
9:29 p.m.

9:29 p.m.



I A.M. AN N A.

There is Nothing more Terrible than the disintergration of Trust.

When even Naked, Transparent and Tested Checked for an astounding 31 years, and 64 portals in the U.S.A.

People are not able to trust what they feel, sense, intuit, recognize and know at first glance.

A Betrayal to believe the worst, to test check and challenge from behining to end.

If no one is sure of what is True and Truth any more, even when the absolute Truth is standing right before them.

Or stand up for it, fight for it..

But instead constantly Set Up, to prove it a lie or a Hypocrite…

Just so that no one can hurt them, betray them..

All because they can no longer listen to anyone because of that roar of unforgettable hurt of rage scream of expected betrayal and dissapointment, which each infects the other with.

Until it spreads and speads..

Until it infects others.

The only thing I found was a remedy trust your Self…

If you trust your true Self ( not the one in fear and illusion)

You don’t Need, to Trust anyone, because in everyone you will see your Self and your truth.. and your illusions.

10:43 p.m

As I stated so often,

I don’t trust this Play Script.

Nor do I trust anyone, not because of fear of betrayal and disappointment.

But because none are awake, not themselves or they would have done exactly what I was made to do..

Which is to give reasonable explaination of how I know you, showing my credentials and giving a demonstration along with echo confirnations of not only explaining our easy amicability.

But also how far I have traveled to find you, and the conflict which will follow to bring you back to Awakened Memory of who you are.

10:51 p.m

In all my existence, in this reality I have been called many, many things…

But never have I been called a Lie.

A Hypocrite.

Is this not the greatest hurt of the Youth, the Pure, that which Yeshua so despised.

And imagime The most Transparently purest being was called a Hypocrite.

How should he respond..?

Its not true

Its a Lie.

We brush off.

I suppose it depends who is calling him or her such a name, the intent behind it, the will or is their malice behind it, or is it a Cry.

It only stings the heart deeply, not to rage or violence but to a quiet sadness.

… you would let it get this bad.

Of course, the Universe and the Universal Law, Natural Law, Eternal Law will respond.

Especially if your their emissaries and undercover, the Source.

But what of the Heart of A MAN, no matter his or title, being subjected to such vilification from begining to end.

Knowing its Source Expression… its origins Cause and Effect, is This Script I was forced to enact.

Knowing what people would do to people who obeyed the Laws of a Script which demanded such a play in a world who gave reason to why they viel their thoughts and intentions.

11-0-4 p.m

I know of course, I was set up. via every set up, scene to be destroyed.

I stated that with full awareness

11-05 p.m

I kind a figured that I just had to stay the course until the night mare was over, fighting for it again, and not expecting, yet knowing the moment I open my heart or my mouth to Love and Express…

The set up would result in the same.

11:08 p.m

Such a suffering must and will end

But this the Consistent set up.

And Blame.

I am the North Star..

And for a moment, I am truly loved until I am forced into enacting a Script.

So unnatutal

So not of True Nature of Being in Existence that the Beloveds are no longer sure of what they already know.

11:11 p.m

But in the End, that is their problem

And I sing If you don’t know me by now,

You will never ever know me..

Its my decsion which counts, not yours.

If you dont trust what you know, how can you be of Energy?

Eternal Expression.

E E..

North Star.


Constant Indestructible.

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