9:46 p.m.
From Facebook Memories
2 years ago..
There is something so much more than a coincidence that
this image has popped up at the same time of the completion of this play at Green Point…
And 27 years…
Again unfortunately, all these post are based on my (and your Empirical experiences.. that is where the riddle lies),
And I know what the equation…and what expression is being demanded.
I wrote about having three Visions when I was a Child age 7 and 8…
3 (7)
3 (8)..
21..24.. 45…
I recounted the three of them each time the posts of expression was demanded of me through this weaving and the Impulse Stimuli play.
One was of the Ancient Kings and Queens in this World discussing how to bring the World back to Pangea.
I traveled to the Spirit World parallel dimension,
The second was my writing a book about an E.T memory of mine, of my being dropped off in this Dimension as a Boy, and my senses of surprise, sadness and knowing…
And the subsequent destruction of the World, and it restoration to Beauty..
That was the Realm of Energy…
And finally the one which occurred in this reality, at our home at 105 Wilt-shire Bay, Winnipeg Canada… ( C.W… Code Link Cecilia Wiebers, B.W..Black Or White..Same thing.. The Tan One or Golden Lady..)
I recounted how I saw a man appear on the Wall of my bedroom.
And how he had looked at me with such compassion and sympathy, that I grew irritated and finally, burst out of my room and told my Mother in the presence of my Father about it.
He had stayed on my wall for Days, just looking at me,
Love mixed with so much compassion that I knew that my irritation came from my own uneasiness, as to why would anyone have cause to look at me with such sorrow and hurt for me..
You have to remember, I was, and realize that I am of Beautiful Pride,
and thus Super Man..
There was no reason that anyone should look at me with such.. pity, perhaps.. or more empathy for me that could communicate such sadness and gentleness..
As if it knew something I didn’t..
Something of a future which lay in store for me that it could inspire such grief for me…
I had already made up my mind about what kind of life I would.
And wrote my Fourth Vision.. more an intention, where I made my Father..My true Father the President, My Mother the Hostess of this World, My sister the Chief Justice, My brother Nnamdi the Architect of the World, and my younger brother its wealth generator..
My Mother later told me that she never saw the image of the man on the Wall, whom years later I came to understand that he was and is Jesus, Yeshua…
The play.. the unbelievable frustrating play with my Mother, represented the extraordinary mess created by the Three Religions Judaism, Christianity Islam… J.C.I… When All are Hebrew..
Oh H.E..BREW.. He Who Brews.. E Dionsio..E.D.
And are Egyptian, Phoenician, and of ancient Sumer.
*Recall that Bed 97, Freddy Crespo (Aligned to Sacred Portal Light of the World) called to my attention that in his name contains the code E.S.P..
Extraordinary Sensory Perception…
C Our E.S.P..
C.R.(Being) Of E.S.P..
C.R.B.. E Sacred Portal..
P.S…E…B.R.C..Assessment Shelter…
Cecilia means 6…And Blind (My mother has been complaining about her Eyes, that something is happening… Yet I had to prove that she is literal the line of the Mother of Six Sense.. Mother of Myself My Sister The Supreme Line of the Visionaries, The Lamb, and the Heart Beat..
What else could She be to give birth to 4 children representing such principles?
And it makes sense that out of the three Vision, this is the only which had expression in this reality.
And its end play represented in R.M. A, in the Assessment Shelter..
Where Eric Eposito and Neal Pietragnellio, represent the Best and the Worst effects of Christianity… Rome.. Both are Italians.
*Nenad M..Djurevich (The Unexpected is the One who is as God, the Farmer) who was a big part of this play linked to Professor Catherine Acholonu and to the play The Bean-the Power House cell of the Mitochondria in the Cells which generates and creates Energy used to sustain the body…
He lives in Bergamo Italy, but he is Slavic…
Beau Gens
My Mother went to a Roman Catholic Convent when she was a girl, where she was a boarder, then went to a Finishing School to study Domestic Science to prepare for an unplanned marriage to my Father at 14, then leaving to join him in London, England at the age of 16.
My mother always loved God.. She celebrated him through her appreciation of Beauty,
She more than anyone, would represent the line of the Lamb of God in the feminine aspect..
Through out my codes, my mother name always appears, to to treat her gently, when I wish to raise my voice in anger in some of the cause and effects of her expressions actions.. and often lack of it….
And the solving of the riddles is the one non stop and incredibly irritating prominent features of this play.
Solving the Riddles of the Bible and these three religions all linked to the E.S.P…Nri people who made first contact with their Energetic Selves…Evolved selves..
And recall through their legends of coming from another dimensions, whose symbol was and portal is the Moon- (The Full Circle of Light.. Freddy Crespo meaning The Peaceful Ruler has Curly Hair)
The image of the man I saw on the Wall so deeply ingrained in my Memory did not have curly hair, he had wavy hair…
But I have curly hair…
Thus, this play has been made tedious and Evil beyond anything I could have ever imagined possible, by leading the Lamb and the Sheep back to their Shepard- which do not exists in the realm of E… Sheep..
Only Individuals who are both Wolves and Lamb..
Predator and Prey….
Not Prayer…
And this sense of entitlement of simply following,
just as it has been translate to how many followers one has in Face Book or Istagram or Twitter…in the modern world extreme extortion of that truth..
Which was turned into the most ridiculous story, of a Mother asked to give up her children, who have already spent their entire life’s devoted to a God which is pure Evil.. Because it is an illusion created by Story tellers who twisted the Truth, and those who Blindly followed them.
Despite it being proven that each person has been, and had been planted with a E..S.P.. 6th sense of recognizing the Truth.. And G.P.S, and inner compass and Radar which points each Lamb Wolf (L.W) in the Right direction.
This was made more apparent when last night I was notified that I had a meeting with Laurie Washington.. L.W…at 9:15 a,m this morning.
9 15.. I.O.
Isis Osiris
Luke Wilson..L.A.W
9 15.. 96..69…
Freddy. 97…
I found myself doing the work with her,
in the Assessment Shelter…
Again that Bloody silly rendition of the Jesus Story- Born in a Manger in a Barn…
She understood exactly what was happening to my body, just as Enos had and others..
She said Energy in my Body had risen to a phenomenal level and require an out let , which she noted I had found. was writing..
Never mind that I loathe writing, especially now..
And that I am writing for others, while at the same time linking and transforming these stories back to the E.T..C..
And after 15 years of observing these so called Sheep and Corrupted Idea of Individuals all I see is Evil in most of them, in not giving a damn about any one else but them selves, being so self entitled that they would stand by and take nourishment, even demand it, from a man brought to an Assessment Shelter..
And has been forced to sacrifice, that which they have all refused to give up..
And do nothing….
These are not Sheep, these are Abominations, created by a interpretation of a Beautiful Truth and turned into the story of Ultimate Victim Hood, cannibalism.
Al it inspires is Hatred Anger…
This is the result of anyone given this role, I was given to others, to make others Follow- my contempt has reached a level where the equation of the mass slaughter of the Evil Sheep-the True Swine, Greedy Pigs in the story…that their Extermination and mass slaughter is the only expression that can bring me peace, personally from that which I have experienced in this play…
It was never about the J.C..
See sacred Portal J.C 10 3…Silence
Sacred Portal J.D… 104.. Crossing Death..
See Sacred Portal J.B…102..12..L..W.
See the post date and title.. W.. Double U.. Double V..
Double 007… License to Kill..
The Man with the Golden Gun.. in my Locker A Walter P.P.K.. (A tiny version symbolic)
The Beautiful Assassin…
Eternal Law..
E Light.
See the post I shared of Erik Ebright..
He has a Halo around his Head…
Just as this picture has a Halo over his Head.
E.E.. H Alo.. Aloo!.. Harmonious Abomination…
Recall 26 Z,.. Zombies.. Erik Ebrights portal represents a Vortex…
Meeting and Crossing Elegua.. the Trickster God.. Loki which David Arro dared to call himself- without given public Evidence as to his credentials to make such an allegation and even direct others as he so arrogantly did on my page yesterday..
Who and what is Human about demanding that one sacrifice your children to a God, that has already taken everything from, and from your children…?
My mother was not pleased to give me the message of her Church Seers..
And when I categorically refuted it, I could hear her relax and sigh..
What evil do Humanity real pray to..
The perfect reflection of their own Hypocrisy…
That most would stand by and watch a person go through hell and beyond for 4.5 months..
And most stand by and do nothing..
Except in this play.. Death His self who intervenes through
Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan…
J.D…B.S.. ( H.D. D.O… H.D.DO.S…H.D.D.S.. the last H.D D are the last thre letters of one of my two phone numbers.. 844…And 19 is Me as the Golden Youth seen by Nikoma Rios and affirmed non stop in this play..
Even to this Star Bucks venue… 91.. 19.. 19/91..
Bed 19 Neal Pietraagnelli.. See meaning.. Cloud Passion…Champion. Lambs, Noblity.. Air.. Wind.. Energy…
La Manifest Being Supreme are Individuals..
not Blind Followers…
B.F…2 6..
So into the Pitt of Destruction you all go..
Because you already knew that you were deceiving yourself and the E saw Everything and so, VVE led you to the very end of where your self deception and Hypocrisy would lead to.. The Dead End, the N.E, Non Existence to face Death And Destruction.. D.A.D..
As the Butcher, and to slaughter the true Swine..
The Sheep which South Park.. S.P.. Has depicted as Demons undercover..
The Lost Lamb is the Favored one the Chosen one..
Because It was never lost.. it sought to find its own way..
E,S.P.. G.P.S..Compass..
And the Chicken who crossed the Road.. not yellow as Cowardice..
Chicken Eat Corn.. Golden Corn..
Golden Egg..
Cock a Doo Le Do..
He crossed the Road to crossed the Bridge to get the Corn.. Gold..
Golden State..
Cali Fornia.. Gold Rush…
Always it has been about the Individual he moves away from the Flock and follows the path where he is Natural Led which leds Him or Her to the Path least traveled because that path is only yours..
It is Unique..
And that is what an Individual Is…
Unique.. Snowflake..
that is the Consciousness of Universe Supreme.
And why Mass Religion- Organized Religion is the lay of the Lay people and all others..
The Only Holy Communion is Family coming together and enjoying a feats, conversation and laughter Joy and delight in exchane Infinity..
In being in the company of Equals…
An Equal Music…
By Vikram Seth.
Original Facebook Post: Click Here