
9:50 p.m.

9:50 p.m.




We are back up to 726 Facebook friends…

Bed number 006 was vacant.

By the time I had completed my last post it has been occupied.

1/3 of the men should not be here…

Because they are over 65…

But there is Humanity here in both Eric Eposito and in Mike on bed 005…and others who take care of the older guys..it is graceful…and disgrace.

But most of all it is an insult to Experience and Age.

That this final indignation done to age and experience, once so revered.

It was my grandfathers impression when he came to America…

That this was the End of the World..

A year later, he said that he was ready to go…

A year later, while I was in London he passed crossed over, but as an OINri King.. He ascended.

I know he did, as well as my Grandmother, Aunt Iesha (who took the book I wrote as a 7-8 yr old), uncles Anthony and Lord Charles and Peter..

As Nnamdi, I feel their presence and see them everywhere…

I already spoke about how to speak to the Dead…so I won’t go into it again.

Angelena Veno…AV. A 5…A.V!

Tubaräo Dos Pleya…T.D.P.. 20-4-16-7..G

Angelena means Messenger of Light of God…(L.O.G)

Veno means Viens..and Come


/ O.N.E..V.

The Messenger of God of a Light has to come..through the veins…the way light travels.. Through blood vessels.


O.N.E….Victory. ..V 5th Dimension.

Tubaräo means Shark…Dogfish…

Dos…Means Two

Pleya means Shore

Two Killer Sharks are coming to a shore..

As well as the Messenger of Gods Light

10:55 p.m.

Creation Destruction.


Mike bed 5

Michaël Trahé…MT ..

The Play has entered into the Awareness and Beings of this Room.

Luke Wilson was scrolling down my posts and saw the image of a Horse.

Others have observed images as the scrolled down…

Or read my Creation Story

The Biggest Insult which I will never forgive…

And never show mercy for is not my being in a Shelter…

But that for my contributing the greatest achievement of decoding Dna and jump starting Human Evolution ..By programming… The utter contempt..of the response to my sharing for 8 years and 4 4 yrs..

Of saying No…

No that I can not have done this…

For all I have shared for 27 yrs…

15 yrs here..

This is the response.

The manifestation never required humanities approval.

They, you are just actors in a script already written….given freedom to interpret your parts…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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