
9:22 a.m.AME AM cA

9:22 a.m.AME AM cA


I V.

J L… T R/ B R

10+12= 22

I V.

V B R O….

I know what Love IS…

This was never about Love…

I stated this over and it is about Truth.

And to be True and thus a representation of the Eternal Truth you must be conscious.

To be Conscious is to Cee…

And to Cee, Be Conscious of Expression is to me in perfect alignment, in perfect timing with C- the speed of light.

Which means you see at same frequency as the manifestation of Energy Creation Manifest.

And to Cee at that Frequency is the meaning of Love.

I have noticed a habit with people who are of this World or lies and who have adapted to this World.

When someone declares that they Love them, it gives the person who this has been declared to the illusio of power and the upper hand over the one who declared this.

I have watched and been part of this most evil and cruel mentality over and over again.

How the persson takes this as a weakness in the other, and holds back from saying the same thing back, because it would mean that they loose the illusion of the upper hand.

Of course, this is not the love I am speaking about, when I utter those rare words to person it is what I mean.

Saying I love you to a person also makes people feel as thouh a burden has been placed on the person shoulders…

I often seen people panic when someone declares thatthey love them, as if they had been bound and shackled.

This is not Love.

That is Bondage.

I had found myself somewhat to my surprise, saying to Kyle pubicly during a Scene in this play ‘Your Lucky I love you- I meant it sincerly, but my meaning which I believe I made clear was You are Lucky I can See .. Cee you because he plays so deeply in the darkness for those who can not see with True Light.

Love… puts people in chains here…

It is used as a Power Tool..

That is not Love…

i know what Love IS…

I wrote that prose in 1994 in France, is when I realized that more than anyone I had met and have met since…That I know what Love is.

And so I know what Love is…

And that Kyle Murphy is in the play and he is being used ( as he noted and felt like it I feel as though I am being used like a pawn by someone, he had said.

But ignoring it, refusing to acknowledge that this is real, refusing to play your part…is like an Ostrich putting Its head in the ground.

Or a child having a Tantrum.

He did not realize that by refusing to pay attention on the play and consciously playing his role.. just as the scores of people whom I was taken out of my own life play in which, I was meant to do no more work , to find them and help them remeber and coach them in this play…

By thier – Your- refusal to acknowledge yet each using the moment of which the wave brought me again and again in contact with to riddles

Redundant! Exclaimed Kyle, yesterday as he occupied himself talking to his exclaimed as he conversed with his Woman Friend.

You areally do not care about this as you said to me months ago I commented.

‘Yes he said emphatically.

I could not agree more, but the only problem is that I am being used to channel and complete the riddles you were elected to do.

Just as I had to take on the burden of solving all the riddles of those who had chosen to not bother with this truly outrageous script.

But the question is, would this script have transformed intot this abomination and burden for me to carry if every one who was Elu Elected by their lines of Dna ( Ancesteral Spirit) to link withh the E.T Aspect.

I had long since realized that the only way and reason that I have continued in this Redundant Script is because of what has been done to my physical body and my seeking the cure.

* Isabelle Ilic exemplified the Cure with a message to me on Thursday12:39 p.m. 12 represents completion and 39 is C.I.

yesterday was 10-11 which represents the Portal designated by this script as the portal out this Matrix and World.

It was indicated by Dina Singh D.S..

D.S has been a constant in this script. from Donna O Sullivan, DeLores Spratley, to Dharma Santana…. meaning Eternal Law

Eternal Order…

This is Galaxy 1101 As classified by Nasa.

And this was confirmed by Kyle Murphy frriend Brenan B Young who passed at age 39.

9:43 a.m right now.

E Galaxy 1O 11 C I ..Is what the corrected Flipped’ expression would represent.

and has been confirmed by teh Echo response of this script.

I am currently at 1163 Facebook Friends which links to A-A F.C…. K F C… Kolo Full Circle… Kyle F.C… A-Z-A 1-27

Roger Attaway…

I have enacted all this out even to having moved energy through this play back to room 4B.

1163 is also linked to Kasien Thompson K T…and to Kasim my room mate and Kasin which is is Jace Horsford middle name.

11-29-1963 is Kassien Birthday which represents the 13th Astrologcal Gate and the only one represented by a Hue-man Being… A Man.

This is a Video Game- of the Earth Children and A-Lien Council ( who are the children but as Souls before they are born into this world)

They represent Black and White…)

9:53 p.m

There was a comment which Kyle Murphy made which made me stop and pause when I made it clear that he had been chosen to be the Ready Player One..

He said that he did not like playing Video Games established by another.. That he is Free Spirit.


I stared at him, he was speaking to his lady friend who he had unwittingly revealed some intel about what I.D was moving through her…

He revealed this my telling me Vaped and used a Flavor called Tiger Blood. T B.

And Strawberry Daiquiri S.D.

T B S.D.

10:00 p.m.

Something had happned earlier with a person in the computer room called Eddie. Just as another action had taken place earlier with Bean and I, with Bean reacting to a comment which had a slap in it from Randall Michael and another by Anthony Otta.

This Eddie had been in the same room as I, 4A, he had been i bed 4-010… And before that it had been occupied by a guy called Hector..

I had plays of conflict and challenge by both of them and emerged what one might call in a video game ‘Triumphant

.. Both had left the room.

Kyle had asked me why I did not connect with another Hector who had come to the shelter some months before, I had said I was not interesting in connecting with anyone anymore.

Jeff Taylor… is the new medication officer.

J T.. T.J was in bed 4-009… 49… D.I.

Existential Death. D IE..

E D 5 4.. DIE…

That was the number on my coffee again from the Arab Bodega..

54… 68… 68 Is Me as David Thor..

Thor Lopez.

Yesterday the play began with Axel Love posting about the passing of his friend Talia Paul… T P.

Talia means Dew From Heaven

Paul means, Rare.. that is the correct meaning not small not humble… Rare is the name of my company and is featured on my page.

RE RA is my Sacred Portal 120..it has the name Fritz Venneiq on it as E… and is shows a man with a Sword.

Kyle told me as we spoke later, and I noticed as my temper rose as I was watching and listening to Kyle that the window with the Samurai Sword and Burgundy background had been switched on.

That is when Kyle informed me that the owner of the Sword had appeared in had shown Kyle ( at his request I am sure) its Blade..Sharp he said.

Samuarai is David Thor…. D.N… David Roman Nicholas ..Me.

S D/

Larry Sax

Larry Sax x2 1947.. birth code.

Talia Paul… Rare Dew From Heaven… Reign Rain Father Of Infinity SP 147 A… 147 B .

T P.. 20 16…

I did the codes on his post.. of how we are meant to solve each others riddles when those who depart before finshing their contract which allowed them to solve thier riddles of Existence and their purpose.

11;01 am

11:02 a.m.

I recalled about the Dew from Heaven and Dragons Breathe which greeted Fritz Venneiq and I in 2010.. when we camped at Peham Bay Park..

20 10… T.J.


I Spoke about Anamla Qayin and her message D.M I C TP/K 115 AGE


Talia Paul…


I had never met her..

I spoke about how I met Axel Love ( Axel Anderson) in 2005 ( 25) and how I had meant to have finished this in 2004 and how it was extended and the last phase began April 2ND ( 4-2)

I spoke about coming to Delta Manor.. T.P

I never met her but i had solved her LINES Riddles..

Dew Vapour, Clouds, Hurricanes… Micheal…

Randall Michael R M….

Last night after the play of Randall Michael Bean and Eddie..Bean.. where I had offered Bean a piece of chicken and it drew remarks which embarassed him leading him to respond to me ( the innocent one who simply offered him a piece of chiken no strings attached and certainly not for a computer favor which no one here owns.)

And then Eddie coming in and being so rude to the two three people in the room acting the big boss that my E-Spirit rose in such rage that I had eventualy leave the room…

I went outside there was Kyle Murphy with Roberto Munoz..Rob

Eddie came.. I was amazed..

The guy sitting besides me on the computer is called David..

Emeka David…. E D D IE ( Eddie had a song called Puerto Rico so loudly P,R…I linked Santeria -Voodun play…

Correct play is ‘Port of the Eternal Ruler.. E Harmony… Man e

That is when I knew that the Black Hole is activated and that is when I played my final scene prompted by Kyle…

I told him any of my Human Family of Naturals or E.T who I see are betraying the Eternal Truth and the Eternal Law, I would keep them near the Black Hole and the Light Radiance..I would appoint them gaurdian of the portal leading people to either Non Existence or to the E.

And I would go ful circle to Investiagate what I Cee and Saw.. but I would have to myself get facts and the feelings.. see them play it out myself.

And then I would get the Truth which if true… Family of Nature I will let them in on a Secret.



Which is the Inventor and Creator is the destroyer is the only one above the law.. but he respects his own laws and Creation.



Axel Love.. A L.. 112.

I know him as Axel Anderson..

Philip Ander


Link Roger Attaway 1-27-1960…

Axel posted he is in New York from 6:00 p.m

I met him and Mariane.. A M.

And through him was moved to 17th Street and Hells Kitchen

Death in the Alley.. and AL at to 268 East 4th, Generation X GardensMarina Burini, John Shaw Tom Truman… to Rav Singh and Billy Hung to Kyle Murphy

I know what Love IS…

actions actual True.

I would not care at this point if innocent or not.. It went too far

I protect nothing no one but the A.M.

See meaning of the name Anthony Manino..

let the cards of KARMA fall let the SWORD V=Cut.. who ever remains after the purge.. I know passed.

This is the me the meaning David Robert Kyle Murphy of truly not caring about any one but the Truth.1

1:45-6 a,m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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