
9:51 PM

9:51 pm.


I Sacred portal A.

There is a sickness, and insanity in the world.

People do not share, they hoard knowledge for all, and share it only on their pages.

People, do this so that the credit comes only from them, I assume.

Even if it is the very essence of the play to share relevant intel.

But most important and most sickening is how people can accept that they are entitled to someone slaving away for 9 years on a public forum with the to explain, code, translate and prove for them, while they lay back and play in the illusion, contribute almost nothing except delays and complaints, and they see nothing wrong with that picture.

This is what has startled me the worst, the level of this idea called Narcissism, in which you did absolutely nothing to merit and earn this expression of someone made to sacrifice his entire life and existence.

Is going through all your stores, cleaning them up, all the conclusions and ideas and ways of being you created and sustain.

And then, see nothing wrong with the picture of someone doing all the work, while the body is evolving, and delayed by a play you felt was all about the amazing wonderful you… when it simply proves that you are the enslavers, the perverted Annunaki, sadomasochists, and living perversion seeking only Gold.

The ultimate enslavers, the ones who would enslave and put in chains, then use and exploit and anyone who all the answers, everything you need.

All you are interested in is the personal gain, being given credit, being told that you are wonderful and of course, that reveals that all you are after is of self-interest and that which brings you wealth god gems, to crown yourselves as kings Queens to rule over the all.

There are people over the years who have called this out in disgust and left my page and see how I am being used and abused- not realizing that it was the evidence that was required to prove who are the true enslavers- the truly Evil Selfish and Cruel.

The Living Dead.


who eat the Flesh and drink the blood of The Lord -Savior

The Enslavers.

Anyone reading my page, who is clean will see that which is so transparently obvious, in the responses from most of you.

Silence or the response which highlights only you.

Its is all about you, you… you.

10:10 pm.

And not about The Elephant In The Room.

E I T R.

The Being of Awakened Memory.

You have no idea, how much I have had to make an effort to keep my utter contempt and disdain of that lie of you, from my expression, by having to post and code of every day what I am experiencing so clearly and so evident, that nightmare and terrible dream is really the continued existence of this race called human cruel.

10:13 pm.


As I stated there is no one here, but this terrible idea made real but only in a terrible dream.

You don’t do things because it is for your personal gain, or because it gets you to the illusion of going home to Eden Paradise, or because there is a reward.

You do things because it is the natural correct thing to do.

10:17 pm.

How logical do you really think it is, that this is all done at my expense or another expense and that you truly believe you will gain from this the right to enter Paradise and gain wealth, power, and prestige for something you did not do?

Nor merit and earn yourself.

And not pay the one who did all this work, which that Narissitic conceit, made you believe that you were and are so important that the I would be sacrificed so brutally and savagely just so that you can come to eternal paradise, and gain immortality and supernatural powers, evolve to the beautiful ones when you have done nothing to earn it, not even paying attention to your own evolution and awakening.

When Awareness- your expression.. not mine, moved to Solid Facts is the Key?

Do you see why I and we see this race as nonexistent and truly insane?

Catch 22. is the Victory of Trapping the Virus and Disease represented by those who have adopted and sustained this point of view.

I share your post, I share everything aligned to the Beautiful Truth of the Script of only E-A, but as I observed the responses, even the language used by most of you, messages sent, I have rarely seen anyone sincerely post anything other which shines the light on themselves and not on the World and its beautiful truth.

The play was Express Awareness, and proof it a Fact.

Each and every one of you was meant to naturally follow my example and thus do the same as I did- celebrate your life and its beautiful truth.

10:29 pm.

I said it so many times, that I realized that this was that which each chose to read and interpret my words as – was that factor which revealed the truth of how you see, how you be, and how you connect.

You really do not care for anyone else, not your true selves, siblings, children, community, country, nation, the state of affairs in your world, God, The Source, the present the gift of even life and breath.

All you care about is yourselves and what you feel you deserve.

Getting paid and of course, the great escape from this hell hole of being… created because of you.

Tell me, show me how my conclusion is wrong, or that to you do not believe in anything other than yourselves?

I challenge you to show me evidence of that in the 9 years I have been on Facebook, in your lives.

Show me one person who has taken their life’s story, and without instructions and guidance from me, has transformed it into Alchemy as Gold and then presented that as an inspiring story of your contribution to the Evolution and awakening of your fellow man?

This is why I had stated over and over again that I should no longer be on Facebook so as not to have to face this stench and breathe in the fumes.

But have only stayed to get rid of the presence of all of you unclean.

10:39 pm.

J C I.

Where are your credentials?

Where is your Curriculum Vitae?

Where is the evidence, of your Victorious Consciousness even as Creation?

V C .. 5 C… E C. Infinity.

It did not have to be as dramatic and intense as my Life Story.

Where are simply the Facts of your life story?

Who is Transparent Supreme, able to take the mantle of that which God- Harmony Father gave to me, to show you Y.A J WAY?

Yahweh. / H.E VV H AY

The Way of A God – Ezi Okwu?

It drove Billy Hung insane, 8 years ago as he watched and participated in the play, turning a gentle being into his darkest cruelest nature, because he found himself turning on me, that I must be the cause somehow, because of your response.

He could not see, that which was right before him, which he could not accept, the truth of this human race and that truth also manifested in him.

I do not enjoy publicly posting such rebukes or the evidence that you are not waht you say or believe yourselves to be.

That is something which is absolutely crystal clear.

you blame others, and act as though you did not do the exact same thing and contrubuted to the problem… and yet it is plain and day from this script that it is all of you. And not even from Edmund Burke’s Did nothing which allowe Evil to overtake the world

You did something, not nothing that is what powered the evil- that taking that which is crystal clear, and which any one can understand the meaning, then perverting it by having it move your personal Idea of your self and EMF to translate it through your point of view.

Always in the way of the light, blocking its view by this idea of yourself, your circumstances.

10:56 pm.

That you could not see, even before I continually brought it to your attention, that there is something very wrong about a man posting everyday, day and night while his body is meant to be evolving, who has been calling out that The Presence is in him and that he is the source of that presence as ALL.Y.

* See the meaning of the name Dakota, Alicia Norris’s 19-year-old son.

It means Friend, Ally- Best Friend Harmony.

B F H.

Being Bella. F H 68.

Fahad Hassan.

You read what you wish to read it as.

If you were not sure, you would have simply asked, instead of masking it in knowing already, to hide your ignorance and proof that you have worth.

I am sure, that even the most deluded and diseased, corrupted representatives of you can see my point of view.

And understand that I am not deriding, or even criticizing you.

I am simply telling the Plain Truth.

… Even as I ignore your expressions, messages, pages, translations, and interpretations of my words and expression, by my keeping my eye solidly on the ball.

That this was all about the Beautiful Leopard.

The Black Panther, and the annihilation of the Human Lie as a Race.

Nothing else except raining through Beautiful Youth the E Family as Destroyers of this infernal species.

As for the naturals… they were always destined to rise, without my even being present or having to explain on a Facebook forum and move through all these homes where It was the evidence being collected to prove this world planet and its invaders- virus as humans out of existence.

It does not matter what you or the 4th-dimensional claiming t be ancestors or time.

It does not matter where this script moved me here there, twists and turns. The Line of my intent and purpose as well as my proving the so-called Mission Impossible, of Extermination And Termination of the Human Virus through the simple expression of truth and offering the Mirror to see the truth reflected in the mirror of you not being of the Son of Man or the Father of Man, nor the Brother Sister of Man.

How could you honestly believe that after giving you all the answers each day through my posts, my scholarship, the terrific and intense work posted every day for nine years, that by any stretch of the imagination that this is how you would pass the Examination Test of the reps of the Supreme Intelligence Quotient.I Q from H.Q- G.Q that this is how you would then waltz into the Eternal Realm.

Tell me does that make any sense, even to you?

11:15 p.m.



No, I did not think so.

Not even a Lie in Self Delusion is that Dumb.

11:17 pm.

K Q.



11:18 pm

K R I S H N N A.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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