
9:39 pm. – I:C.I. – “Ici” – Meaning

9:39 pm.
Meaning “Here” in French.

There is no one who can put words in my mouth.
Or translate for me expression or speak for me.
Especially when I am right here present.
Despite there being such a person here present called Jae Sherman, who delights in breaking a covenant made in the presence of Kim after explaining the reasons and pointing out why I have insisted she not speak to me.
It is harmonious here except that continued breaking of that covenant which respects everyone’s stance and point of view.
And the agreement made.

What are Existential Death and that which I term non-existence. Not real?
It is when someone takes your expression absorbs it digests it, then intentionally expresses it and addresses you with a meaning they have created for your expression, entirely their own and seen through only that view point.
Thiers- despite the evidence all parties accept, that it is unclean, is of disease, is of traumas and bad habits already cured.

This invasion of your right to express, your, voice, your point of view.
That which interrupts, negates your right to exist, to express and be heard and responded to in that true meaning expressed.
That which negates the right for another to express be existed.
That is the expression of that person condemning you, your voice to non-existence.
And since even if you are an illusion, a character, and have the right to exist.
Much less if you are Natural, Naturally Aware.
Aware Naturally Awakened Truth.
A N A T…
Aware that you are Satya Truth.
And carry within and around you powers, entities, family as frequencies who will answer them for you with the avatar descendant, true being indifferent to the expected response.

For to negate a person being is to negate that which brought them into existence and being, even if they are simulations characters in a play.
This will be bring into your presence that Source of bot that which is True and False- The Truth do see who whould dare.
The Source who brought all things Bright and Beautiful into being as well as the source of the Universal Simulation Awareness code tag Tree Sage
author of the all, even the animated characters or Naturals of Truth into existence.

Once the purpose of the character simulation Animatrix role has been identified and proven out of the game and its truth as a Natural being is identified it must Fade.

And in this case, that character whose represents Existential Death, Non-Existence… 0 Zero as in not being here.

For once you negate the existence other the other, that is the indication that you are not real.
And so instead of you sending the expression of the one you consistently negate out of existence, who is real fact solid real- it is you who fade out of existence through all the rings full circle of the times you negated the existence of others, killed them and lied.

Some people do it because they live in their heads, and even if they are shown how to land in their bodies and their hearts, still persist in living in their heads while shooting death rays with an expression which negates your existence proven fact before your very eyes.
When you have made your Expressions Action Tone of Voice- Meaning Words Crustal Clear from warm to cold, glacial cold- ice… Frozen.
Revealing in transparency and witnesses present one’s Expressions Intent and Why.

That generates Non-Existence
The power of the Black Hole Supreme opening.
Alien Father Alpha Stephen Existential Death.

J S code is not even at 29 Lincoln Stree where the play began. It is not at 114 Grant Moore Motel when I arrived.
J S goes back to 2009 and John Shaw. J S.
then to Jay Stevens.
to Jeron Satya.
Jeron Serenity.
Sacred Portal 10 letter J.
10 Balance in Binary.
But there is now Jae Sherman anywhere in the script in this form.
Female or like this.

That is Non-Existence in its absolute form. Not from past present and any such form.
It simply does not exist.

J S S J is that which is real and the form is Baby Boy 5-year-old girl, Grandfather, Youth with brothers TT and Luke Shaw. L S.
There has never been a female J S in the script.

10:04 pm.

J 0 D.

She has finally gone from my proximity.

As you can see it was a play by Alien Father.
Com pass me declates Terrible death.
10 04
J 0 D.
not J O D. I Foster.

That role in the age code of the matrix falls squarely through Age codes on Liberty C Liscomb.
age code 45,
Which apparently this script was waiting for to complete.

Jodi Foster starred in the movie Contact.
J F C.
It is signed on my sacred portals.

Now let the crackling line of witches in secret, with secret intentions be gone.
A Story and one not even in the true script of true and false, the fact of fiction.
the Curriculum Vita of the U S A School.

Now let’s complete this end play…

Non Existence has been confirmed.

Fade. Out.

Fade In.

My latest Facebook friend 15 45 is Fiona Pruefer

10:20 p.m/
John Thomas John Shaw Thomas True-man
Private Dick

She J S, just made her entry in perfect timing.
Backing me twice before the growl of the beast rose up in me giving warning and twice she has retuned fully aware.
E D N E…..
Existential Death Non Exsitent.

Correct Code
A R I A D N E.
E-D N E.
E N D =E

A Play
Everything moving activated in perfect timing to the role and the frequency they have incarnated by choice, fully aware.

/ A N..O I. Ferrell. F.ACT. E.


*”Meanings · According to a user from Wisconsin, U.S., the name Fiona is of Celtic origin and means “Fair, pure, beauty, white”. ”
*”Meaning of the name Fiona: Derived from the Gaelic fionn (fair, white, clear).”

Its a Scottish Name.

As is Collin Ferrell.
And Ferrell Gemino’s grandmother.

P-RUE Fer.
P is Perfection.
P is 16.
Beautiful Youth
“Rue” in French means “Street or Road” ST.RD.
DA KO T. A Aria Norris is 19 years old.
S E N D.
E N D S.

Its means *”examiner; (= Wirtschaftsprüfer) inspector. DeclensionPrüferin is a feminine noun and Prüfer is a masculine noun”

Examiner Tester.

Brian E .IS EN-“D”-HUT
B R Ian ( I-AN) means John.
B R O IAN Iron John.
E I S P 59 “ME OW” S EN “D”H- U.T!.

76 years age code ( not his real age)

Christ MANN.


Kim – Tree Sage will be covering the News and taking my place in which ever way he choose on his page, as I leave posting “Whats on My Mind” on Face book- after all I have made it astonishingly crystal clear.

I will hovering around as the E mananual begins its intended journey mission and goal via K L M.
Kim Liberty Micheal / Aurelia and the Jay Crue.
Jay Crew.
Joan of the true Arc.

But it has been a long time waiting to leave this play- but at its completion and its point made crystal clear.
As well as its intention and mine.

10:45 pm.

Closing this page on 2-12-2021.
15 45 Facebook Friends.

Having gone all the way back to sacred portal 46 First Drop. F D and to the 64 point reall the 62nd move 3/2 .. 66th.

10:46 pm.
10:47 pm right now.

11 22 47.
11 22 68.

11 11 1 22 22.. 1 46 78./ 87-64 1 1 1

10:48 pm.
10:49 pm right
& Existential Death Non Existence

there was .. is only E .I.A.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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