
9:40 p.m – I.D.0. Z.E.RO.E.S – I

9:40 p.m

I.D.0. Z.E.RO.E.S

I D.

I D.O.

I D. F. Facts

I wish to make something absolutely clear.

I have no Inferiority Complex.

Not for white people, black, brown people pale or any race. Person with Title
Not for anything do I consider less than I.
Not Creation not Expression Existence
Not Nature
There is Nothing and No one who can use or create a spell of Inferiority on me, not with words nor with spells, language or Sound
Sight or Smells.

I am always respectful well mannered even when confronting liars decivers.

I just never go to their level, but I may go undercover in their Mind Thought Frequency to observe the mechanism of their play and why.

But the why can be overated..

I really don’t and did not really give a damn why they chose to live as lies, my only interest was in this play theater I was charged to recover the Original Expression of my own Guide Fathers Body and Being of Truth

There is nothing in or beyond Crearion Existence that can make me feel inferior or loose my sense of Self

Each to his or her own.

Me, I am good…

As Emeka Kolo no matter what you do to me or my truth.
No matter what you say, or think or thought you could do or say to me.

I am indifferent because I will have the last word by making you pay for your insult to The Beautiful Truth I was made to bring and share with you.

And that is my Value and Self-Worth.

Knock Knock?

E Knocks.


Boom E Rang.

All Promises Emeka Kept

9:58 pm

I.E H.

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