
9:21 P.M.

9:21 P.M.



More linking…

Imagine doing this manually…using expression to out distance the Universe as Mind.. ?


Anyway here goes…

We are at Nnaemeka Chinwuba Charles Ezeufonna…

Linked now Two the Full Circle Affirmed by equated to me at Pelham Park where my things still rest in the forest.

To Nnaemeka who was aligned to his seeing the Egu Onwa Dance of the Full Moon and then to my former host at 268 after a visit to seeing my draw a full Circle on the ground through his third eye (Sixth sense) which with words Expressed through the age of resonable mind, (Linking) he explained how as an architectural perspective, that it linked from the place I drew it in the forest to eternity..

I did not physically draw a circle in the forest I acted it out and then found a Circle a few moments later as if by magic which symbolized what I had completed…

I posted it from The Bean cafe at 9th Street and Its Avenue (1and 9th…A I)…

Thus, from Nature the Forest on the Outskirts of Pelham Park

(the Forest ..word Igbo literally means Forest in Yoruba..and also Marijuana Cannabis M.C *

see sacred Portal 34..Mary Jane wasbthr name of my Girlfriend (1987-88)

M.C…Igboga-ine_ Medicine thus the)

Thus from Nature, I alone in 2O14 (2O+14=34..D.C. Sacred Portal 34…=7..

See Sacred Portal 7..G)

Formed the O…a literal expansion of the O.

Linked to the Bridge in Pelham B P-ark, where I found the circle then, a bit further along…

The Magic wanD.


Then to Manhattan The Bean 9th Street where I photographed it…And saw Ppl with codes Crystal Palace…

Then to 3rd Street the Bean…


Then to a visit to my former host at 4th st. 268, where he informed me what he saw through Sixth sense (3rd I..)



1st and 9th 19.

3rd and 2nd 32C B-23..W.


Sixth sense…

Consciousness Being E…

Oh I see where this is going…


Let me explain…in 2O1O, I left 268 after 4 years straight of living here and doing riddles sometimes with my former host and his friend Peter Israel Cotto…Another I.C

I had solved the riddles and already knew that according to my calculation this was the portal home.

Isaac Calvin McCullough was witness that once my host invited me to stay..

That I had passed the last equation of being invited in.

I had told Isaac that I am victorious…

I had expected to be here for a few days…

It dragged on for 4 years.

In which time I spent working on every code, every equstion …ppls life’s, taking objects and recreating from recycled objects equation and divination Chess…

Reading the Daily News and New York posts cover to cover calling out evil after evil in nauseating articles which literally offended my consciousness

I went for daily walks and sat at The Bean, then on 1st and 3rd…

Which acted as a Spirit realm cross roads where people where moved to talk to me, and I would talk for hours solving riddles…

I solved riddles in the community, ppl came from all over New York including a Brother aspect of Nnamdi…called Russell.

My forner host and I had amazing conversation and soon Pete +Israel C joined in.

But they had thier life’s..

This was me fighting for my Existence as I saw and began to figure out and receive Evidence that I was in a dungeon, a torture chamber a lot place where itbstated abandon all hope, a tomb in Egypt…

I was in a temporal loop of places which had existed in time but where outside of time because no one could concieve that such places of Unimaginable cruelty existed..

It was a portal.

My host helped because he a gift of translating Spirit concepts to simple language..

But my time here….

Anyway, I finally was asked to leave

My former host stated that he had put me through tests which no human being could endure.

And that I was consistent and there was no one who had ever passed his tests and no one who ever could.

I often knew that another force spoke through him, with him…

A force I knew.

I never left or walked away because I knew this was the portal home.

My family of E where meant to come and get me.

They would rise in me, but they could not sustain the depth of Dragon of Rage and Existential annhilations Consciousness…

But they were meant to come in formed and in form.

Once in a while I would get messages through ppl who told me my E family where looking for me…

So when I was asked to leave after four year of so much work…

Slavery is not the word.

I was being used in every dimension of universes and I was made to see, and feel every horror being done to me anchored by the portal it was being enacted here.

And I endured as I fought back

My E line Existed but 4 yrs…


I had met two ppl, one called Nnaemeka…

(Code name Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna) in 2OO2 After completing The Elegant Nomad and returning from Agusta Georgia after my Agent at William Morris WM who was seeking to make my Journals and story famous by arranging for me to be interviewed by Diane Sawyer, canceled after I wrote some innocent observations about New York and the Homeless and the system which from the scores of ppl who felt compelled to talk to me…

*It was Supernatural…

They all spoke about The Systems

I had only been in New York less than a year, on my way to Asia.

When this all began

So I wrote my conclusion and my interview Agent : Manny Baron M.B dissapeared.

Then there was Fritz Venneiq who I met in 2OO9..

I knew who he was..

33 is +× 69…

But he was my sister Nnonyem as Nnamdi..

I had already met Nnamdi as David Nicholas 1968-1122…Same D O.B as my Mother.

Fritz lived in Pelham Park..

At the last minute the place I was meant to go arranged by Collin Bugga (C.B) fell through.

He was the person who found two pieces written by me, printer out by his girlfriend on her table.

The Elegant Nomad TEN

And My Name is Woman said She.

Both posted on Facebook.

He had read and was inspired to place the contents through a programe he had invented which transformed words essays into mathematical equations.

The Elegant Nomad came to spell out the equation of C speed of Light


And the other M = Mass.

He was so astounded he called Mathematicians Physcists all over the world..

Telling them about this discovery..and a few responding saying if what he is saying is True that a person writing can actually equate to equations of M=Mass C Speed of light..

That just by his expression he could change the world.

A few days later, I am sitting at the Bean Cafe and a young man strikes up a conversation with me. And tells me of his phenomenal discovery…

He did not know it was me, until his girlfriend who I did not know was inside came out…

The look on her face…and his was priceless.

He wished the whole world to know..

But everything feel through and by last year hr was no longer even a Facebook friend.

No one stood up for my truth.

Not me…

My Truth which they experienced.

Anyway, that Day Fritz did.

We ended up going to where he lived uncomfortably with his aunt.

Our stories were very similar.

I knew he was my Father Energy my son brother following my trail…

We arrived and Fritz decided when we saw perfect Ring of Mist descend regally from the Heavens to a meadow just outside the Park…

That is the place we must sleep.

We walked over and the perfect circle descended and completely obscured anyone from seeing us

We experienced The Supernatural… Daily..

*Time is 11:28p.m right now..

My birthday..

Its is Relevant..

I will tell you why in a sec…

Fritz and I lived outside there for one month..

July..on July 3O..

7:3O ..G C…he could not take it anymore and as testified on F.B he went back to Jamaica..

Frightened of me, experiences the visions..being a portal…and the unseen challenger we both felt..

Fritz represented Nature…

But there was something A Blackness of Hate challenging me.

I had met it before at the portal at 268 4 street but I had transformed it…

I did not know it had a Twin…

Anger Rage

Evil Hate..

I had told Fritz that I would have to go further expand to the Forest…

Where I finally heard Ojugo my Grandmother the Dove of Peace..

I.had to go that far to bring Peace to the World already created on the Blue print of Harmony because that is how much evil hate..love of Conflict and Strife there was in this World …

And the NRI and Especially Igbo and the war mongers dared to force me to that point while stirring the flames of war and conflict.

Using the boy to thier advantage by ritual and customs of such abuse..

And laughing..calling me Fool..



I stayed there all of August..

2 months

Then one month

In Tompkins Square park where Isaac M had just come out of the joint had asked me to stay with him.

I lived there with the Ex con’s…and knew there were family here under cover and did piece called Dear Mr President…

I was ignored..

So we’re these voices.

And then John Shaw moved me to meet Marina Burini M.B and Tom Truman.


MT BT….empty beautiful Truth…

Then seven more portals..

Then back here

Then to B.Hung B.H.

And then back to Pelham Park here the streets and O Nnaemeka.. I E.ND D.N.A…and

The equation 6th sense ..Galaxy 6OX. I.C 11O1- which is really 1O 11 C.I. X O6- to 87M 78WM

There is no equal to E…not A-Z and backwards



I A.M….


The 1E.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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