



I.B…(Heart) O..




Being Harmonious= Hue-man.


We have reached the Line of Eternal Youth the line of E, whose portal was represented in the play of Yonathan Yohanness, Emeka and Seble ..

Y.E.S and then manifested through the Portal of Nikoma Rios door X in Chelsea and then more recently, Tanya Nikoma…T.N…

Chris Franco and then Raz Berry…

E line Consciousness..

Which was affirmed by a private message from Jonathan David Frechette…

Who is near to Raz Berry…

R-A-Z…(Alberto Santana to Zeina Hanna)..


Pls see the play of Blue Lagoon- Richard, Emmeline and Paddy…

R.E.P…Representing the E line…R=18 letter 1-8 Doe a dear to Do-E..R is A.H.

A.H =I…1+8=9=I…


Example Play…

Example Plan E.T.

I Elizabeth Palace…

So we can see from the film I watched yesterday and posted that in another realm or parallel universe, where a contest was being played out..

at 49 sacred portal…

Enders Game…of Genders…

And the silver Cube made manifest of Mercury Hermes…From the Silver Lining Play Book movie which manifested in the Ear Phones, ordered way before he suggested we watch that film…

Immediately I watched the movie Hair Brained about the Hares While staring at one of the three Cards I have on display on my Magical Art Installment Altar..Vouz Do, chess board….With a Hare on it..

Hare being what we observed here at 18 Mountain View which we reported and posted were not rabbits but Hares, symbol of Krsna my Blue Black brother Nnamdi E…Yeshua…

-I knew that my 449 Facebook friends would move to 45O..

and of course, a little into the movie, I saw that my Face book page had ironically opened up while I was watching the Movie, reading the codes and the intel, I observed that I had a new Face Book request…

I was curious but decided to read the code today…and went to bed…

I watched a Nicholas Cage movie of the Mother of Fuck-ups, of Assumptions is the Mother of All sins…

Do not assume…


Check out the facts before you Do Act..

check the Facts.. Pause and Consider…

Welcome Zyaire BlooMoon….Beautiful Name or Moniker…


GA La! X.Y.Z….Blue Moon…


Zeina Beautiful…


Beauty A-Z Being Manifested…

Zaire Means Africa… River Za (Za means Respond!’ in Oinri Igbo, a Command)..

River- Styx- Eden E.N.E.D…Ened.. Soul

And it means in Arabic :Manifest Apparent Bright

Bloom O ON….

The River of the Source Soul is manifest, apparent bright, and Its is this River which Runs through US, you which has compelled All to Respond and to each individual answer for their interpretation and enactment of the play undercover…

Who speaks thus…?

Why my 45O Face Book Friend Linked to my Twin Nnamdi E, which as you from the same post as I have of I.E in the beginning have the same Memory..

The two Brothers Beloved Fathers Sons EN..E+N= S…Earth North South…


Sound means Are, Whole, Wholesome, Sane, Sound Hale Hearty Healthy Well Balanced, Laudable..Beautiful… We Are…E.R.A..Harmony E..

Beings finally born in this world of the consciousness of the E, most of them in Physical Age are in their Early Twenties, for I am the Early Bird..

But I had no Idea that it would take 26, my entire youth, expression in that conscious sending out that beacon A-Z, 1-26…

When I saw the Evanescent Light in Paris on Dec 23-26, 1992…

I had just turned 26…A-Z…

And from that point I found myself from then until completing the mission I literal heard from the Voice of that Frequency I had gone to yet who would not let me pass through to the other side where even I knew was my to my literal Home…And forced me back here…

To express it would appear, the passage way for the E line to be able to enter this world..

Which is why most of them were physically born from 1993-94 onwards..

But its seed had always been inside all consciousness of in Humanity and Animal Nature…A B C to D the Devotion Divine OF (DE) Vine..Devi -Davide Dionysus Denu- the Dean..code Dean Rodd…DR and the Road Dominic Temp (The Weather Temprature)…

And Denny Ding Wei…I met with B.H at Flushing Queens…

Denny means follower of Dionysus.. But Dionysus means of Zeus

(Dionysus is the Son of Zeus and Semele (a Mortal Woman daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia)..Semele means Earth

It also means Dios as in God which means Bright, Clarity, falling from above to land… Day light.. Same word as Theos also meaning God God Sky..

Dionysus is the Son of Earth Sky..E,S..PI RIT Z…Earth Heaven Sky…E,H.S…


Ding means Man Gardener, Wei means Vast Large Lofty, powerful Towering strength, feminine- Small, Rose- Unisex-Only

DD.DD.DD (R) D (T)..DDW.E..I

9 D’s…


94…13 4…36..9…49…

1994 Freedom Song Poem was written,

*I posted it twice on this Sacred Page…

Mars Bars

Marius Aries….


Rob Barr….

Mar Bars..Great Chocolate Bar..

Factory located at Mount Olive.. New Jersey..

It is Also called the Milky Way Bar in America..


Man Wu-Man B…

Mars the Roman equivalent of Aries..

Zeus the Greek version of Jupiter…

Nnamdi is Aries…N.A..TU-R.E Z

I.Emeka am Sagittarius…E.S..PIRIT Z

N.E= S.A..O..Kolo means Circle…

E.N =S.A.O..H

Two Brothers from the One.. and their C.D..


in Harmony..

The Proof?

Arrival of Face Book friends

Zyaire BlooMoon

Mars Bars…

Z.M. B.B

ZooM (Zoom in Lens Camera) on Beautiful Beings…BB 22 Victorious


26 13..2 13 2

Z=MB x2…They are ONE..MB/MB= Z


26 2 13 13 2

Z=BMMB…They are a Circle..

ONE Circle… Oh Cee…

1 O..E.N O.1=A..

E N.O.A..H

They are one and the same thing each with properties and personality Individual unique distinct..

But arise from the same Source..


1O:55 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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