
9:37 p.m.

9:37 p.m.

Unfortunately my last post vanished…

But I suppose all you really need to know is that they began to play the sing


In the cafe…

Immediately after I complted the last post..

HA… That is how I ended my last post…

And how I arrived at my 5th or 6th Facebook Friend…

Berto Berto…

B B… The correct one, I surmise…

*Short form of ROBERTO, ALBERTO, and other names containing bert (often derived from the Germanic element beraht meaning bright).

Bright Bright… Doubly Bright…

Let It Be….


I passed through Erik E-Brights portal..

Rahul Da Silva who gave me the first book which mirrored my experience The Sword of Truth

as well as the Book Jonathan Living-Stone Seagul…is an E bright scholar…

Robert means Famed Bright Shinning of Light

And so you are being asked to Invest in me, in my truth, in my Expression.

It is the last chance to chose what is worthy of investment of your time and energy and your hard earned money..

A Token because i do not need your money…

But rather it is for you to decide if a Human can could evolve Humanity through constant expression to the Eternal Realm, to morph and transform….to become my Family of E..

The Beautiful Ones…

9:46 P.M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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