Off.

Here, this should clarify the point I am making, ( Thanks wipipedia)

*”A binary code represents text, computer processor instructions, or any other data using a two-symbol system. The two-symbol system used is often “0” and “1” from the binary number system. The binary code assigns a pattern of binary digits, also known as bits, to each character, instruction, etc. For example, a binary string of eight bits can represent any of 256 possible values and can, therefore, represent a wide variety of different items.

In computing and telecommunications, binary codes are used for various methods of encoding data, such as character strings, into bit strings. Those methods may use fixed-width or variable-width strings. In a fixed-width binary code, each letter, digit, or other character is represented by a bit string of the same length; that bit string, interpreted as a binary number, is usually displayed in code tables in octal, decimal or hexadecimal notation. There are many character sets and many character encodings for them.

A bit string, interpreted as a binary number, can be translated into a decimal number. For example, the lower case a, if represented by the bit string 01100001 (as it is in the standard ASCII code), can also be represented as the decimal number “97”.

256. 25 Y. 6= F.
Being Eternal Family.
Being Expression Fact.
Sacred Portal Beings- 56.

Sacred Portal 97.
Brain Cranium A.H.

100 32 68 Facebook Friends now Twice or with 3267 Facebook Friends at 99. I and I.

String- “Filgueria” Eli-li.

On, On, Yes, Yes

1O 1 O.
There is no Zero has been proven, so this system can not be fighting me, because it has been proven that it very basis Zero “A Very Dangerous Idea, Bad Idea does not exist, so that means justt as predicted in the begining of the Millenium when all the systems in this reality was predicted to crash, but did not ) do you know why?
2000, means Two. And the system is based on One Zero. 1.0. and 1 1can not be two 2. It has to be based on 11111111, not 1- 2.
So how come since Dec 1999 when I came to the U.S.A with Jon Jason Lee,
E.K. J.L.L.
11 5 32. 3+2=
115 = 16. 1-5. 7. 5. 56. 11.

16 is P Perfection 111 Yes Yes Yes, On On On.x 3 is C.
P.E. Planet Earth.
Jae Sherman was born in 1975.
In 1975 I wrote a Story of the world being destroyed and reset at the Beautiful Truth.
That was 24 years in 1999, and 25 by the Millenium.
Evidence AY.
E.V.I.D. EN.C.E. J.A.Y. 1996.

Yes, Stephen Johnson 96.
= 15 O. E.A.
97 = 16, x=93. Sum 99. I and I.
18 Age code Arden right now aligned to 18 Alexander Grove. 9+9= 18. A.H. A.I. R.

10:27 pm.
Jay -A-A.
27 is I: I-I.
10 36 is 4 9’s.
A.F. D.I.

7 Colors, & Cee’s, & Continents
5 Seas, Ceas, Ocean.
Merge & in One.

For there to be color there has to be a prism which then refracts The One Radiant Light.

That was my problem with the Iris Warriors movie presentation,
The story that began with the world being covered in darkness as the great queen and firstborn who gave birth to primary colors.

Before there was that so-called Abyss and Void, there already existed not only the being of radiant light, but the 5th dimension.

I had also recounted the True story here on Facebook on many occasions that True Version of how I first went down as I from Eternal Light, into the realm of the Non Knowing of themselves, and brought Selk Knowing into being by doing the exact same thing in the eternal beginning which I have been doing right here with my Art Installation – Science to you now, by simply recognizing it and focusing my attention and gaze on it, until it began to vibrate, this bring it from that “Cold state” to warmth, in not only it being recognized by something outside of its self, a foreigner, as Transparent Light Expression which caused that and those whom I recognized and who first recognized themselves through my warm gaze.

I recall speaking about this for the first 5 years I was on Facebook.
And how I had first met Arden, Nnamdi in the darkness coming towards me, in the eternal beginning, and how he could hardly meet my gaze because he was unsure that he could live up to the gaze Love Clarity- Truth from my eyes, that he doubted for a moment until we had a conversation- and that is how it all began, for in him Arden- Alexander then Nnamdi, were first Sum Total of Everything, everyone.
And that I already knew all that existed because that is what I was doing in the Full Circle which I first arose from, to answer a call, of which sound grew from called Echo of the Silence, transformed into sound and sound to Vibrations and Color.

I saw the lacking in that Iris Warriors movie, but I had no intention of explaining this yet again.

I had completed this ecxpression in my first show for wella Turkey in 1997 -1998, with the play of he Gorilla and the family of the Silver Surger code 106.

PLay in which Liberty C recalled aligned to her brother Chance Liscomb and the newspaper clipping of his almost being drowned, 7-11, 1996 was the date on it.
7-11 is 7+11= 18. 9-8. 17.
Last time I saw Arden Gemino was at age 17. Q.

Seven-Eleven, S.E Always Open.

I was the one who came into what you then not aware or awake in that “Dark Blackness” and recognition from and by attention focus, brought you into Self Recognition, an my journey though different from Adam told to name al things, all had already been identified by that which was already inside of me when I began to create in that place I rose from.
That same play has taken place in its same but poor relation version on Facebook for the last 10 years.

10:59 a.m.

Exactly the same.
But this time a Simulation was used, and numbers and you proved how you made a little effort to pay attention to remember that you are a letter which forms a word, then a sentence, then a book, a body, and finally your own Identity Defined as you Identification, I.D. 94, from 49.

I came into this play in 2015, when after being forced to live at Al Santana’s home from 2006 until 2010, and then last time 2015, when from his home portal 268 and across the street a family shelter, 269.
2-2- 68 – 69.
Sacred Portal was chosen by Arden Gemino and I, 116 and 117.

I recall, how I first entered this realm and the first who rose, and recognized, how they became the first companions=11 and 111, then the first family as Sacred portal 110.
And now the 1 O.N.E. A.L.L. E. Y. E.S… P

I had no idea, that this play wished me to describe and recount this all over again, nor would I, if not for this Trick and Deception created to move me yet again to repeat that which has been said over and over again, simply because you chose to forget.
It does not matter if you were not taking me seriously at the time, “It is written” which means that you can always go back and read that piece or portion of the E-Manual.World.com again, but with new clear eyes, and read and understand that which was stated in a most simple and clear way, so that all could absorb the essence of the truth I had been charged to convey.

There is no yes or no, that was your construct, one which you as a species created, it was never mine or ours, but I was forced, compelled to adapt my expression to it ( and yes, it was against my will, why should I speak in a corrupted language which loves to complicate the obvious?)
Its like teaching someone a new language, they always knew and then being asked to submit to a question and answer, a quiz to those that language had to reach but explanations reduced to such a level of stupidity that it simply ends up proving that you can not exist, because all who rose now were instantly recognized by me, via name and perfect timing all rose at the completion of that Eternal Play of Awakening and resurrection before time existed and then again in the story of Time- Body.

There is a big difference between understanding and refusing to accept, that which makes total sense, even in this physical, mental language of Being or Body.

They never came as Colors first, smh they came as Energy is Light- Clarity.
Radiant Dancing Energy-Clarifying.
That is how they appeared to be in 2010 with Fritz Venneiq there with me, and in 2004, alone, they came as Consciousness, Conscious Waves, and Particles all as One Family expression each in turn Being.

Daisy Esme is my new Facebook Friend after Donna Nutt.

D.N. E. D.N. A.


D.D. N.E.

4-4: 14-5.
1-14 5= 1- 19. A.S.
1+19= 20 T.O.
I-19-20 “Writing on the Wall here”
28-20.= 48.

The Flowers are painted here on the wall near the garbage “Garb of Age”
Are Sun Flowers, or Daisies.

DAISY. “Driving Mrs. Daisy?”
You must be joking,

Daisy means *”Daisy is a feminine given name. … The flower name comes from the Old English word dægeseage, meaning “day’s eye”. The name Daisy is therefore ultimately derived from this source.”

Days Eye. D.E. 5 4 my so-called age code is 54.= 9=20.
20 years and 9 months in the U.S.A to give birth to a new P.L. A.N. E-T.in 9 months. 20.9.
as a BOY. Age 7 to 8.
And again age 7-8-9.
and TEN, as The Elegant Nomads.
Elegant Imagery.

*”The name Daisy is a girl’s name of English origin meaning “day’s eye”. Daisy, fresh, wholesome, and energetic, is one of the flower names that burst back …”

Days Eye, Daisy-Fresh, Wholesome, Energetic. Whole Sum.

Daisy Flower.

*Princess Daisy is a fictional character in the Mario series of video games. She debuted in 1989’s Super Mario Land as the ruler of Sarasaland. Described as a tomboy, she has been rumored to be Luigi’s love interest, similarly to Princess Peach being the love interest of Mario. Wikipedia
Origin: Sarasaland
Played by: Samantha Mathis
First appearance: Super Mario Land (1989)
Created by: Gunpei Yokoi
Fighting style: Magic”

The Mario Bros.
C.G.I. Computer Game.

Rose.Daisy’s R.D.

*”Dec 24, 2020 — Daisy. In Christian tradition, daisy meaning has a close relation to Virgin Mary. That … The daisy symbolizes innocence, purity, youthful …”

Innocence, Purity, Youthfulness.


That is the meaning of the name Julia, the new Landlord.

Esme. E.S.M.E. *”
From the Old French esme, meaning “loved” or “esteemed”.

Loved, Esteemed. L.E.

*”Esme (EHZ-may) · Meaning of the name Esme. Of French origin meaning ‘esteemed, beloved’. May also be used as a short form of the Spanish name Esmeralda, which …”

Esteemed, Beloved.

I mentioned to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr that this entire play today was to prepare him, you all for the awakening, and my departure.
Are you ready for the world exploding in a moment into the realization that all I have been posting is about to manifest in all your realities, the truth that everyone will soon get proof, incontestable that it is the end of the world as you know it, and that you will never be able to go back into that forgetting?
Are you ready when all peoples will start to rush to, for the understanding of the codes, and it literally becomes about each person’s Life and Death, Youth?


Are you ready for the authority and responsibility of being solid in this Eternal Truth/
11:59 a.m.

Held back by the E.Family for you to the very point, that I cast them aside and cut them from me, forever despite my loving them, but no longer trust them, because of their call that you are not ready?

I saw it in those two days where I hardly paid attention, at just how much it will be so easy to never turn my attention to this playscript.
How I have grown to despise it,
I will not miss it, and I am nauseated by this play insisting and expressing how much I will be missed when I am gone.
But which will be expressed only in hindsight when I am actually gone from Facebook forever, the codes. everything and their testing me these last couple of days to see that truth in me literally, at just how easy it will be for me, and with relief, that I will never have have to be forced to interact or explain.

I have been aware for over a decade and spoke of it, that you will miss me when I am gone- doing only me.

That is not my concern, never was, appreciation and gratitude A.G. to Me as E.K…? That train has long since departed, because I have proven that you always had everything you needed, and was then on top of that made to create an E-Manual. one which is so clear and simple to read and which manifest Perfectly as advertized after being made to go through it, again and again, “Add Nauseaum”
For all of you, but as you say “what’s in for me?”

This response?

12:12 a.m.

No thank you.

You’re on your own.

Y.O. Y.O.

You have been all well trained and well provided for, and if you forget, the consequences of it, will help you remember, that you have no right to forget, that which you obviously know, but Sacred Portal 117 has to go into effect, so those who require learning their lessons the hard, Tuff way, via Suffering and misery, can.

But let me remind you, to learn this when all is manifest, and to stay in misery and suffering for more than a pause to catch your breathe, the sliding out of existence will not be as this play, long and pampering, but will take immediate effect and it will be like quicksand, dragging you out of existence before you can say… anything.

12:18 pm.

L.R. C.O. C.F. I.

12:19 am.
L.S. = C.A.A.A.H.
A B A.I. C.A

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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