
9:37 P.M.

9:37 P.M.


I was just in a play at Star Bucks…

With a lady and her son which just mirrored the play of God as Mother not seeing a blind spot

Anger Hurt blame in which she reflected my own state.

But I know why I am in this circumstances..

It was to get her and her son and whose intials make J.R. have a conversation about the two men, her ex and his friend also J R..

One side seen as Good and the other seen as Evil.

But the one Intel I got from her is that she once saw the Light and heard the music.

She represents 53= 8 and O .

The Circle.

I had seen her at The Bean, on 2nd and 3rd.

Her Espirit had caught my attention..

She looked like a former model, and then I later met her 18 year old son.

I knew that this was my 9th day on the street and that this lady who had everything taken away from her enraged exhusband whose son had been taken from him by the judge.

Had come back with a fury to destroy her, literally.

The rage she described was so familiar so awful, yet even as she spoke, she could not see how she could have provoked such a rage

But she was as God, beautiful with her point of her sword of truth but not with the music her son represented as the musician he is..

Music of the Spheres…

The place she had gone to and returned with the view of the Universe at its birth with music …

Not a Big Bang..

More like a beautiful Explosion of the Senses…

I saw the code around her..

9-78 15 7O 62…

We were at 78 Spring Street.

She had come to straight where I sat.

A red headed…

I had just completed the equation of a red head Facebook friend..

She had stayed in a hotel for 100:00 last night.

But tonight after selling a bunch of her cloths, she was left with 1O in her hands.

Her son later came in with 1O USD.

I could not ignore the codes which were Gode speaking to me…

And she affirmed each and everyone starting with a book with the code Awakening abd When things Fall Apart written by another Author other than the one of Chinua Achebe.

She suddenly asked me about a Yr 365 days what did it mean and the code 65…

I recalled Sacred Portal 65..

The End of repetition..

CF E…Circle Full E.

1O:28 pm.

Its All an illusion of numbers I stated.

She smiled…

There is only One Day, which I of course, referenced the sacred portal 53..

And how she had represented the line of Mother and Son.

One day is 3-66…

One day has come.

And that One Day which is the Eternal One Day

E.O.D…/DOE a Deer has everything in it.

It is beyond time beyond illusion of numbers..

The Day which comes every 4 years..

The Dimension of Being.

And so to my amazement I began doing the work with her.

She was, is a strong woman and very aware but she had so much quiet hurt and reminded my of my sisters 7:28 expression as Truth which hurts but it is not meant to hurt if it is delivered beautifully..

Enter her son Raphael the musician who is as the song of the spheres..

I was angry amazed that even now, I was being sent people who were part of the play.

Hatred is what I knew was what I was meant to feel.

I knew this was Hatred to me.

And for whatever purpose it did not care.

I did not let it enter my being just observed it..

Why, 26 years non stop.

I had trusted the Truth of Existence

Only to have it fragmented into something all these pieces in a fit of insane rage.

And myself sent to put the pieces of the puzzle back together again…

Into the blackest of pits..

A woman sent out into the streets homeless while her son watched and she sought to keep it all together..

But she was mirroring a story which had been destroyed while I held the picture movie film the original all intact.

New York and money, its sickening fear of homelessness and not having money entities do drunk with power thst they had no problem sending me to the pit beyond Death…

One Dai .. David Philipe Gil Ana Leonardo Caixas Inês Guerreiro D A.I…


One Day has come a Harmony from Beyond

Sacred Portal 53.

And now I knew why.

Am I shocked that even now that I am being used..

Yes and no…

There is a cruelty of this force beyond belief.

9:46 pm

9:47 pm.

1O:53 pm


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