
9:21 p.m

9:21 p.m


God Lord!

I really would have liked to share or talk to some one about what is going on in my body, the process, the link to the Holgraphic Universe.

Yes there is John Mack ( Damned Play Boy… Ah just like me)

But his still the Last Actor with Tree SageTree in the Play.

I.had to reach John and Kim Arthur Hines

They represent the Gate way put

Grace and Knowledge

Knowing And Gratitude.

9:27 p.m

The Truth ..Made Beautiful.

And The Script restored back to Beauty.

We have been waiting for both John and Kim Chiefy And Tree Sage Serene Beauty

Aligned to one Harmony with what I represent.

As most of you are aware.

Everyone is Harmony

Everyone is E.

And Natural Truth

But only 1/3 chose to rise as To at lesst Natural Harmony and fewer still to N E T or E H..

And the least, E E E..

I went to buy a few things, on a tight budget, ( also part of the play..so annoying)

Bought a few things from the Spirit shop.

It came to 8:88..

And Lo and Behold, .. to my Ironic incredulity, a marked Bill..

* I had wanted to pick up some detergent, Tide..

But Alexa Vertefeuille is correct, C.V.S is beconing way to expensive.

Every where I guess.

I was pissed, but It all made sense of course, Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer have been dual handedly supporting me for almost 9 months.

9 momths..

John to Kim took 9 Months to align.

I stayed at Jonn Blackwell ( Delguidce) and Donna O’Sullivan’s place for exactly 9 months.

Leaving on the Day her Father Robert was born, 4-19.. D.S

And ended up when I was forced to return to the Shelter so sure I had completed the play

( I hardly read it by then.. auto pilot.)

To bed 007 and then bed

5 19. E S

And leaving on bed 4 19/ 4-18.. D.S. D R..

9:49 p.m

* I.am still fueling this Evolution Awakening Play with my Energy as Expresssion on these page..

To further fuel the completion of moving everything to EE E E E E E E

Earth Quake 127 B

And sacred portal 27.. 127 via 2 27

The Awakening linked to John crowned by Devi Devoted D D. 4 4.. Line of Stephen Esteban..

Secret Energy … ( Ah I believe I can see the play… J.M is in a group called Secret Energy)

Perhaps I had to reach


8 16. 24.


Yes.. 24 is 25. X Y. 24 25= 49.

Which can only manifest by John and Kim alignjng to 1 via me representing E.K P/T.

5 11=16. Add 22 ( 4. In 1 V)

16 +4 V = 20. V =5

25 .

7 8

The Forbidden City series has an astonishing 87 episodes

I remembered thinking, No way can I watch all that!

I bought two more things Cost

3:29 @ Bd

And at C V S

3:29 again.

I knew my budgeting what had started out as a very generous allowance and life style has dwindled to a frugal budgetung was all part of the play.

How I budgeted managed to still eat the same way but reduced to a mirco..macro.

To budget for the last 5 months and even more drastically in the last almost 3 months here, was all designed to past these tests of

Sacred Portal 50.

Ego Oge play


The Bull

Neptune Poseodon

The 7 Seas Sees. Moved by Expression

Connecticut the 5th State.

Representing in the Matrix Maze Web.

Web Nicholas. * see the meaning of the name


David Roman Nicholas .. The Beloved People Victorious Manifestation ..Evolved to E H. N.H..

9 Months Full Circle Connecticut

9 Months Full Circle Poughkeepsie Up State New York..

10:11 p.m


Galaxy 1101 C.I .

It has the number 100 written on it.

10 is the Square Root of 100.

C in Roman numerals


Linked to Jesse Macias as the End.

And John DNE ( 4 14. 5..Nnamdi)

J C J C play with both but one with Lucas.

The other parents and Sister

J C H J that is the correct equation complered with Adding A B C E to J C..

A is Awareness of Being Consciousness of being in a play

Devoted to Eternal Knowledge

8 88

3 29

3 29




Helen Udekwu Jnr

V Manuel Junior

8 88. 24. 6

6: 58. See sacred portal 58..

There is or was a can of depicting a Flying Unicorn in the Fridge.

There is a Super hero called Fridge

To Cool and Preserve… Chill

Chilled Perseverance.

66 usd left in my wallet.

8: 88

66 . 6 58..

I see..

10:22 p.m right now is

All the E are Characters Acting in a End play to educate children called Naturals

Harnony and Unity


Aka Cutie Pi’s to

Harnony E.

E K.

10:25 p.m right now is

Cover of People magazine I glimpsed at C.V.S

One word


10:26 p.m


Jesse Zion.


The rest of th

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