
9:49 p.m.

9:49 p.m.





Before I start decoding and activating through these post, the E Consciousness still being proven present in everyone..

I would like to stake for the record, hopefully for the last time.

I have stated that every word I am uttering is charged with the frequency of the consciousness I represent, that I am being Literal – to perceive and read what I am saying I am doing requires a literal reasoning of each word of what I am saving, revealing- having dragged on this world stage to manifest the Truth of First Contact is literally going on.

That every post, I am posting, was brought into Existence and this awareness set up by a play of the Ancestors, the Elders, consciousness’s which are not real to the E Consciousness perspective..Ancestors Elders..Old Age..

These are just tools of a Universal Holograph..

*See the last share I posted of new Face Book Friend Aja Collins Quiles…

Notice below, the image its reads Holograph..

Tools to learn your A.B.C from A-Z.. and then after that you can decide to live at whatever Frequency you wished to inhabit as long as it is based on the EZ base Energy Beauty…

For 45-46 months, I have had the tormenting experience of being trapped in a play where my physical emotional structural comfort has been taken away..even my true power, by containing me in a Holographic play in which my physical freedom has been limited by my completing this play designed by the Conscious representing Nature. So that I would share the consciousness of Existence at which I have seen through all my life…

Demonstrate it while I surmounted daily rage at the Ultimate betrayal of the play because this Consciousness of Nature-Children, were so sure that undercover in this World Consciousness, that I had forgotten my true Identity undercover..

That I would given in to the sheer power of a Force of God Called Destiny, Fate Belief…

That wished for me to share at all cost, including my entire Existence which this Play’ it placed me in from birth my Cee…

Reveal me naked before the World including not seeing my own mother for 27 years because of Its desire for me to share this knowledge which I knew would not be the most effective way to reach the People..

I had been undercover in this world and investigated this reality, the noise and chaos out in the World, in peoples Heads, in their life’s..that speaking one on one with people, compelling a person to a perpetual enslavement through extortion by changing a play script meant to lead me home ans simply manifest the Truth without explaining but rather letting people see it manifest for themselves and enjoy the process of figuring out, break down how this was took place..would have been the best way to go about it..

Instead, a different play was created, without the Consciousness of the Human Consciousness of Nature being aware that I was awake even as I was undercover in this play of everyone feigning sleep and not being aware of what is going on in the World so they would not have to take responsibility..

Instead each creating their own rules and Blue Print of standing up to declare what the Awakening or Truth of the Universe is…

Out of Compassion the Children of Nature called the Black and White, said, for their Avatars, Descendants…

A lie…

Which is the same expression I have had to endure in this play, in which it would appear to some that I am posting everyday in order to convince you or anyone else, of my point of view.

Nothing could be further from the Truth, but this program implanted in the Holographic Matrix not of the Original Blue Print represents the same ‘meddling’ big mouthed consciousness which the Physical descendants of the Children of Nature, meant to Expand evolve from Human and align with the E line, thier original essence and sources, whom these children of Nature where created to house and then merge with creating the H.U.E MAN race the True intention of Man as Creator in the First place.

Instead I was trapped in a play, just as the E where trapped in Human Bodies, not allowed to rise, in this reprogrammed D.N.A sequencing..

The Evidence is in the physical daily bearable agony my body has been in for the last 12 years, and is a daily handicap in everything I do..including post..

Turning a simple natural evolution into a torturous demonstration to a public steeped in prejudice, distraction, materialism and porn…

Intellectual and spiritual masturbation…

Even the most pure and innocent…

Are the darkest and most sensitive…

To compel a being to explain the meaning of Existence, to the Masses from behind a computer screen while in a play designed to point out the truth of the decay of Humanities perception, and cruelty has reached a tipping point, is Force and Control exerted in a manner, that a Boom-E-Rang effect takes place and Full Circle the arrow of literal absolute definition of Blame comes straight at you…

As being the Ultimate Sources of cruelty…

I have spoken about this before…

And so, I will not go on and on,

but simply tell people that I have explained what I am doing over and over again…

Read the Back posts, this is why this Evil called the Children of Nature, who are pure and good, but became Evil by their interfering with the Blue Print of Existence…

It is as if Unity and Harmony, representing the Natures Consciousness betrayed the E line having forgotten that the Power and Truth comes from being Natural..

And what is Natural?

Its is being Human, and what really is a Human Being..

They are Being of Love Light, Lightness and Laughter and a Healthy dose of mischief which creates Fun.

Anything other than that is not Human…

And my one pleasure in this cruel and selfish play where the basic onus is Me me me..

I have been forced to give Everything up for this reprogrammed play which brought the literal imminent extinction of an entire species, the Good, the Bad the Ugly… the Black the White and the Grey Matter…

Of course, it wasn’t fair…

And there is no way that one can not be moved, but the idea of creating a play where giving everything ones has got, then taking Everything away from him or her, to get what you want when you have given no evidence that you deserve what you lay claim on.. And even if you deserve it should you not demonstrate why you deserve it in all transparency..

This Play on Face Book is the Ultimate insult to Existence and to the Beautiful Truth, and yet it has been accomplished…

Even in the face of all those who lay claim to knowing Existence and its Truth better then Existence Itself…

Despite it being Existence Itself who programmed Human D.N.A…

Despite a Higher Expression than the Children Of Nature C.O.N…The Con Artists, the Con Test- moving within me, Awareness Memory moving me to prove the Supremacy of the E over the C.O.N.S, who do not realize that they and their point of View is of no relevance to the Truth of Existence…

They are called the C.O.N, because not until they, you merge with your Original Self, your Truest Essence and Nature, you do not Exist…

That is my literal explained in hundreds of ways, in over 45 months and over 5OOO post and Shares, while having to rely on others for food shelter cloths on my back, from peoples who were literally set up in the play so I could pass through their portal…

Most being only aware that I was meant to pass through their portals..

But if these peoples D.N.A had not been meddled with, they would have been able to read their Naturalness and Truest Nature by the Trail left behind…

Just as I did…

And that is how I stayed Awake Aware..

I do not care if anyone believes, me, this is not a play of Belief or Hope, it is of Discernment…

Evidence is placed before you and you decide, and you can not sit on the fence because, there is an Harmonious response which comes natural which indicates which side of the fence you are sitting on..

That is why the Thousands of posts and images….

I am not seeking to prove anything to you, the public of Face Book friends..

The Evidence speaks for itself…

There was never any reason why I or anyone else should be enslaved to teach people how to read..

This is a Gift -Offering of Grace and Favor but not created by e nor is it from me but from that E within me who took advantage of the Challenge of the Con Artists Children of Nature -Mother…

Who She knows do not really Exist without reaching the Consciousness of True Existence which is what transforms the Body into Embodiments of the E..

I do not really care how each choses to assimulate this play..

or even my constant expression, but I have proven that I am not really speaking to any of you but to your Truest Nature.. The E in you who always respond…

Though I have sought to respect the C.O.N..Human Nature..

Human are not of True Nature until they reach and align with the Orginal Selves, your Truest Selfs..You are simply Charcoal A Carbon Black Shadow projected on a Green screen from a spinning Diamond Light..

Only when you reach your Essential- Quintessential Truth do you transform through the portal out of this cursed Hologram and into True Life..

True Nature.. the True Earth… Beautiful beyond imagination..

I would have suggested common sense, suspend disbelief, read, go back and read..

Ignore it, unfriend me.. it is of no matter to me..

But distorting my meaning, what I post, what I say, said in such clarity that the Consciousness of the Source of Infinity, Eternity Echo and affirm me in front of your eyes on Face Book and here and on the ground..

And if you deny it, forget it, recant, do not testify, yet leave me to testify for each and everyone of you each day…

And even then still give me a Hard time when my entire Existence Being and Body, 24-7 day and night has been devoted to something which you should have figured out by now…

But each decided what they would focus on…

That is freedom of choice… That is Freedoms way…

But Distorting my meaning, 26 years I was prepared for this role, no life no intimacy nothing so I could focus on this role which I fought tooth and nail not to do because it was something beyond Evil to ask anyone to do…

*Recall that I came from a over 5O days sleeping on the SUBWAY,

The Streets then a Shelter.. A full grown Elegant man who easily knew how to navigate the Matrix…

I was successful..

And each time was dragged back into this play in which nearly everyone pretended that knew better the Truth of Existence… and others who demanded Feed me..Feed Me!

And yet none read the book, none went back to read except the few,

None or so few, read their D.N.A, traced story of their ancestors, investigated the stories histories of their families, linked the pattern to form a picture which they could use as their flying carpet, and foundation at which to begin to explore their lifes

The had not read the beautiful weave links which brought then even biolgically into Existence.. and this is the consciousness I was Forced Manipulated to blood thirsty Vampires and Were Wolves who belief that they are entitled, superior because they read All but the one most important book of All..

The book of the D.N.A..Stories of their pasts and ancestor then link these stories to form a picture of ‘This is who I was created to be, now lets see who I wish to be and lets see what I become, tailoring my true self, refining my Natural Self to the best of all possible worlds…

No one in their right man spends 24-7, day and night,moves from the pit of Human Existence, a Shelter, to rise to the Apex of a AH The Mountain View in less that a 2 months-

What was such a person doing in a Shelter in the first place, unless one chooses to intentional distort the clarity of the evidence of the facts, the true picture…

And distorts it by taking out the facts… and thus, feel better about themselves by changing the obvious clarity of the Ones Expression…

And I find that most chose not to even simply suspend disbelief and take read the offering attained at such a price, and within find a surprise that this is a gift of value priceless…

I have had people call be Light, Priceless, Beautiful One, but non are any longer my Face Book friends..

They drifted away, took in what I had to say even while writing in the cold dead of winter..

Of course, I could have fought like a banshee to walk away, but my body is sort of Crippled’ and I know this is the pathway which leads me home to me own E and peace of mind..and Evolution.

11:31 p.m.

11:55 p.m.

I have been addressing the E line in you…

Not really you, because it is that which is within you which will Awaken you to the Beautiful Truth, that is where the true power to rise exists, in the Kundalini Crown Chakra…Linked to Harmony Infinity, then to E..Eternity which I call Home.

There is no doubt, that I have been totally alone in this world play.. a simple statement of Fact, not a source or demand for pity..or even compassion since compassion is a human trait which comes naturally and is constant..brave, courageous, a living heart…

Sigh, I grow weary, I should have long since gone home, and this face book play should have been completed by now…

After all it has been 26, that is a long long time even in the Human measure of Time..

I have never been an adept of any religious, spiritual, philosophical community or idea.

I already had mine, even as a child, but it later expanded by others points of view which linked with mine providing an affirmation that my consciousness had tracks in this History, which eventually led me to using only world history and your posts in the latter part of the F.B.Play to weave the exact same picture and proof I had expressed during my first two years on Face Book.

It aligned to the exact same thing though I had to do the work of common sense.

I know many of you have had that Human experience of affirmations of what you already knew or figured out.

I did not grow big headed or cocky… simply because I had affirmed a natural Truth and expression, rather deeper and more profond respect for Life, the Truth of Existence and the Truth of my fellow Human Beings…

Which is why I can play any of these roles of characters in a play, Yesuah Christ, Osei Tutu, Melchidezek, Viking…

Because I am me, A Man on his way home who got detoured and blocked by a Mob demanding where the Hell are you going.. and followed me angrily, when I said I am going home, and taunted me instead and beat me until near dead.. And said Your Homes does not Exist

And I sharpened my Blade and turned and smiled You really should not have done that’

Then the fear, and the accusation, Jesus Buddha, Lao Tze, the Nze, they would never do that…your false!

And I smiled and said, ‘I never said I was any they, I am Emeka and this is my own way of Being.. I am simply traveling on a road which leads me home to the realm you call Evolution…

And if you wish to come along, there is a toll at the Gate…

You must resonate with the Frequency of the consciousness of E if you wish to pass unscathed through this portal…

Are you truly the Consciousness of E and would you risk all to pass through this portal, because there is another Gate within that one Gate, which leads you to the rage I contained in this long road and all I experienced on the Road simply because I spoke about my world…

A World like Ancient Nri, where you are free and truly begin to Exist and realize just how much you were not yourself before…

But that which I did see, and knew could not be,

I grit my teeth and then quietly manifested a quiet response

which such creatures will only believe when they seek to cross the 5-28 hrtz, E line portal…

And this is the Truth of Who I am…

12:21 p.m.

Me and no body Else..

I am here in the present…Flesh and Blood in this world..

Representing not the Past, not even the beautiful past..

But the Beautiful Truth of the Future Past and present alive right now pointing to the Point…

A Full Circle of Perfect symmetry of only you truly understanding who you be..

Because through out your life you past through portal, obstacles and mirrors, challenges of Are you for Real…

I am present and that is a Fact

And for 15 years and 46 months I have consistently presented my I.D, my qualification, credentials and presented all my papers..

And thus earned my Pass Port I.D.

Believe what you like, come stay go follow, deny but do not distort my Truth or my beautiful expression read the words that I post, painstakingly each day where the very initials of the sequencing words reveal words of deeper meaning from the E who respond…

My Two new face book friends bring us to 479 Face Book friend..

Jennifer Lynne… Welcome…

Jennifer you represent the echo affirmation- Confirmation Response to an equation I posted yesterday Stimulated by posts of Face Book Friends, and the Play I am witnessing here as a Guests of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan whom the World have witnessed are Harmonious perfect representation of this play..

And this portal of a loop from 268 4th Street Lower East Side ( Alpha Bet City A.B.C) to 18 Mountain View…

And that the sequence of the portal home, is not Galaxy I.C. 1101 X as designated my Nasa…

That it is portal to the Dimension of Evolution Awakening of Existence…

A Boogie Celebration Divine Expression beyond Human Imagination..

That it is Ga La XY..Z. C.I..1O.11..X T.E.N…

Which your initials affirm…


Jennifer means..

White Haired One.. White Wave… Fair One…

Lynne means ‘Water Fall, Pond Lake…

A Ruddy Beauty Inside and Outside

Donna O’Sullivan posted a chap at the portal of a Waterfall today where I commented that it was the portal of my home.. our home…

The Lake is the Pool of the Sources reflections, meaning once I and we pass through that portal we are no longer in the ind Being of The Supreme being Head of the E line…

We we are longer a story of reflections..

But he comes out of that Zen Reflective Contemplative pose at the same moment We wake up, with us now in position in the true enactment of the in actuality here in this planet but now a Different planet, different consciousness different species…

Z.H code name Facebook friend Zeina Hanna

Kelly Hanna…

Z K..HH…

Z 11…Doppelgangers..11=1..

Both represent the feminine principle ZZ HH…

Both Beauty… Kelly means Bright Headed…’

Beauty and Bright Headed..

Beautiful Light of Harmony Harmony 88…expanded to 64 1 O…

Beautiful Fair One Inside And Out…Balanced as One..

E Lucifer Venus Son of the Morning Star Evening Star..

Esther Uzoma… Star of the Beautiful Way…

I posted about Excalibur yesterday…

Hanna means Grace Favor and Child Trinity…G..F.A.C.T

4 79.. 79 Represents the Sacred Portal of The Blue Print of Existence.. Two men entering through a portal, one Brown as the Earth, one Pale as the Moon..

Entering through a Dark portal.. the Vagina Door into Universe to indent the D,NE DNE sequencing…

As I was posting this Donna O’Sullivan sent a Text image which I immediately asked if she could share it on my Time Line, not until this moment knowing even why…

Her car Black Mercedes Benz is License plate E.H.F-Fact 79…

Blue Print of Existence Indented on to the ‘Blackwell’ called Space..

with all the knowledge of past present future, Libraries Akashic records…

And the Map of the way home and the ID undercover of all the players which is how both of them where moved to take me from the Shelter to their home..

P.S See sacred portal 5.. A Water Fall..With a great Lady Brooke Shield energy Evolved to Lady Echo with the base as Blue Lagoon..

Aja Collins Quiles my 48O Face Book friend aligns us now to Beautiful Death

See sacred portal 48…

Eternal Life…

Existential Death..

One Door


See sacred portal 111..1

Aja in Oinri Igbo means Sand..Sands of Time… Aja anna..Earth Goddess

Justice Sword to cut out abomination…

It means Momentum. forward propulsion.. Rocket Fuel

Unconquerable, and Goat..

Code F.B.Friend Goat O.. linked to a play of our Grandfathers…

My Grandmother Lucy Dawn whom I testified had memory of the Garden of Eden, proved in ritual and ceremony that she could remember full Circle even things she had planted in past lifes where investigated and affirmed.

According her the title ‘Oji efi Efi… The One Who holds the Bull by the Horns..

Or Ehi… Efi…

Ewu is the Goat… E Wu wu means five in Mandarin who

Sacred Portal 5O..Shows a Being fighting the Bull of Wall street as Greed but also the Opening of the door to the 5th Dimension and New True Wealth…

See Aryana Luna Leone and play of Haw-II.I the 5Oth State..


Mama Dawn…See her Eulogy I shared written at the End of 2OO8

See the Movie The Short..Mortgage Housing collapse 2OO8..

28.. See me undercover as a The Elegant Nomad.. Horse Spirit

called Homeless by some for many years…

and the venom of their gossip and poison,,,

Collins… Which aligns to my young Uncle in his middle fifties, the last remaining of my Grandmothers sons who all passed on in their forties 2O years ago one after the other…

His name is Nduka Collins..Sir P…

Nduka means ‘Life is Supreme

Collins means Victory from the name Nicholas, it is also a term of endearment ‘Darlings.. Emmy Darling was my nick name given to me by my mother and some of the ladies in my family when I was a teenager.. which was usually when they wanted a favor…

its also means Hazel Grove.. Hazel Eyes…

Quileo..Means ‘Eagle’ from the word Aquileo…

It also means of the Quarry or Ferns…

Which is also the code of my Grandfather

Grandmother Dove..

Grandfather Eagle…

They were One so they were they were Both..


Why does this Align to my own bio family..

Because the codes are in their names and stories..

My grandfathers name is Ume ano.. The 4 Divine Breaths..

Linked to my Grandmother and her line who came from the 5th Dimension..

And Oji Efi… her Title means She Held Back Death..

Just and the E.O did retaining the Gene of Immortality..

And in my Grandfather Title, Otigbu Enyinya…Beat the Elephant

conqueror of Memory..

Acted out by Jonn Blackwell 5-69…today..

And Donna O’Sullivan 7:42 linked to Grandmother-Kristine Baluba who sent me some messages which aligned at 7 42 the very moment Donna gave me true treatment of aiding in the muscle alignment of her body… And something amazing took place…

1:56 a.m,

Welcome Ladies ladies to my page…

Solving the Riddles of Existence to Manifest the

‘Mission Impossible V

In defiance

I’M Possible…

because I know I exist here but really From Beyond…

1:58 pm..

LOT TO..TO ..1 58- 85 1

1:59 p,m

Last Portal Home

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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