
9:20 p.m – I.T – No one in their

9:20 p.m


No one in their right mind would agree to publicly and transparently programming coding the End of the World and Species.

I didn’t.

But this is where my own life led to.

Was it predestined
Did it have to be me?

What led an 7-8;year old boy to write that story and then led me full Circle for as a 54 age code to Chris Filgueira born 1987.
And to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr born 1987.


I certainly did do that, at least not consciously and aware.
To spend 47… 46…or even 49.years later of checking if I was sure.
To lead me to Facebook Friend Evidence AY after I met Arden Gemino-
Ferrill Gemino and Aurelia Gemino

And their mother line of my Erernal Sister
To C and Chukwuemeka
Chukwu = 87.
Emeka = 35.

You can check out both Sacred Portals if you wish.

87 +35.


Only one person present amongst my Facebook friends have I met and interacted with fits that numerical equation


Alexa Vertefeuille .

A.B B.


Lucifer Bringer ….
Lords Bill.

Eos Dawn Awakening and Eternal Night. Zzzz.

23.W…5 E

14.N. Nnamdi- Nature= E.

Rep Nevi Ehko

Would you do it?

If you were made to?

9:39 pm



Would you do it.

And where would the extreme confidence and brazen Balls come from.

And who would know you that well to know I would do it unconcerned as to who believes or not.
That by you presenting Evidence Facts and an Experience from being used as Its Example Embodied E.E that it would be enough to give you the will power to fight even claw your way Elegantly to the Finsh Line.


And even Proclaiming publicly to the World People that you are The Source of Energy. Expression Beauty… your Sun Sum.

I often have felt that I was led by the Will and trust of the Truth.
The True People as E.
Evolved already.

The Future Present.
Perhaps The Children.

And from Extinction Eradication

Present to All the Proof of Everything
Evolving to The Point.

Beauty evolved to the Beautiful Ones


2 2 6 = 8.


Would you do it?

Would you fight for it, pass through fire heat pressure- sewage waste.

Have everything taken from you and rise through a predetermined gauntlet of challengers.
Even be tortured in Guantanamo Bay.



That is when Liberty C was born.

Could you survive it?
Rise through and then from it?

I have some moments recently to myself for probably the first time in 29..33…years now that it Harmony Perfection has been proved through the most Evil script ever in a Quarantined Zone.
A quiet private play theater.

So much like the Enders Game
Graduating to Ready Player One.
Easter Egg.
Cosmic Egg.

To mediate in the last few days, and now that Liberty and the Freedom Song written in 1994 in Paris France, to sit and reflect on the momentous monumental task I know by my own constant and consistent checking and devotion and determination dedication 444 has achieved.

There is no real peace and Tranquility here.
I am still present here of what was the Hells Kitchen 2005- 2022.

17 years.

I started as a 33 year old man
A 25 year old Beautiful Youth
A 19 year old Beautiful Youth.

A 7-8,year old.
A 17 Montn old Baby.

Even inside my mothers womb.
Causing my Mother to remark sadly to me
” Emeka my son, you came out of my womb fighting.”

At 8 p.m

10:11 pm

Now I am a 54 year man.

I am not sure what I am even meaning or wanting to say.
In a way I am still Tallimg To The Silence and to most of you, nothing has changed…or will changed.

That is a question of Point of view.

But would you do it?

If you were called forth and designated that role that charge and to do it right up to completion in front of a mainly indifferent and sometimes quietly mocking world people.


Betrayed Flayed left to an existence which despite all experiences rise always and always settling back into Happiness and Joy as I assured Gabriel Binky Signar

There are moments when I ask myself quietly what kind of being are you Emeka Kolo?

You have suffered truly suffered an endured the intolerable and yet you Spring back to life.. Joy, Mischief Laughter.

10:26 p.m

Look at your life.
Look at cause for misery
Yet the only thing I feel is Contentment Satisfaction of a Job well done.

And the unrelenting excitement and now more subdued notion of Going Home.

Mission Accomplished



Of course I am tired and weary. Exhausted furious angry but also, so happy.so happy…

Perhaps even what I am posting since I can not share this feeling with another living soul, I am posting this for the Captains Log.the Record
Of a man who lived and lived well.
Perhaps I am patting myself on the back
Congratulating and Praising myself for a job well done

Somrkthing.only I can do for myself without Ego.as vanity
But as the true meaning of “Ego”as Self Projection.
From Arden Gemino- to Kim Hinds Jr.
Aurelia Autumn Liberty. ..

There is such a quieting in me right now.

I really should stop now.

This will be for me… perhaps for you too.

But in the end for me.

10:42 pm

How I choose and chose to end this Script and Story of a Life via all the lives of thousands of people I have met.

Hundreds Iived with.

I do feel strange today.

In a quiet almost shy way.

It is what it is

I have no regrets

I.got to see myself Beautiful and.I have seen the Future
The Beautiful Ones.
Met them and helped format them into what they were always destined to be.

And they will transform.

Perhaps that is enough.

10:48 pm

10:49 m

Perhaps that is enough


For now.


10;51 p.m

But I.can not rest on my laurels

At least not until I am literally home free.


I have learned at least that much by navigating Evil and Hate as Cruelty Visciousness

To.stay alert focused and on guard.

10:54 pm

10:55 p.m.

Good Night World.

Sigh if it only could end now on this note.

Peace Quiet Serenity and Tranquil.

I wish….

Upon a Shinning Shimmering Shooting Star.



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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