
9:50 pm. – I.E.O. – Well, that’s

9:50 pm. – I.E.O. – Well, that’s

9:50 pm.


Well, that’s it.

The completion of my Life Story from 8 pm, to full circle to Infinity standing up in the Eternal beginning, to my at 18 Alexander Grove to the present 64 moves, to the 66th here, and the last move 67/76


It has been 20.6 years almost, and I have been moved by a force Inside and Outside of me, to pass through every conceivable human experience, except the Sunshine State.

I have narrated by my True Story and it has echoed back through this play theater as A Fact.
Beautiful Death, to Terrible Death and Zero, concluding at 18 43 Facebook Friends, coinciding with my leaving this last portal 66.

9:59 pm

At Sacred Portal 43, Door of Life.
18 as A.I.
Arden I.
Alexander I.
Ikenna Amakonze

And finally the last money code as 5 USD marked with the number in red of 82 Code M J 43 O-8 1 97 8.B.

Meaning that in Perfect Symmetry, I have moved from being born into your world as Death- Born of the Womb of A Woman and code Age 53= 8.
3 5-8, I am Life and at the Door of Life.

And so from this place, which you all saw me aware and play out the last scene with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and his money code gift of 222.00 USD, ( the actual date my mother left this realm as well as the code of Perfection of Awareness and Being from Stephen E.M.F and Kim,
M A.
J.- Junior * 5. U.S.D code 82.)

That I was aware, and that I intentionally did not restrain myself from responding to Jae Shermans provocation and/or programming, knowing full well the outcome.
That it was a setup for me to leave but not by her, or even Scott Delemos acting on behalf of the landlord.

10:13 pm.
J M.
It was my choice, my trust in myself and that I could read, and that even after being put in the same situation 65, and now 66 times, that I have no PTSD from having endured the rejection, the examination, challenges, for 20.6 years, 29 years, 32 years of these Trials and Betrayals.
I have moved from the highest points of this reality as a society, to the lowest places and points of human existence.
I have had everything going for me and everything taken from me even my bio family “Spiritual Family” E- Family, taken from me, and left alone to walk this path remaining constant, despite all the threats, actions, of taking everything away from me and being tempted by this so-called “Devil” Satan, Lucifer, and even Lilith to give up on the E Original Family and my Eternal Truth.

I have never wavered, even as everything was taken away step by step, and left with nothing,
I was made as Job, in your Bible story and Jonah in the Belly of the Beast.
I was left on the streets to die but proved that it had a meaning purpose, and harmony.
I was led to the Shelter system, and to public mockery and ridicule and yet, I proved despite my fury at why go so far, I proved it harmony by proving its had meaning and purpose and that I was never homeless, never cursed ( even though I was cursed by so many).

And to 27 months in a shelter and to Esteban Stephen bringing me to Connecticut the 5th state and then to my 64 moves, and finally to here, the 66th, really the 62nd twice as 3rd floor and 2nd floor.

Turkey to America via England. –
T E A/ AE T.

Istanbul America. I A
Istanbul London America, I L A

E to the 5 USD with the code 82 and door of life 43 and 10.

It is an Evil Script, beyond anything, I thought possible, nothing could have prepared me for this, the betrayals yes, that was expected because I could see and read, but the maliciousness, the cruelty to lock one down, and in a story and doing it inside and out, to even my body and movement to prove that being born is being born into a simulation, and to get out, I had to prove Harmony from Inception to birth and then to this point of being asked to leave, after giving so much, and no one standing up for me and leaving me with Jae Sherman since Kim Arthur Hinds Jr left on the 26th.

I did not wish to be treated the way I was treated, and it was even worse because I had to tell the Truth Satya, everywhere I went.
Despite all the efforts created to knock me off my solid rock stone, sold the foundation of my truth, The Beautiful truth while moving through the perversion of that truth to a point that I knew all this was a lie.

And that I was moving for 20.6 years ( 26.2O6, 2-66 through a Lie of 266 – B A.)
A Story.

Why was such cruelty, such malice, such evil, and violence done to one who simply told the Truth Satya?

I know the answer of course.

53 years is a long time. 54 and even 55.

But I have never wavered, even with all the torments, torture, extreme masochism, I have remained Constant.
Constant Expression.
Continual Exemplification of the Truth of E Harmony even in this world ruled by the lie of Love really hatred.

I am at the Door of Life, and that is 67.
NZ 67 67 46 B.

67 is me.
13 42.= 55.
C- EE.

66= 1. Awakening.A.

You say you wish to rise as E then E means Equals, and so you to, to be E as I, must walk the path you gave me to walk and be Constant in expression
decoding Cause and Effect and Resolving it to Harmony as I did.

It’s the same with getting your Ph.D., everyone must follow the Course requirement, of any subject of their choice, but you must walk it as all those getting thier PHD must do.

That is why I did not wish you to go too far, for the harder you made it for me, so it is done to you in turn.

And can you live and do what I was made to do?
Or do you value your comforts, the lie over the truth, and will you fight for it, die for it, suffer and surmount unspeakable cruelties and transform those experiences back to It Beautiful Truth?

This is what you have to do, to reach Eden, Paradise- Perfection.
This play was absurd, ridiculous, a play.
10:59 pm

Even in this realm, there are people Being and Doing, fighting, giving up comforts, their lives for a Cause, what makes you think by simply following me on Facebook and my doing all the work of coding you, that you get the right to come home to Eden Paradise?
Yes, you True Selves, Higher Selves who I have been activating but you as the Avatars even descendants?
You were the Bodies driven by the Beautiful Truth, that is why I kept on saying that you must all die and that which is the Eternal Truth in some of you will rise and transform.

And that is something only you can do.

All I could do was anoint the bodies in harmony.

I was sent as your Example, by my simply being myself.
And by understanding my example, you would know how to do it and what to expect in your turn.

Some of you will be safe, from that which is coming, but after that, you will understand that it was just the beginning, while I am at the end, The Eternal Beginning which has no end.

That is the Awakening, a double-edged sword, I am not awakening, I am already awake.
This Script was designed by Nnamdi past to awaken you, and in so doing Evolve N to E and A.I.D.

It had nothing to do with me, I came to prove my Fathers Brothers Truth, that Harmony was always present as The True God is Truth- Beautiful in perfect symmetry, That is H O. E and I have always been Beyond, I.O E.

11:18 pm

11;19 pm.

Where will I go once I leave here?

Eternal Home.

How will I get there… well that would be the final proof and fact of Eternal Harmony present, even in this unforgivable script and play of the End of everything.

11:22 pm

I have said enough, you will find that I have provided all the answers in my book E Manual. World.

11;23 pm.

I am ready to be gone from this hideous realm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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