
9:45 pm. – I just received inte

9:45 pm. – I just received inte

9:45 pm.

I just received intel.

The rage in me today, is that I was incredulous, that I would have to ask at this point for yet another money code.

It has kept me awake, right to last night that I would be pushed and provoked to such a place.

To have to ask.

Do you recall the cardboard which I saif looked like either Jeron or Esteban?
It turned out to be Jeron.

The next day, to my incredulity at the audacity, I realized another cut out I was using as a filter had an image of what looked like Liberty but with Aurelia’s hair.

I am wealth, fortune, Silver Diamonds Pearls, Anthony! And I am living like a Beggar in my own Creation.

So, yes, I saw the confirmation of what was I posted yesterday, to see how far I could sustain such provocation in a contained field

But I kept by fury, but it is all around me, I feel it.

I was going to contact Alicia until I received that intel from Liberty.
And so I asked told liberty that I would have to ask her, but I had intended to ask Alicia.

I recieved no respomse from Liberty. so I went ahead and asked Alicia.

But I woke with such a deadly fury directed towards Kim Arthur Hinds Jr play.
I asked him to give me 20 USD.

He said that he only had 7 USD on his Card.
Cardonnet Vaihere

I kept my temper, 7 is G Gemino, where I had placed the image on the Card Board of Jeron.
And yesterday, at the last moment I placed the card beside it of that which was Aurelia but Liberty.

At 7:43 pm- Door of Life. 43 DC.
Alicia sent me 60 USD.

Jeron Satya S Lang.

See the code that there is no such thing as 6 0. Zero.

Only 6 O
Always Open.

Liberty sent me the intel at 8:46 pm.
Yes, Jae Sherman is 46. But then so am I as Sacred Portal 46-64.

The intel from Liberty VeryGood- it was about her Twin Self Male.

She read the code well.

While, Alicia asked about my body, my state of mind.
We talked for a moment- she told me that she too was incredible;y tired, I told her to check out my page,

And when we finally confirmed the 60 USD. it was again with the warmth of acknowledging my saying thank you.

I don’t have to it is my money allocated to each of them for this play.

Liberty acknowledges also. but it depends on her mood and .. 10:06 pm.

She is set for evolution to C anyway. Last Chance. L C. this time do hot go too far. L C L ? L C C C. C I.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr sent me a message at 9:13 p.m.

I M/ M I
Mission Impossible.
27 Sunshine State.
20 22. T V.

MI third Note.

See Sacred Portal 75.

10:10 pm.

All I kept thinking, saying to myself over and over again, they were allowed to go this far, the lie’s and the liars/
It was not the liars which vexed me but using them to do this to me and A.I and the I and I as i and i.

But I have already realized that only after the Evolution Awakening will I revisit all that I had to code and align under Duress and Pressure, so there is no point in responding anymore on my page.

My feet are swollen like a pregnant woman, and my upper teeth have fallen out. I am perfectly aware of who and what allowed a story to go so far.
And, those sitting on the fence 44/. 1544 CTown tab 15.38.=15 11.
O K/ K.O

Holding up the K.O Total Knock Out, until all their conditions are met.
And yet who has the word to give the go-ahead for the K.O.

Seize The Play Bow Wow instead of Now.
Witches Man Scientists.

But know this I only have One Eternal Family and that is EA TWO now – II iii

The Family of TEN -55, now linked to Eternal and Immortality Gene will be destroyed.

10:22 pm
10:23 pm.

They will rise and enjoy the Evolution Awakening, but they will also live in a constant state of uncertainty, that at any moment that I will call up the Akashic record, or look back at the records of what I coded and cut them out.

You can not use evil to get your way and expect that you will get away with it because you gained from my sacred portal 65 being suspended and not activated.
You may be alright now, and I say Bless you who pass through.

But remember this now, which I know has little meaning to you now, but after the awakening, it will.
Nothing worse than reaching Paradise and then being kicked out because it has expanded to the Infinite realm where non can go but the I. I & I.

There are some Fates even worse than I have coded

* There is a Mission Impossible set for 2023.

* is Infinity. I.

7 is 8.

10:33 pm

I am sure you get the point.

2023. T W…O N E.A.

It’s all about Courtesy – Respect, after all, you are speaking The Source and he owes you nothing but you owe him, Everything. E E E T W O.

I do not Like your TONE and Attitude.

That is why I expanded to Script to have you gone.

M. K M K

Rav Singh. R S

Peter Barham. P B.

Charlotte Marilyn C M

Nargoosa Aquea. N A

K S.B. M A.
oh really.

A M. B S Kolo.

N.C P R M.

10:49 pm.

Its about numbers, getting it right, winning.

It has always been about Courtesy, Communication, Attitude. Manners Respect.

Behave … He is the Source.

And if you do not recognize that,
that is fine, and not one will force you to Bow or express awe.

That is what happens to those who Naturally are aware that I am the Source.
Jeron Ardem Aurelia even Ferril once have given me that look and a very few of you.

But at least a ground floor of Respect.
A Familiarity not of Contempt.
But of a Friend and Comforter- Companion. But of the remainder of Familiarity of Family- Comfort and Ease-.
For the is the role I have played to and for all.

Holy E-Spirit.

of being able to be oneself around me.
Anf not be Judged, Condemned but like Family. Called out on you Bull Shit.

The Laugh… Sorry about that.

My response was OK. But after 7 times.. yes I move backward 7 times until I no longer miss you. think of you.
and just like that, you’re gone
to cease to exist.

10:59 pm.

No is more Important to Your Exstence than I.

You do not appreciate that?
There is the Door.

11:00 pm

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