
9:25-26 pm.

9:25-26 pm.

I have somewhat calmed down from the indignation, of the Play Script going so far as to diminish and create lack, by going as far as to calculate and equate via a play of B-Lack to the actuals cents- dimes and nickels.

The play with Laura Walsh and the 65 cents on my side aligned to 83 cents in her side and both aligning on both sides to 2 16, 65-83.

I went outside, my body supple but still making me move like a Zombie. Stiff, awkward, rigor mortis.

A Body waking from the dead.

I spent only 1.22 cents.

And as I made my way back, my temper, tempered by understanding and acceptance, that even this moment was me still in this playscript.

I noted the Date was Liberty’s Birthday yesterday, the entire family ride Horses, and Jeron had confirmed that in his last visit here.

I had written her at 5:50 and she had responded at 5:52 pm.

and I completed my response at

Then I looked at the time she had responded, it was 5:52pm and I completed our dialoge at 6:46 pm.

And I recalled that I am at 15 46 Facebook friends.

15= 6 46…

All I could feel was fury and rage… It had been set up, cornered me as it has for the since Durrek Verret in Istanbul Turkey 2000 and even further back. It had cornered controlled and manipulated me, used lack and taken away to create a Gap so that I would respond- knowing that everything was already in harmony and thus forcing me to respond and face yet the truth of the lie creating a test check or need to know through me filling the gaps of memory.

I recalled the Horses whom Laura kept and had to take care of, and the court case she is in with a sibling.

And then the code of the B. P Beautiful Pride in ethereal expression – The Core, of which I stated is the S.OL and the source of which all Souls are made up of. And it is the literal symbol of the E Family,- the center point and convergence of all.

I recollected the code Black Panther as that first ultimate darkness that visited the First Man-Child.

Basically Man on the moon-nearest entry portal into planet earth from Pluto to Moon Earth.

That the Horses are the rep of the Spirit of Man. ( Poseidon and his chariot of Horses made up of Fiam from the sea.

The Gold Apollo and his Sun Chariot of fire horses. Pegasus Etc

Alexander the great and Hephaestus his best friend and head of his Calvary. Hephaestus of the underworld and the inventor – true nature of man- the maze labyrinth. ML… K L M.


I recollected that the Inside Outside.

Beautiful Pride as the core when, but the body of man is the black Panther- that is its Blueprint.

The Body as the Beautiful pride as the Body.

Horses the Water and Sun Gods, as well as Air Space Wind Breath, are the Horses

Amun Shu



Anumai – Aura.

1.22 usd.

Sacred Portal 122 with the Black Panther licking its lips and the E warrior wu-man X sword.

Alexa Vertefuille.

It was the body- the components which make a Body.

An expression I already knew and equated years ago.

And this was confirmation of yesterday’s post… still a play?

1965 my date of birth which never existed as my mother’s as 1944.

was a space allowed to manifest a body the new body, the originally intended blueprint of the body for the Hue-man vessel for the Eternals aligned and linked with the Elementals- Time’s representatives.

To Create E-Hues of Man Being CSolid and Complet.

Eternal merges with Ele-Mental as time.

Essence meets and merges with Essence of the two.

The Essential.

then the trinity Beautiful Pride, Core Sol Soul via Flow Living water- Horse E-Spirits which move and transform into water bodies, dive into the sum total of the sources pool of reflections.

AS I posted yesterday.

Dives into the depths- Sand Y and moves up through the deepest depth after dove, from the greatest heights.

And then rise through the Abyss of the bottom of the ocean unknown… transforming as he is rising from Deepest Darkest Night Olukun / Nu- Kolo

as water, osmosis, reflecting and absorbing all thing, reaching the sandy beach – see the meaning of the name Kamora. and then walking through Creation and absorbing reflecting, transforming into everything… until becoming a man.

In him is everything and everyone real and true he absorbs them into him, reflects mirrors him- for the original of all these fragments as the everything everywhere and everyone- the source of them all is all him.

And so he can transform, into everyone, reject that which is fake because he is the original memory and blueprint of everything, everyone, everywhere in from origin, essence, expression existence being particle and wave through space- Espirit- The elegant Nomad Black Panther, Man Child, beautiful you, a man on earth in the upside inverse universe.

It the journey of the story of the first being who rose with a body and he rose with a body because it was the reflection response of how he rose, all rose as that stance of Beautiful Pride.

He rose with Beautiful Pride .. I just heard a voice say Magnificent Beautiful Pride and with that expression, everything that Is converged in him in echo response from soul to solfeggio Sol- to every layer dimension inside and then expressed outside… All Existence, all creation everything that ever could be real, is of Beautiful Pride.

the center and the Rays outwards and in every dimension converged at He. S.He, the center and radiated outwards and all converged back to him.

Black Panther.

Beautiful Pride.

Horses E-Spirit.

Black Panther

Essence Embodied


Eternal Being Patrician Hue-man Torch Masters- Liberty Freedom Equality.

It is not Patrice Human Torch Meister is it?

It is the person aligned with Expressing Being E B- P H T M.

P H T M 16 8 20 Ti Manifests.

That is what makes the Body Perfect.

B P- FE-Line H C.

The Hue man being was made from the Blue Print

2-16- 1965-83 ( 18 years= R)

Of Beautiful Pride

and the Body Print from the Blue Print of the Black Panthers body and that it the code of why the true Hue Man-body is a The Body As Living Art… Living Water…

Amazing Grace.

10:10 am.

I will not solve riddles, pieces of my own memory handed back to me to piece together, from this mess of ages- a lie.

10:11 pm.

To imagine, just begin to imagine that everything was set up for me to solve this, to put the pieces of all this together, in this way, in these circumstances right to reducing me intentionally to nickles dimes and cents.

It is mind-boggling- the cruelty viciousness and evil behind the Mind which created such a challenge and a play.

No more or this.

This idea of God… A God who has the power to do this fueled by you and your actions and beliefs Natures Ancestors?

Non Existent Ancestors. Everyone who exists is right here present right now, including your ancestors who are all merged into one inside you.

The dead?

No such thing.

This far… allowed to go this far…?

Jah God.

10:33 pm.

I am done with this…

I do no participate in Evil Horror and Abomination Human Illusion and their Demonic Vile Putrefying God.

Animal God.

Transformation is the only Death that is real.

It is a Coma, a Pause.

Not this.

10:35 pm.

10:36 pm Right now.

But there is True Death now.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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