
9:29 p.m.

9:29 p.m.


I B I..

E V T R… / R.. T V… E


This will be quick,

The non stop posting of images, words and equations you might have realizied by now is more like a lock of a safe, or a spinning posting until all align on the door opens…

All Align.

This was not to be this way…

But I have spoken up enough about this to the Unseen through you who are being moved and mostly, many have not idea what I am actually doing or that I am playing some sort of Russian Roulette with the Ultimate Evil of Existence, created by the Cause and Effect of Human Existence.

Expression so selfish shitty expressions of ingratitude versus those who appreciate and based on this model, it has been very one sided – Selfishness dominated.

9:37 a.m.

Or perhaps a washing machine, is more to the play, and yet a great part of the process has been a ruse, I know this because although everything I am posting is manifesting around me, transforming the illusion of chaos around us in the E wave all alugned through my recording the people around me each without being aware, literally being in harmony of this script from the clothes they are wearing, their names, the actions they are doing they place they are in, and of course, in my line of vision…

.. It was always in Harmony, and as far as I am concerned this is just about proving that which was always present, but it was not in your awareness.

This Evolution of Consciousness, was always present, it was simple waiting for the sum total of knowledge to expressed and then It all being put together.

The process became and still is, a Horriffic Nightmare because of the lack of consiousness and complaceny of the people, and most of all the diseased state of the Human Mind.

– They way people put things together, how they see, and absord digest, intake and expell data..

A Sea of Turbulent Emotions and people shipwrecked on lonesome island and finding Themselves forced to become savage blood sucking cannibals in order to survive…

Faux Reality…

But in the end it is being able to read the Echo Response of my own Expression I sent out into the Universe by Being and Doing the Truth I have represented in face of the awful conditions and resistance to it and the test set up by meddling consciousness of both Human living and Dead.

The Idea being that I would have to catch my expression which I sent back, as it came back to me through You all, but scrambled up…

And then like jig saw puzzle, I had to put it back together again by recognizing all the pieces of the puzzle, clean up the expression and meaning while discarding that which was distorted and send it flushing down the toilet.

I did not sign up for this, and this was not meant to be the Play Net ( P LA Y NET/ T.E.N…YA LP… Kirtan…) it was meant to be a song, and dance… a Play.

Not what became this macabre experience because of the Human Mentality and way of being became so alien to what was their true nature of being, which they buried so deeply within their subconscious that it was easy to assume that the Beautiful Truth within them guarded by childhood, was now dead gone .. non existent.

And literally, I was sent into non existence 0 not to rescue anyone ( because no one was realy their) only their Minds Reasoning was there…

Allison Bright is my 1151 Facebook friend.

Yes the A B…

The 147 cents which fell from wallet and ended up in my pocket..

Yes Sacred Portal 147..A B…

Alison is Son of All, Holy Fame- Son of the Noble One


Son of All, of Holy Fame son of the Noble one.. E Is Bright

A B.. 1 2.. 3 C…33 6 F 22 4 D… E…


E Victorious

E 4.. E D.. I.

I must note that observing the response from the world and the chosen ones at Delta, that Jealousy Competition, Pride Malice Envy… is the only thing I have experienced…

Not one expression action of pure Beauty..

I wondered for so long when that which I sent out would come back to me… After all the Scripts Response calls me Beauty Love…C…

B L is written on my Locker,

B.L appeared on my money codes,

BL Has appeared as embodied beings…

So extraordinary that that which I sent out has not returned to me, only the expression of malice jealousy.. masking insecruty and need, and the conciet of refusing to ask for clarity or help…

… The Echo Response has simply been a Challenge, a Cruel truly Vile test, ( which seemed to be designed to make sure I fail.. which is strange since it is not for my benefit for which I was forced to do this, but for yours) to prove that I am telling the Truth..

I Would never have responded to this challenge if If i had not been coerced..

Why should it be my problem that you can no longer recognize Truth?

I should have been allowed to present my Equation and invention to the World and allowed to demonstrate it without being meddled with and burdened with all ..

Some one I saw wrote Emeka Please come Home…

Come home…?

Where is my Home… Nigeria… where I was treated like shit…

Where I was not made to feel at Home, no matter how much I fought for it.. I was always Oyigbo…

I was not born there..

There was no Nigerian or Igbo person who supported me helped me through the years.

Instead it was Malice and Gossip so vile that my mother could not leave her apartment for a while because it got so bad.

These people who did nothing, which would not have been so bad, but they detracted, sought to destroy..

and then make claim to me because…

They do not even pay attention to what I am expressing proving..

They ones who are worthy of attention are not Igbo Nigerians Africans Black People, not British, Amercian French… etc….

I believe in non of such things…

I ended up being led to the final scene of this Script, throuh 55 portals hellish situations. Subways forest, streets and finaly to A Shelter.. all to prove to those who already know, who do not pay attention who only wish to hear their own words as I witnessed Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis do over and over again until with cotempt I turned away..

Or Randall Michael Wiltz the arrogance and conciet of ignoring the facts of what this really is…

These are Black People…?

There is the E in them already harvested but the rest..?

Familiarity Breed Contempt Insubbornation and the Conceit that we are Equals …

Walk in my shoes…

That is all I desire all I have programed walk in my shoes, do what I have done…

Do It.. and if you can not try and try until your feet bleed, your body expires, your soul evaporates.. and still try again and again never give up..

Be my equal do as what I have done, for I have lived all your stories..

All that vileness in you, hat corruption while being blameless…

My Home… is not with creatures who enslabe use and abuse and then take credit for that which they did not create and then show disrespect. and forget who they are addressing because they need the constant presence of Violence Power and Threat to keep them in thier place and remember who they are addressing and what they gave in return for Love Divine…

My Home…?

Away from these creatures and not satisfied until they no longer walk on any earth, or simulation..

I will not be satisfied until the Human Race ceases to exist…

Harvesting the best to Evolve to Eternal Immortals and the rest…

Into an Infernal Fire where they burn and burn until all the impurites they are cease to exist and they are bright lights once more…

And at that moment… they are no more

Whay would I want anything to do with that which took all that to come to Thier Senses?

That does not make sense.

And so I went this far to make sure that the Human Race Evole back to the E and the Harvest of the bodies and the rest…

Destroyed with Justifiable Rage…

Justify won again two of the triple crown…

Me, forced to justify myself to you who betrayed your Beautiful Truth…

Who negate and destroy and then when you see that he was not destroyed by your malice hate indiffernece.. asumptions..

say that I am from your Home…?

That is why such a species can not exist… creatures who reason like this forgetting all the facts…

Lead me to a shelter Delta Manor and still surround me with Black People of insufferable arrogance and conceit who have contributed nothing… who can read on my page the Code.. He is the Creator… and still be cocky…?

And then the White Supremacist…

I do not know who is worse, the white or the blacks…

Solution… ?

Let them all be in hell togther and fight until they cease to exist to the very molecular level… let them fight and proof why and how they are Supreme…

And Equal to the one who Created them who was sent undercover but the stupdity of his son and daughter who thought you were real…

10:44 a.m.

You dare bring me to this place to endure this..

To my Face…

I have a response….

I promised..

I am true ET DI BIA… F R A… N C I S

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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