
923 476 O315…

923 476 O315…

92 3…4 76 O 315.


Sent from Nenad M Djurdjevic N.M.D…

Through Nikoma Rios… N.R…

To I. Chukwuemeka Emeke.

Is this the Lotto Ticket and last equation of the Awakening. ?

Look at the date 6-6-8…

Nikoma by way of tel code and inverse links to to both 68 as well as 89…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic links to 66..

I link to 66-68-89…


Inverse 899…H I..I

It the completition of a Movie Film of the cruelest and most impossiblly cruel pruducer and liar and asked to create the most beautiful story of Evolution Awakening by both acting on a character (Awful role) and direct it with Nothing…

Alone in a void and yet before the entire World with a villain in the story just insane such twisted.

5:11 pm as I speak.


We saw N.M.D linked to

Nadee Ana Ines to form N.N.A.M D.I…

Through Alfie N.N.E

To Neel Akash to


Nikoma Rios And I..

N.R I…

Through 38-39 months of linking through people to Dina Singh

Then to Alberto Nikoma David Yonathan

A.N.D Y in New York City..

With myself being moved and used like a roving eye reporter translator artist scientis E.T Director lecturer messenger decoder Expressionist, Director, Conductor, Basis Activits, Heartforced and compelled to respect a script not of my own making but at which the original was mine..

Which had been fragmented and recombined like broken glass over and over again each time the equation pointing back to me…

Duh… Is it it obvious by what I am doing…?

We saw 5-28, Nadee Nakandala NN 28 as the code which aligned to the Planet Elohim vibrating now aligned to E Harmony Being.

Now Nenad (@14 likes which is where I was yesterday who spoke of NRI and the 12 villages and the Eze NRI and the 12 who followed him which aligns to Yeshua Christ…

Eze NRI.

Emeka Nikoma NRI…E.N

Emeka Yonathan E Y.

Emeka Yeshua Christ. E.Y.C

Emeka Erik the Eternal Ruler. E.O

Emeka New York City….E.N.Y.C.



Emeka Kolo E.N.Y.C…E.

*See what I mean..

The equations keep moving to my I.D…

6-6 8..



2:2O pm.

Let’s move the equation away from me..

I already know all my names and incarnations..


Merging the Natural Man with the Supernatural Man..

Nadee Nakandala…NN…28…1O Female E

Nenad Nikoma .NN 28….x 16 7 Male

1O +7 = 17

1+7= 8

3:28 pm.

So 92 3 4 76 O 315..

92 is I.B…(Bergamo Italy B.I)

92 is the year of Birth of Yonathan and George Robert age 23 all three..and the age I began the work..23 RYG is 69….Nnamdi add Emeka 1989..


E= ROYG…B IV..I B 4…! I B Ikemefuna Victor


I.B.C…C confirmed by Nikoma and Christopher.

4 76 is

4th Dimension G…

George aligned to 113 A.M his address Forest Hills, FH (68)…then to 268 (Nenad) and then to 268 address, E.A.M…Albert Marcos..then to Nenad then to Nikoma (68)..Nikoma saw the E besides me while Nenad overheard them and saw then.

Reason Intellect links the Man of Reason- Nenad to the Supernatural 6th sense Nikoma…

4 76 is DG F…For Devine Grace and Favor

47..(11 28..39..Nikoma 89 68 (69.. 89 is 68 in inverse) 93/39…)

6 is 6-6…aligned to 1 12 3 3+6= 9…Chris Franco introduced to me by Nikoma

6-6 in with 8.

Just saw that I have 8 dollars in my pocket.

I am 668…+= 2O…T=2O.B.O.

O is the Fill Circle and 315 is the date of Birth of Zeina Hanna H..29 ..

The Date Hitler the found the Spear of Destiny..

*affirmed by the play.

The meaning of the code ZH 268 affirmed through Nikoma George (N.G),- Nenad Albert (NA) both 68 …2.68…

While Nenad is also 66 aligned to me…

66..99…12 3…18…AH..9..I.

Thus Nenad or was playing my past incarnation who has caught up with my present where Nikoma playing Nnamdi and George playing by youngest brother Boom

And Nadee my sister grandmother


Ana…my mother Sister line

And Ines Guerreiro their warrior nature…

It was a movie meant to align to the Story of the past aligned to the present.

That should be the code

Each gave me 2O Euros

And 2O USD

2O 2O Vision…E.U.

Exchange Euros 2O 67.

67 Sacred is how far will you go for the Love =Truth…

76 is the Awakening..

I have gone far enough..

The permission for the Awakening is granted by the E-We through Africa Uwa the past having caught up to the present, after the Unseen watched me Direct and star, unknowingly in a movie- all the pieces of the puzzle were equations interactions all with people who were chosen, set up used in my 14 yrs in New York where the Actors into an equation which made a movie which revealed the Truth.

What is capable of such cruelty?

Those who do not fight for the Truth

Those who use others to do all the work then lay down the law of what they can accept as the Truth..

And who Create the conditons of how to convince of a Truth which serves no one other than them.

Outrage Evil Absurd.

4:15 p.m

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