
9;45 p.m..

9;45 p.m..


25-4-9… Y.D.I…7-4-9… GD..I…

4-25-9… D.Y..I.. D.G..I… Divine Grace I…

54 The Bean Cafe…. 3rd and 2nd Ave


As most are aware, almost 10 years ago, ( August 26, 2006)

I found a place which where I had been sent to find the space where They Lived Before Adam.. ADD.AM… By a Woman called S.U.E..

as the condition placed which would Herald the Evolution Awakening…of the Universe Earth…

I found this place on the date and year above by using a set of codes I had created, to read my own sixth sense, and natural G.P.S..and my own Harmony….

I when I reached this address a place called 4th Street Generation X Gardens…

I knew..

But for almost 10 years, I found myself in a Unseen play, to provide Evidence of how I knew…

And if I was sure..

I left this address after waiting 4 years, after meeting the one who had created the Garden as a young boy and then later with friends as a young man..

I left that venue after proving my equation over and over again to a world almost totally ignorant of what I was obviously doing and proving…

I finally left in 2010, after proving it over and over again..

As if some thing was testing me..

Are you sure…?

Or enraged by my audacity and confidence…

And so I went away but kept on finding myself forced by this Will, not mine, to come back..

And each time to endure the play which was really designed to solve the riddles of this Existence and destroy a force of Evil so powerful that it had no right to exist..

I remembered the birth of Creation..

I knew this, and wrote the a book at the age of 8..

Then I went undercover into forgetfulness intentionally stating to all the people I had encountered as well as to the World, that everything was created in Harmony..

I went so deep undercover and into this World, but even in forgetfulness I knew I was undercover…

The year was 1989.. and I began documenting my journey undercover to prove Harmony and Beauty was and Is the Creational Force of Existence…

That was London..

In 1992.. I finally moved to Paris where I had been based for the last year..

In 1992, I went into a Coma, at which I knew was a summons..

I was not ill but I had no Energy..

I experienced the ‘Light’- a Love so Exquisite that even then I knew it was my portal home..

I had left a Note.. a Poem, to Death, when I knew that I was being summoned..

In the poem I spoke to my Brother Nnamdi Energy whom I called Death, telling him the reason I was coming through his portal was not because I did not appreciate Life, but because Life had not let me Boogie and Celebrate.. that it had closed its doors..

And that this world reality was strange and not of Life as I knew..

I wrote a Heroic song, I was 26 years old,

and it was Dec 22-26, that was the duration of my lying on the floor..

and Conversed with the Light…

I recalled the Darkness around and the mission it spoke of when I pleaded to let it pass through.

I came back and began a journey moved by a force which people in New York have literally witnessed had taken over my body my being my life..

And took it on a direction which I said no.. now way..

But it dragged me along and suddenly I found myself being its voice, its ‘Hero’.. especially when it proved to me that it is Truth..

And of course, this 23-24 year mission ‘Impossible I.V/V-I’

desired I realized was for myself to move into the deepest forgetfulness and then exemplify step by step, the journey I had done from 1989-1992….

How had I reached the Light.. had I been summoned but I also had been summoned because I spent 3 years, speaking to everyone I met and writing their stories while conversing with the Silence…

Which sought to become a Sound, then a Movement, then a Wave..

S..M.W ( Milky Way) but it was first a Movement and Voice..

M.V… Who wished to say A.H….18..

by my deconstructing the Whole Picture and then putting it back together piece by piece while proving that I was fully aware of what I was doing, while living in this reality.. This world..

And do it in such a way that no one could call me Insane or Mad..

Because I had satisfied every level of Human Expression..

From the First Chakra.. to the last.. or Rainbow Colors of Consciousness… 1-7..Then Prove that 1 is 8.. The First Note and the Summation of all Notes are one..

And numerically through 1-9..O.I.O…E.Alpha Z.. and Zeta…

I left this address Five times ( and 5 more shorter periods), the longest period being 2 years, 1 year, 9 months…

Each time, the manifest expression of what I knew was meant to happen as a Response never happened…

I was indifferent, I knew that I was correct..96/69… 15..O…

6…I knew through Sixth sense as well a Reason.. R=18… 666

And each time it was crueler and crueler to both myself and the one A.S who kept opening the Door…

Until even I could see that this was Evil at work and it I was solving it out of Existence but in the most hideous way..

And I could not seem to escape and another part of me became a furious quiet warrior, wondering how could this be..

And what had the power to deny the Truth of Existence itself..

And so I found despite something seeking to kill me or destroy me and my Espirit…

Who on Earth will believe you../

Unless you proved it..

And so I was brought here once more, despite having stated that I had enough of this deception and deceit and that I would not return..

And I knew and know.. only I perhaps.. what would happen if this Truth were denied…

Each time conditions were created for me to leave..

And so I found myself forced to return here once more when as usual no other portal opened..

Which is how had been for the last almost 10 years….

And so, this time, I have been passing through since the 19th…

and today is the 25th, 6 days later, in which I have been doing, while preparing my departure…

And today conditions were created so that I am again forced to leave..

I felt nothing…

I was correct…

This was an evil cruel set up…

I did the codes that were set up and the departure was delayed by the action Energetic and the play for tomorrow…

I stayed only because I know that this is the Beautiful Truth..

and TEN years later after enduring the inconcievable..

Which was designed I had no Human support…

I stayed because the beautiful truth had to manifest for others…

Not for me, I already knew..

And I knew that this play and the Betrayal of the Eternal Laws had gone too far.. when it knew that I never lied..

Instead it used me as in a manner which reflects the Collective agreement as well as Individual Slavery that Humanity had allowed themselves to become subject to..

And this force wished their Freedom and to do this it sought to Manifest.. I call it the Every Thing.. E.T..

And so in the last two days I have observed that I have had 4 and 3 then 4 face book friends… 4 4.. and today 4 then 5 and now 6…

4 ..44. 8… 12

4 ..45.. 9… 13

4…46…10… 14…

And I am now at 598 Face Book Friends…

The play ended at 593 Face Book Friends Yesterday…

And so Bam Vega B.A.M…B.V… BB 22.. Letter V became my 594 and then 593 Face Book Friend…

5 94… E..I.D

5..93.. E. I. C…

Bam means ‘Morning Dawn Glory’.. M.D.G..

Vega said to mean Star… Star.. but has been contested to me Landing… And Fertile Meadow..( Body Beings)

And also Splendor…A Being Rising from the East…


Vega is Spanish for meadow or fertile plains. It is the name of a specific star, though.

Vega is the fifth brightest star in the sky and the second brightest that can be seen in the northern hemisphere. It is a part of the constellation of Lyra. Aside from our Sun, Vega was the first star to be photographed. Vega is a tenth of the age of our Sun but is a lot bigger in size, which means that Vega will most likely die first. There is evidence that there is at least one planet orbiting Vega. Right now, Polaris is the northern pole star, but in the year 14,000 it will switch to Vega.

Fertile meadow as a name for a star makes no sense at all, so as you might have guessed it has a second etymology. Vega is a loose Spanish interpretation of the Arabic word waqi, which means falling or landing. It comes from the expression an-nasr al-waqi, meaning the falling eagle. Many ancient cultures have interpreted the constellation of Lyra as being an eagle, which is where the name comes from. The Greeks believed that the constellation was the harp of Orpheus, hence the name Lyra. In Chinese mythology, Vega is a woman called the weaving girl who is separated from her husband and children.

Splendor is the Name of the Family of Ten in my Creation Story…

And I am in the Lower East Side ..

and I am about to leave because I stated that the Awakening begins here… for almost 10 years and I have endured and endured even my former hosts have children 5 and 4 years…

54.. See sacred Portal… 54 Super Nova..

The First Big Bang.. B.B..V…

B.V…B5.. B.E..

The Awakening is not even really a Place it is an Awareness Being-ness, Consciousness Devotion Expression A-Z..A.B.C..Full Circle..

I have had enough of Evil….

This Evil Play known only just how Evil beyond to only myself who experienced it…


10;54 p.m

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