
9:43 p.m. – 10:17 pm. – 1-2-2022

9:43 p.m.

10:17 pm.



I woke up, cleaned up, took the garbage out and then to speak aloud.
And then when Jae Sherman took her cue and came out, I could not help but calmly declare her and the line she represents as truly evil.
It was not a criticism, but a statement of being made to observe, as a Scientist the Tuth of Observations of 13 months, just as I had observed Kim Arthur Hinds Jr from the Supernatural level to his human nature, after having known him since Nov. 2018.
The same observation I had concluded after knowing him for a month, has not changed or transformed after living here for 14 months and made to observe and interact with him. And seeing him publicly acknowledge me as The Source.
Now he was given time to be his human self.

10:26 pm.

Witnessing how he would respond after having me here, as The Source, he had acknowledged, but being and doing here, the work I had been charged to do, while “suffering and surmounting” conditions and witnessing the response of my being forced to work daily on that which is clearly not about me, but an Extra-Terrestrial, Alien play linked to humanity as Nature’s Naturals.

It has been interesting witnessing the response, to a play which he knew exactly the workload, fully aware that it was for his evolution and not extinction, after providing all the intelligence and Evidence AY.
After all the training, effort, and work to make rise the Beautiful Truth while being made to play the which is soley for the benefit of all.
I just desired the freedom of my being and body from the script linking me to him, to what he represents and to Jae Sherman.

It has been interesting witnessing each person’s response to The Source, as a man, coding and proving that truth into existence.

I have made my summary and conclusion, and I am satisfied with my conclusion, despite being meddled with by the past.

It was interesting seeing the response of people being made to witness the work-load of a man solving the riddles of existence, their existences under a roof where I could not do anything day and night for last 20.9 years, and the last 10 years, 10-11 if you add the date Dec-21-2012.

As all the last key players, each was given a chance to witness what I have been put through for them as representatives of something much greater than themselves and then with the Individual no longer representing the whole.

I do not keep in things which are not mine, I speak out.
I do not keep silent so that all may know how I see and view them and their play.
I call it out and do not let it fester in me, why should I?
It is not mine.

I speak out.
I call it out so if the persons by some miracle do not understand, they can correct themselves, or not.
Both responses tell me all I wish to know about the person as an Individual.

10:43 pm.

But only after they have been informed, educated in Crystal Clear Clarity of what I am doing, why I am doing it, and that I have had to play the worst roles, mentoring, training, educating, explaining, so they have no excuse to say that they did not know and were not aware.
I have complained, protested privately and publicly, also the way I speak out, to remind them all that this is real, solid, and a fact.

And so, I speak out in this house, apartment, as I have done in all 64 Homes I was sent to, I speak out so that they can know, what I think of their responses via what they represent, and they as individuals especially after all the education and training.

10:49 pm.

I do not brood over my position and their actions, even the word complain and protest, are used in the purest form, after all they have been each given all the Intel and data of who I am, what I represent and the codes of conduct of Attitude & Behaviour- including being ladelled with the role of Universal Sensei and the guidelines of Santana Dharma – Eternal Law- the tools and laws of the line of Energy-Expression Harmony, which not only enable you to qualify to Beautifully Transform but pass through the Invisible now visible force- a field which humanity calls the Viel.

That all the calling out, speak aloud, is for their own benefit.

In other homes I was forced into such proximity with the people who invited me into thier homes, take the intimacy at 900 South Road, the creation of dependency, I did not even have my own bed or room at Liberty C home, and nearly all the homes I was made to live in except Marina Biruni’s and Tom Truman home.
Here, at least Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and even with the arrival of Jae Sherman, I had a room.

10:58 p.m.

So they could choose to escape me, and I, them.

10:59 pm.

But you all saw how that played out, I could not retreat to my room, not to the Kitchen, not to the living room.

It is in my body, my being, this awareness, even this Voice “Kael: they and people at least could choose to escape the truth of the demands and reality of this playscript.

And I have witnessed there, and all the people’s responses.

I have always been aware, why the people I was sent to were given the opportunity to see and witness for themselves, the true extent and demands imposed on me, to do this script.

11:04 pm.

And that one day, they in turn would be placed in the position and given the same treatment but expanded to the E.T.A, and Nature- Natural script of Humanity and the battle to Evolve them.
That is the nature of Echo and Karma, what you do to others will, in turn, be given back to you.

You may forget, or as I have noted “Not give a damn, Not give a fuck, in the moment, or not ask yourselves why He ( I) am being made to prove that a man, is The Source of everything.
But I do and have been made aware for decades, and coded it and posted it, Boomerang. Book E- Rang.

Nothing is forgotten or forgiven because he is The Source of Everything, even of Man.

So my speaking out aloud, was an act of compassion, even pity, a reminder that you may be enjoying the moment of forgetting, you may think you are Wiley, cunning, but that everything is recorded, documented and that each will have to answer for their response and actions.
Because I am truly The Source, despite being a man, and confined to such a Script.
That there is no point in lying and deceiving because I did not set this script and play up, my other Self did, the one who has been holding on to my Power, my own Response, the one whose script I walking through, H.E. ( He she is the one who responds, the one whose script I was made to walk through so I could evolve Him, and Him-Her to I.
I & I.

That is the one whom I have been waiting for to respond, and why I have been coding still.

11:17 pm.

Posting right up to this moment, despite being ready to go,

11:18 pm.

Anybody paying attention ( as you should have been) can see and read that, it has been made so crystal clear.
And He, She knows exactly what I am feeling, seeing experiencing, because he designed this playscript, which was meddled with, and as I have demonstrated that I can see through Silence, Sound, Mind, he can see all of you.

That is why I have kept on saying do not lie, there is no point.

11:22 p.m.

11 22= 33 then back to 1.

1 11 22 33 1.

1 2 4 6 1.

11:23 pm.

But of course, as so many of you do here, you can challenge that to the end, “saying fuck you, what can you do?”

And that is then the challenge contested, and then our response.

11:26 pm.
Z. Z.Z.


I have a last Facebook friend Cristal Wendy.

11:28 pm.

*”clear ice, crystal
a. The name Cristal is of Latin and Greek origin. The meaning of Cristal is ‘clear ice, crystal’. It is a girl’s name.”

Cristal Ice, Crystal.


W.E.N.D. @. Y.

Wendy means *”Its popularity in Britain as a feminine name is owed to the character Wendy Darling from the 1904 play Peter Pan and its 1911 novelization Peter and Wendy by J. M. Barrie.

*”Welsh-white, holy Germanic-to wander, change, the Vandals”

Wendy Darling. W.D. ( David Darling C.D.)
White, Holy.
Wander, Change, The V-And. All.
W.C. T.V.
Peter Pan. “Stone Rock, 2022″ Ti, and Violet. 7- 7.
A.G- E.

*”“Fwendy” means, simply: friend. The second meaning of the name Wendy (“fair-skinned, blessed”)”

Friend, Fair, Skinned Blessed- Friend.

Blanca Curtis…

*” Something else Barrie was responsible for was the name for the Wendy house. The name originates in the small house that Peter Pan builds around …”

House, Small House.

*”A user from Oregon, U.S. says the name Wendy is of Spanish origin and means “Born for God”. A submission from Wisconsin, U.S. says the name Wendy means “Friend, …

Born of God, Friend.

*”A user from India says the name Wendy is of American origin and means “Somebody with the most beautiful voice ever which can make anybody feel different emotions or somebody who was born to sing or somebody with god gifted talent in singing!!!”.
A user from Nigeria says the name Wendy is of American origin and means “regarded as friend or Blessed ring”.
According to a user from Ghana, the name Wendy is of American origin and means “True friend or Blessed ring”.
A user from Oregon, U.S. says the name Wendy is of Spanish origin and means “Born for God”.
A submission from Wisconsin, U.S. says the name Wendy means “Friend, or beautiful light”.
A submission from Kentucky, U.S. says the name Wendy means “Child of god”.
According to a user from Namibia, the name Wendy means “Born on a wednesday”.
2 submissions from Kentucky, U.S. agree the name Wendy means “The Wanderer” and is of Mexican origin.
A submission from California, U.S. says the name Wendy means “Slim tree”.
A user from Texas, U.S. says the name Wendy is of English origin and means “Slender tree”.

Most beautiful friend with the Beautiful Voice.
True Friend, Blessed Ring, Beautiful Light, Child of God, Born on Wednesday.
Wanderer, Slim Tree, Slender Tree. S.T.

With the publication of and presentation of my final Arts Science Project after Kim Arthur Hinds Jr presented his, it is a sign and signal of completion of the 14-month play here.

11:46 am.

46 46= 1 92.

11:47 pm.

3253 Facebook Friends.

C.B. 53. KOLO.
C- Y.C.

32+53= 85.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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