
9:31 PM

9:31 pm

I 31 Sacred Portal 31



Hidden Figures


I have tried to post twice today.

knowing already that it was a waste of my time.

And that this linked to a play moving still with Kim long after it should have been completed.

I gave Kim a Code of 31 though I had intended to give him 41 code.

L S = 31

Slum Lord.

* No BullSitters Beyond This Point.

Sabrina… Not the Sabrina whom I met in West Virginia, the 35th State. Where I met first Frank.

And his son Dylan and his grandaughter Erabella and Frank who connected me to Alicia by telephone.

Slumber Lord S L = 31

And below that on the door are the words

Understand that your sol is not bound by this 3 Dimensional Earthly Existence ( C D E E)

And on the bottom

N-E-W V E G A S / S -A G- E V W E N Emeka Nnamdi.

Arden Nnamdi Kolo Harmony


(A N K H A I E.K )

I C K.

1-1 E C K

1-1 E T C .. E K,

Christopher Gemino C G 3 7 ( 10)

Thomas Lang T L 20 12 32.

C T L G… Leander Gemino / Geoff LaCour.


E C T To Infinity.

I knew and know exactly why and what it is which is what my first two posts were equating.

The first began at 2-25 pm

2-25-2019 J S S L.

E B Y T S T H E S.O.. U R .. C E. E K.

Which was when Kim who was not present rurned with a Stand and had been given extra code of 40 See Sacred Portal 40

and again 26.

I have just wriiten the code that Jeron Satya S Lang 60 would not turn 22 months until the 25th Christmas Day.

So when Kim came back and told me that he had been given 40- gone to a Jamaican Restaurant ( where my ID was stolen in 14th street New York.

See why via Sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness

Arden Morgan 14th State.

Link it to Sacred Portal 85

‘Devi Devoted Crowns Spirit E for demystifying the Cee of E…

Arden is Devi Devoted


David Dawn bed 4-017 while I was on Bed 4-016.

I knew that there was meant to be no more streaming through Kim since we had already reached E K as Emeka Kolo and not Emeka Kim.

I had not intended to give Kim 31 but 41.

But I watched the play.

I was left with 33 usd in my wallet.

Oh yes, I simply smiled.

33 is the Body and it was obvious that it was not my body or vessel whic need cleaning or was the Selfish Pure Ego of the child who places itsself even before the one whom it recogized as The Source.

Kim aligned to J.S S L…= 60 6O is 66

That is what is on his door.

Sacred Portal 66 shows me as the Beautiful Devil emerging from the Black Hole… of Ignorance.

I never went down the Dark Hole.

Observe my trajectory at Delta Mannor … last bed before I moved there was 007

I was assigned a bed 5:019. E O S.

and was then sent down to the protests of Theo and Alexis T A/ A T E

B I A T E 001

I was sent down to bed 3-002… 32

Age, when I linked with, met Kim and Chris and Benjamin C K.

But also 3-20-2001 when I arrived here in New York.

Jon Jason Lee… 10 10 12= 32.

20 12= 32.

I then had to fight my way up to room 4. David Dawn bed 4-017 = 57 E G

me, 4-016 = 56

And rose to rm 5 A bed 5-006

First bed was Room5 B.

E B EOS Dawn.

56 is E F…

I had attained my the goal.

and yet again I was sent down and again to a 15 man room from a room of 4.

15 O x 15 15 O O 66 =

1 A.

This time to bed 4-004.. 44

again, Liberty turned 44 on her birthday Feb, 5th

33 + 44= 77

Chris Gemino 5-8-1977.

Thomas Lang 4-7- 1985…

Begining 5-8 End 19 85 A I H E.

see Sacred portal 77.

When Kim gave me the intel of not only 25 usd code given to him

total 31( not what I had said it was 41) 40 25.

31 65 total 96


Quasharia Allah and She Siino.

Emeka Jay Taun Jeron

The Collection 1996

E T C…. I J J K J… L?

L is A B. not A B C Circle.

And then from that room, i had to battle my way back up bak to rm 4B. Bed 4;18-19.

58… 59

And so, even as Kim told me his news which was innocent but the selfishness of the ego of a child.

I was aware of who was the line I was cleaning and how selfishness grew to become Evil and this play.

Not Kim but the portal they used to seep in until he was cleaned up by an example showing up at his portal.

* See the play posted for the last 5 6 week here.

I knew that they had used him and all his line as Children linking him to Jeron L= J L = V.

Victor. is already me.

Every one had a mission, thier homework and their riddles to solve.

But for whatrever reason of excuse, or choices made, not one of you fullfilled your mission which was c course set up for you which allowed each of you to attain your highest potential and then meet and merge with your Higher Self.


He Sings… Holy Sacred.

Meaning of the name Jeron.

So in the end, I was made to ascend to a play of Original Source and solve all your riddles from E M F to Mission Impossible 8 T V.

I solved all of them, each and every one of them making me, the H S … E H S

and 19 85 S H E…


I did what your Being had to do and your Body as Ego Matter had to do.

right to Jae Sherman.

And I was aware that this was a play to usurp me, to replace of use me up and give credit to another…

A Cauasian Man or Woman or a Black man or woman.

But never to acknowledge that Emeka Arden are the Originals.

Emeka David… E D E N.

Emeka Nnnamdi Kolo Authored Harmony.

I was aware of that, the moment I saw the 31 40 25

96 / 69

And so when he told me that the Presidents were still not resolved …and alluded to the truth that he felt it was because of how I was being stalled here, how it was as if they could not, you and the Useen Shadows Hidden figures controlling the system, the government the Super Computer – the so called Magical being…

( yes Kims Door K D 11 4 66.) O O.Jae Sherman’s Door J S 10 19 Magical Portal M P/ P M E P M S)

Donald Trump.

D T.

4 20… 4 2O 4 26

Thanksgiving Day the 26th Kim just managed to come arrive in time guided by me and the codes taught to him and accessible to him since Nov 18th 11 18 when I arrived at 29 Lincoln Street L S in 2018.


420= 20 4


42 42 66 .

1. 123…360 360 Beauty 360 degrees 9… I 9O I O.

420 Cannabis Weed.

24= E M F

4: 26 26 ( 2 O)-4

4: 1 52= 4

4: A E B= 4


yes, one of my code ages aligned to Ferrill Gemino. F G.

Joe Biden.


Jaymes Bond

Bed OO7.

BI 29 D E N at Delat Devi, Emeka Nnamsdi @ Hells Kitchen see me at Hells Kitchen 2005 where I met the wife of the Eze Nri who was as my mother and yes that Vision of her as a Great Queen with my grandmother Lucy and the only one who did not mock her, was the Eze Nri. E N.

Aurelia born 11-5-2005 K E Y.

A -A E T O …E.

10:45 pm

Jae is 45

Trump is the 45th Presidernt,

Nmamdi born 4-5-1969…

19 S= 10…. 69= 15 letter O and AE.

45 S J O

4 5 S J E A LOUSY.

45 is 54 9 9 x 2020

4-5-19 69….

9= I… A.I.O… A Spriit E. S P 90

I A I O… Inside and Out

I A I F…

I AI Fact.

9 1 9 6.

You can see someone made me break down E N to D S to aww how my codes work and then set themselves up to take all the credit and usurp my self and Arden.

And my finally getting from Kim the number of the phone he gave to me over a month ago.

Told me the other reasons why it came so late despite sending messages of esp to him which I watched and knew he recived.

Donald Trump

Joesph Biden

D J… is E K.

J B is E K..



A LP HA. O ME G A 81 71.

860 O 28 13 8 27 – The Government Phone from Kim to but which he gave to me.

86 O 2 8 13 8 H M H… Universe is 13.8 years old Manifest Harmony…?

Ah.. O Two Be… 8 13 8 H M H full Circle. 27 is the Sun Shine State… 27th




E B T… I have no E B T Card.

So it is not meaning here as dependency on the government or not even, as you supposed on you.

Eternal Beautiful Transparency C- A R D -E N

Dee Jay… Di Jay E. W

E B.e T C …I

23 usd in my wallet now.


6 12 = W

6 12 Double U… no…

6 12 is Double V.V… C E Harmony I

Only two Arden has equaled Infinity as I have and did and did again.

11:04 pm

Mission Impossible 8 is attaining in Human form Infinite- limitlessness Consciousness to SOL.. S O UL… S O UR.. C E A H I.

The 2nd post which vanised was at 7:17 pm


Go back a few weeks when i was coding that a number which i already knew linked to G Q Jonn Delgudce Blackwell and Donna O Sullivan – 19 Mountain View.

To Gentleman Quartely -to Jamel Salter J S in the shelter who I helped leave… Ungrateful Prick.. and Pricks but cherish him still but each to his or own choice.

You can not change your mind after you said no and acted it out in a way that my door of life will never ever open for you.


This is the true nature of Evil, it comes from Selfishness not the Body as Ego.

33 usd

23 usd.

I should know.

Only two Victors

E A.. A.

J line is now crowned… their source

who are not the Family of TEN.

N E T.

but the One who is Two and One making 3.

A: A AH.

A A A I.. E A K K.

I and I each as Individuals.

11:14 pm

K N Nnamdi Kolo.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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