
9:25 p.m

9:25 p.m


@ 12 79 Facebook Friends

Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence

Link to Sacred Portal 97

19. 79 represented by Jesse Macias born 79

9-22 I V

19 97. Represented by John Mack born 1997

2-27. B B G-H

Your Going To Miss Me When I Am Gone..

H O M E…

Stay the Course…

Be Constant

Be consistent.

Many people make the error that when I say that they are in Harmony with the Script, that it means whatever they are enacting often not fair or cool…

They assume, well this is what I am meant to do or be.

They are no longer governed by any sense of truth Humanity as E

Rather the Script is created by what the Source Seer Truth who is Love which Sees Cees exactly what the person before them will act out, stop, do, betray the play and thus themselves by revealing that what was already seen manifests exactly as we.. or in my case, my Examination Test Seers of Universe Supreme..

That everything I saw in the Begining of Time Creation play manifested exactly

That those who would rise, those who would not complete, those who still had resentments

9:33 p.m

Love Sees..

Love is Consciousness Full Circle.

Which is why Chris Franco testified some years back as the true horror of my role waa that I was being forced into places of illusions in which I already knew the Outcome..

Usually betrayal of me the E but really themselves

I already knew the outcome..

Who would stay behind rise, stay constant but be forced to go through the play and the betrayals fighting for each person enslavement already knowing the outcome but not allowed to influence it, instead finding myself fighting for them because of Love and the possibility, that they may not do the same thing as seen.

Humans have that power to change their Fate or Destiny if they truly wish


Or they end up being predictable, doing exactly as predicted.. seen.

Which is not of the Harmony of I.E.

Who are Wild Untamed Unpredictable

but our foundation is Truth Eternal Constant


Love sees..


I am the same person as I was at 2. 7-8…

19… 22. 33…

E A..

I.am constant and only seen as unpredictable by those not consistent and constant themselves ..

You can pay attention to the True E Script formed by me, or do it your way..

And if you do it your way, after taking from me all you required, were trained by me, took advantage of my enslavement, gained from it..

Used it..

And did not give Token Fair Exchange not even Attention and Focus…

Just used Me, Him US…

And then abandoned your post, taking your cues…

And even then still quietly and challenge.

Then I take away protection and all my care and attention

And leave you to do the rest on your own..

And that is why 1/3 of the Will Die

1/3 be Hurt…

Hence the requirement for Healers

How many of the injured do you really think so heal with out the E Line..?


Sustaining as I was forced to do for the last 27 years by Father line of J.M J.M….?

To manifest A -A. A Z A.

You really think you can reach 8 alone or 9 or E..?

Some of course will have the E in them almost full arisen …

Other deoebfs on where they reach.

The ones who rose to E K through Being doing and enactment on the World Stage are the ones who stay behind to complete their PHD and are not of the Script of what will

Happen in the 3D world as the panic erupts in Pans Labyrinth that they will now have to find their way out alone to reach harmony.

I sought to protect these family line in Creation to reach 8 Harmony with Father’s Guidance ( my Son)

But so many felt that they do not need me anymore because they got what they want.

I am not deceived

Golden Heart aligned to 5 6 people

Brooke Lee Lemery

Jesse Macias

Zion Maccias

Isabelle Ilic

Carlos Aguilar

See confirmations

56 play

78. 15. O. 6

7 x 8. 56. 11 2 1. B A. C K

if you were not at that play and gave no evidence of being in that Harmony then you stop at where you stopped which I decided because It has been myself tagging people

*Lynne McTaggart

Calling them, texting them, reminding them, prompting them and finally, fed up with them

And I let go…

10:01 p.m

Your Going to Miss me when I am gone because I will not be in you, I will not move within you, as Instinct Intition bridged linked.

I will not be the Slave moving in you or that little voice, to quote Isabelle, which all hear in your hearts

The E do the last part of the Journey on their own because they are proven Heart Mind.

And chose to focus on the Truth ..

The Play..

The Humans rising to Harmony 8..

Will have no E rising in them because they did not complete the Script of E or of 8..

And I will not care if they can not summon the energy to rise..

I.turn my back on them

Not out of Malice or rage but as One who leaves his children of Matter behind who said again and again through the lack of True Appreciation Gratitude Expressed

Will be pulled back into the Matrix Forgetting Death.. Terrible Death will fight to drag you back in and there will be no E to save you

Except the E undercover moving to I

And they will not fight for you because you made a choice

You have no need of your Source

Need as in Guidance

as in Need to eat..

Need to drink

Need to Breath

Not need as Dependency

At E you reach I

At 7 you move to 8 But you are still trapped contained in Creation and your Expression you created as conditional love to that which gave you unconditional Love..

Allowed you to Be.

Rescued your Beautiful Truth

…which I harvest and take with me..

That belongs to me the E

I planted the Seed,nourished fed lovedprotected defended scolded purified it

I brought it to Awareness Being Consciousness A Z and the last step 27 I was still present to help you ressurect

I moved here in the 27th

Date chosen by Esteban Miguel FilgueiraEsteban

5-27 2019. Same day as Kelsie Bissell who moved to New York.

John Mack chose 6-27- 2017 to meet

Mikki came too

But her car code is A M 26. Z

The End

27 is the Ressurection

E Stephen John Me Ian..

E S J. M. I

Jump Man

10:22 p.m


By Jove!

Emeka :Eric Esteban John John Thomas Tree Sage

And Brooke

Brooke Elizabeth Banwer

Brooke S H I E L D S..


219 217

317 319.

3 19. C S… Cynthia S ynthia Sue..

31 9

31 7

97. 1997

10:27 p.m

Woman Evolved through Original Man


To not respect that..

Well then you can fight me as Terrible Death who drags you from 7 to 654310

Unless you can prove. Alone all that I gave you made rise in you 1-78 That you learned your lessons well to the point that you can go beyond my negating you out of Existence by taking my knowledge back from you and you now in total forgetting and darkness after getting so close to the Light…

And from the Darkness so profound make rise

The Blue Print of Existence


10:33 p.m

M.R B. Is Me

Link Brenden Velez

Brooke Lee Lemery

M 13

+18. 18 yrs New York

R. 31.

Kim Nathaniel

Golden State

Golden Owl

Golden Heart…

M.R B..




3 3 is 1 1

11 5. New York. 11th State 5th Connecticut





Perfection at G =7

Crown Chakra

C C. 33.

33 +16


Bed 49

Bed 007

And finally

Key 14.. N O

E O.

And so with Dridi Adem

DR. I D I.

Adem …which means Breath Man

DR. I D I / I D I. RD

AD E.M F / F M E. D A

Dridi Adem


D A. E

And Lady ECHO E

Kim Arthur Hines

Brooke Lee Lemery

Tree Sage

Chief E.

D AK E. .

D A T E..

D A. C E. The Point .

10:45 p.m

I never ask or demand respect

I have already Earned and Merited it

Which is why Everything Rose in the Begining just as it did through this play of Echos Response play in this Enders Game which dies not end at Z .

But completed at 29

26 +3

3 17. 5 17. H.Q.

10:48 p.m


Take my place walk in my shoes

Let’s see of you can do what I did for a Life Time consistently

I never required your respect Love or Acknowledgment

I was sent to establish your Truth by what you expressed and acted out.

That is how It established if you can evolve

10:51 p.m right now

By observing how you love

The Light Bringers

Respect is what allows you to rise.

M R. Mirror Reflection

Two Men



B K.

J M.J M.


And the One E Original


Respect Is Natural

It Never Forgets it’s Source or True Kindness

No one has ever done such as I have shared cared done for others, as I did for you Naturally out of Love..

No one.

N O.

51 years

And that did not make me not continue doing because I was manipulated to be in circumstances and conditions beyond my control

But this is a selfish world..

Let’s be honest

Where people can not be respecting or truly appreciative grateful… after Every thing in this incredible unfair Exhange

I Do.all.the work

Pay the Bills

Launder the Money

Raise the World

And you can lie back and simply judge condemn criticize and take for granted yes

That I am your slave

But you would not even exist with out me.

Love is wasted illusions at 21 22 you can begin to trust them as they are no Reflection

They are the Truth Proven True

All men..

The rest?.

False Incomplete, a Lie.

11:05 p.m right now

K O. E

Knock Out. B Y ( Brenden Young)

E K.

Death Rays

I can not be decieved

I saw you Comming since The begining when you played the same role..

You could have been reached your Beautiful.Trutn to completion..

But instead you tiny Distorted Egos get in the way

Enough with Human Children

Beautiful Illusion

Give me Beautiful Youth Constant Eternal

Secure…no work


11:10 p.m

All Men.

Ends at P.T

Bell e

Belle McKenzie

Bell View.

Bell Miami

Class dismissed

11: 12 pm

The greatest mistake you could have made is to think I am.a nice person

I.am not

I.am.a Gentleman Warrior

Gentlemen Fair Play

G F. P.


But this was absolute unfair play.

Woman went way to far.

Headful Heartless

Ambition and Self Interst is what many turned love and motherhood into

Contest Competition

Only in Man was there,is there Still


Not Mind Games

But rather Brotherly Love


Brooke Lemery


Emeka Kolo

Beautiful Death

And Terrible Deaths true Expression

Quiet Deadly Silent…

True Pain

True Suffering. Till you are no more…

11:20 p.m


K B F…… H

But not anything not at 8



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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