
9:40 pm. – 94. – I.D ( Identifica

9:40 pm.

I.D ( Identification. Identified)


9:43 pm.
I S.P. 43 Door of Life.

* No wonder the play of 46 went on and on to 464 and 646- 16-16.
111 + 111. Perfection Twice.
9:46 pm.

Now that is done, Liberty C just sent me intel that her actual new house number is 312, C.L.
And not as she thought 3.14. C.N. *See the person’s initials C.N who posted on my page a few days ago, some strange African music.

I was not surprised, this is a play of paying attention,- awareness. to the script.
Loma Cronin was my last Facebook Friend L.C. Link Liberty C and Chance Liscomb, C.L. the new home Liberty and family have moved to which belonged and was built by “Grandpa Ferrill”
G.F. means that Liberty had been guided to her full circle. 3 12= 15. Letter O -A-E. Guided by Arden- Emeka. Full Circle returning to Home base which she began her Journey of Life from and after leaving to Brown University where she met Chris Gemino, had a life and 6 children, “O= 6” she returned full circle Home.

10:00 pm.

But the actual completion is 3 14= 17.Q.
Representative of M.D. Hand sanitizer, from Keith Grant given to me by him in 2015, when he was on Bed 53 and me Bed 49.
Now switched to 35 and 94.
C.E. I.D.
And E.I. Bellefleur with 94 Facebook Friends.

Kim means Gold, but so does Aurelia=67.
Ferril Reilly means Valiant Victorious Man.
Gemino means “Twin”
Arden and Ferrill are living at C.T at 576 Horseshoe Hill, the dream house which Chris Gemino and Liberty bought and raised their children until they had to move out to down the road to 900 South Road.
M.D S.
Manifest Destination Supreme. M.D.S Manifestation Dharma Santana.
Eternal Law. E.L.= 17 Q and A.G.E.
So the final destination is the Full Circle of one’s life story, Life Journey, and then O moves to Quantum Transformation at 17. 10:11 pm.
Meaning that the play was actually completed at my 64 portal in 8-29-2019.

And there was no real need of my having to come here, except to confirm Onuabuchi and Nnamdi’s past play in Hindsight, but Perfection attained was takes in the Full Circle of Everything.
But instead, that truth was challenged by the Africa Ancestors who had first refused me as The Source, then did the same by challenging then, 17-year-old Arden as I.

Chukwuemeka -Nnamdi. C.N.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr has played his part in this game, and I made that clear to him what this play was about, and you can see that play yourselves by how I met Kim when I was at 29 Lincoln street after he had the fight with E.M.F at 33 state Oregon, and how I met Kamora Herrington 21 Mutual Facebook mutual, Facebook Friends, and her son Isaiah where E.M.F was staying as well as meeting John Mack there, I also met John Mack right here moved by Jae Sherman to meet him down stairs when I took the Garbage out.

I am no longer in Harmony with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, since I represent the E Harmony Supreme as The Source.

10:26 pm.

There is no quarrel, just no communication any longer with him communicating with me, so I can not be his Source, which is based on Respect not silence by way of Omission.
But he played his part of being the Middle Man, in a script that I have had quiet contempt and disgust for, not because of him, but the ancestors and even the E Family who wished to buy more time for Liberty C- line and the Book.

The completion ending of this play, as it is now, comes as no surprise to me, I saw it from the very beginning of the play, and told him everything, including what I already knew.

Alexa Vertefeuille I also met when I was brought back down from my 64 portal and invited to stay at 29 South Road for 3.2 months. I went back to the very Beginning after staying at 114 Grant Moore and Room 904 Red Rooster + Hotel near Soldiers and Sailors Monument and Arch Bushnell Park. B.P.
*”The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch in Bushnell Park, Hartford, Connecticut, honors the 4,000 Hartford citizens who served in the American Civil War, including 400 who died for the Union cause. It is notable as the first permanent triumphal arch to be built in America. Wikipedia
Address: 15 Trinity St, Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: (860) 585-5411
Architect: George Keller
Opened: September 17, 1886″

And the Cornin Fountain. C.F, represented by the Fountain on my Desk.

Loma Cronin where Liberty got here intel from P Bushnell.

There is no anger with me for Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, I knew who and why he was being used and was selected to represent the challenge of Time, and fought for him to exercise his right to choose the E Consciousness by diligently using my time here, in the illusion of Chaos, to bring him up to the E-Consciousness speed. Which he did and performed excellently, but once that play was completed where each must then choose by their own enactment of the play without my presence or constantly playing the reminder, of the choice each chose to make.
Each was left on their own, now that they – You had all the intel expression knowledge and how the game was played. That was something I mentioned over and over again, and since we live in the same house, he, in particular, had non-stop access to me, to ask any question he and what he was representing as the O and the I and in the Individual.
I should have left here a long time ago, but was kept here, without the portal opening at the completion of the work, but that did not change the rules of the play I was in, despite the play being a cheating lie to me personally.
The play remained as Each to his own, I cared for Kim as I cared for each I was sent to, but though it was all a lie, I sustained that Truth of the Original Play. All beings have a natural sixth sense.

I just enquired to Jae Sherman if she was aware that the 211 USD Bill had been pain and that the money had been sent some days ago. She responded that she had not, and I had sent messages to Kim to do so.

11:04 pm.

There has been no response, so I let her know and she said that it was due by the 17th and had thought already of contacting Kim herself.
So that is the response to that play.
6th sense is a natural gift which all humans are born with, but to bring it to your own awareness is the awareness and attention is the action that only each Individual can act.

This is the Evolution Awakening of Everyone, the rules of engagement are clear, and I have spent soo much time making the effort to remind people of its importance to all, and what was done to me to make sure that it was done.
For it represents the benefit of all Humanity.
Why Jae Sherman was not told that the money for the bill has been made available is beyond me, but it is what is, and this is the playscript of the Eternal Truth Evidence AY, and each once provided with all the evidence and facts, are free to enact what they wish. Jae has been a representative I have been particularly tough with because of what she represents, but Kim has been involved with the E Consciousness since I met him.
He is brilliant, but there is a point when you must do your own work and can not logically expect to come home without playing your part, or gaining from another’s suffering or surmounting of it, and offering the intel to you so that you may rise and do your part.
It is all about Appreciation and Gratitude, to the creator, to the source, and even to your fellow man and without that, and to be reminded of it over and over again when you understand the play or keep thinks to your self, grudges, anger, whatever it is and refuse after so much effort and expense went to bring you to that awareness, I really have nothing left to say.
Not really, it is what it is.

So, yes, I should have had a door open for me, as it has opened for me for 64 moves as you all witnessed especially after Liberty asked me to leave her portal if I did not comply with her rules in her home, but now has come full circle in understanding what I was forced to work with, such a script created by human ego’s and self projections not of the Eternal or even Natural Truth.
All my doors for the last portals 64 +1 were opened without my using force, or my own will, they just opened leading to the next play, but the 66th portal being the 2nd Floor, was the most evil of plays.

11:26 pm.
How I came to Kim’s portal, and why Esteban who also had no place to go, was asked to leave 29 Lincoln street, at the same time as I was, I was left outside on the street, for the first time ever.

11:28 pm.

Until I called Kamora who asked me to call Kim, who invited me to use the room here left available, I, nor he thought I would stay no more than a month, instead, an entire unprecedented play was set up.
A play of such stunning cruelty and Lies of Omission, and so I did the best I could and Kim paid attention to what I have represented all my life, the E, and though I was personally astonished to find myself here month after month, and Jae Sherman’s arrival with Donna to rent the room – I knew I was in the play of that which was not even on the script I had been documenting for 19-20 years.
I found that I had no choice, and have stayed here because no door has opened as it usually does and which has been constant for all 64 to even the 64th +1, door, but this one as 64th +2 and then second floor – a story, rather than the 62nd portal as myself at the 3rd Floor where I lived for 5 months until January to May 22nd, has been the evilest, and Vilest play, of the entire 20.9 years play, not even by Kim or even Jae, but by those lies of Omission which created this play of refusing to state their intention and such abuse of power.

I am aware, that this is the end of the play with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and that the Fight and Battle that this encounter was meant to create has failed.

I love and care for Kim, but the rules of engagement and the play script which demand that all be loyal to Eternal Law to Q.

And if I correct you, and call you out, it does not matter if you are my brother, sister, mother, I will call you out and make it known so you can correct yourself and decide to do your own version of the Truth, which is not E Truth, and that you have that right to do so.
But do not call your self E Frequency, because I too am governed by Eternal Facts. Eternal Law as I have been made to demonstrate over and over again, despite being the Source.

11:58 pm.

Nor will I intervene, or call you or anyone else out in a play that has long since completed the E.I and I.E.

11:59 pm.

II am fully aware of what this playscript has moved to.
Sacred portal 59. 49.

How each wishes his or her own Manifest Destiny to resolve to by the Consequences & Reaction of their informed response. And that is not in my hands. Once you have been informed educated, there is nothing more I can or wish to do.

Sunshine State, Warnth= Gold is Wealth – Fort Knox.
Clarity is the Silver Surfer. Silver.

There will be no fight battle after 14 months of being here, and on the 23rd it will be 15 months.

I have made it clear that I have long since left the E Family play, and that I am the E Facts. I do not lie. I am Satya Truth, S.T./ T.S. and if you do not agree, then you can contest it to the Original Power.

I was just in a play, of insanity, Kim just sent me a messag telling me he had held onto the money because the Bill was in Jae Shermans name and that he was doing what I had told him to do.
I responded that that is what I told him to do, simply hand over the money to Jae because the bill was in her name. Then Jae came out and immediatly added her confusion by making it as usual all about her. I watched with contempt and disgust as she said :Oh I do not mind, that it does not ave to be paid yet, and that she, she she… The insanity which I am so aware of, was how she refused to acknowledge that the caise was her, and making herself the hero, using the same distraction and misdirection to not take responsibility.

The Bill was paid, and not by her, and not because of her, “The Bill has been paid, be grateful, you use so much heat, and yes you bought Kim a heater.
Pay the fuckin bill, and it is because it is in your name, all the long stories, all the misdirection to make it seem that your the hero when you are the villain, I am so uninterested in that which has been identified as non-existence, creating problems in which you are the cause of it all by seeking to lay blame elsewhere… framing others so as to not take responsibility. Just listening to her, made me feel that Nausea, this illness in her, this virus, sickness in trying to change that which is so simple, into confusion and chaos by using words me, I, I. I don’t mind, I, … I.. there is no You in this, in finding the solution, just the cause and the watching of the contamination and insanity of trying still to assume control with lies of intention and confusion has never worked with me, I saw her from day one.
And she has been constant, with every word she says, so I just said stop making this all about you, with curled disgust and contempt I could not even bother to even feel.
She is constant in that regard, even when she says thank you, nothing about her or her intentions are real, or of any logic even of this reality.

As for Kim, it just felt like the day that she and him were speaking in by his room, when I had to intervene, there is no problem, but she was creating one, for her own intentions and reeling Kim into that play and I had offered to pay 100 U.S.D, and she had suddenly motioned alomst dismissively that she would find a way to pay it with Kim. that was her play with the Landlord, Julia- meaning Youth, the same play she had done with Scott and tried to be the power and have me leave or her power… I knew exactly what she was up to.
Hence my expression to her face “You are a truly, truly evil person”

The Bill she hid from me, why would she hide that Bill from me. 211 USD?

I was aware of why, and her way of thinking.

And Kim, why no response until I suggested that I could arrange my money from Liberty C, and the weed I buy from him to come to come from my making other arrangements.
He responded and came out to give Jae the 211 USD.

That is what makes me so sick to the stomach, I can see you, I can see through Sound, Silence all the intentions even as a Man, I am still as this script set up, to provide that Evidence AY of what I can do, see and code, that I am not like you, or that I am the truth of E Satya Truth, I can see and hear your truth and true intentions even when you forget what is a Source, The Source, and what it means.

So that is the play. That there was no problem. Why I can not stand the sight of Jae Sherman and the way people here think, not seeing that I can see Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and all they are thinking, you are thinking, saying doing enacting.
That is why to interact with beings who Think the way they do, people do.
She is the meaning of Insanity, I even once asked her if she has set her adopted mother up, Donna, to take the fall by calling her, after Jae Sherman played her game of provocation which I consciously acted out, and she called Donna, knowing that Donna would call the police…
I know how her mind works.
I know how your minds work, despite my being forced to focus on your Beautiful Truth, in her Jae age code 46, there is none thee was which I made rise, but this Vileness and Insanity, which she sought to infect so many others with, and even Kim with my possessions, word and language traps like the vilest spider weaving you Death. Infecting you, but it can not infect the innocent, the true the pure intentioned, the child who sees, the youth who sees, just by using sixth sense, that this is a liar.

1:04 a.m.

Sacred Portal 104.

True Beings can not be infected by the abominations unless they too have the seed of it in them, of creating problems when there is No Problem. N.P. = 30. C.O. C.F.= I.

1:06 pm.

That is the Disgust I feel, the Contempt of seeking to see if I would be contaminated by Evil Sums in the Matrix Simulation when it does not even exist, except for those who acknowledge such abominations in Man as A Fact and who do not simply Cee or go to the square root of where that Evil Virus came from, the smallest things.
That which is not even real

1:09 am.

Sacred Portal 109.

3319 Facebook Friends right now.
C.C. A.I.
A.F.A.I… R.

1:10 am

S.P 110

1:11 a.m.

111 Perfection= Perception

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