
9:22 p.m.

9:22 p.m.


9:23 p,m

I should not be here at Starbucks-

My wallet was stolen here- which though I know exactly what it means in the play linked to the code of Appreciation and Gratitude – the way of the Beautiful Past and Nnamdi Nnoni Line in rage at the work I was given to share was treated..

It is their rage which comes to those who I was sent to who gained from the Expression and Intel which cost me my entire Existence here.

Kasper Lomholdt Serup was being called back to testify to what happened to him after he left and what happened to his mind.

Madness in the ancient days was said to be sent by the Goddess God of the Earth…

I know I should not be here, after I left knowing that this place had become that which is the portal of hatred.

The same way I knew that I the monies given to me by Billy Hung should have moved me out of this place and not to stay and inspire jealousy and all those sorts of feelings buried in people who are here- many of them seeking a way to get thier lifes back together.

I was by no means surprised by what took place, used to flush out certain peoples truth..

Elvis Tito…. E.T…

James means Usurper…

Micheal means Who is as God…

9;29 p.m.

B’Eauti…that is… Beautiful Expression…

This is why I question what is truly behind this- because it is not of me.

And it inspires Hatred.. It is of Cruelty and Jealousy…

I should not be here this long, because people whom you have called out- or at least what they represent will be afraid for a moment but after a while they will grow bold and disrespectful..

All Animal Monsters do…

Every one knows that….

But I was brought back to this place again and again… which makes me fully aware that it is malice which is moving and battling the Echo of Truth moving through everything…

Maliciousness Venom.. M.V…

Of course, I am aware.. and who and what…

9;34 p.m.

My Coffee here is 99…

And my last one is 9..

The Young woman here called Yasemin… is being cut out…

I watch these people who are given so many chances and how they revert to that animal nature …

Because there is no reprecussions immediate…

Because that is all these Vibrations Respect…

And I look more to the Source of this Play..

Full understanding the Malice intended.

But I always respond and it always manifest.. that is one thing I have witnessed over and over again..

And Yasemin was being given free pass with Chris but then well.. this has been such a long process…

Of people revealing their truth and Consequences…

9:43 p.m

9:44 p.m.

P.S 10:22 23 pm.

I found 3 more magnets after seeing those two children in RED 39..38

Yellow ..G O then a V.

G O..V…

V O G…U E….

Susan Train.

S T….R E E T…

1920…39…C I R E E…

E E R I C….


10:27 pm.


And the 4th…2 +7…9…

4 9999…

D I…

I D.

10:29 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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