
9:20 p.m.

9:20 p.m.



I have a new face book friend..

Welcome Obiora Potency… O.P.

With the Arrival of Obiorah, we are now witnessing the completion of the play of confirming my equation of Harmony being Sixth which manifests from the ‘Nothingness that Somethingness which becomes a fact…

Recall that Donna O’Sullivan car license plate is E.H.F…5 8 6…

And we know that I.T Represents the Equation of Is-a-Bell-Ah Treasures…IT..And also /Ti.. the 7th Note.. and the Color Purple..

Yes, I would like to pause to note the passing or crossing over of Prince, at age 57…E.G..

Purple Reign…

The example of the highest point of Intuition.

Prince represent the line of Father…

All the embodiments of Father I met in my youth, looked like Prince..

I recall even dressing like him for a time.. I was copying but rather I identified with the style and consciousness he was representing in his way of dressing…

I met him in perfect harmony in Paris after returning from the experience of the Light..

And thus, it would make sense that on my descent I would meet him literally and have a quiet but briefest of moment alone with him.. He took one look at me and looked up and smiled that smile..

After all, it has been established that I am telling the truth..

which means after the descent from Light.. Violet Purple would be the next Vibration I would encounter and people of that Highest Vibration..

Please recall sacred portal 57… Yes the one of father son and Holy E-spirit..H.E ..85…And recall that it stated Enter the Rain and Reign of (True) Life.

Recall that Jonn Blackwell represented the code of 8-5..H.E..

And Donna, the code of 57..

Expression of 7 Sees..

And that Purple was the Color code and Vibration I had to ‘defeat by proving Supremacy ( 19 S) of my own Intuition ( and Instinct Red) over the Highest rep of that Vibration in this world and in the Realm of the unseen realms…

July 19th to April 19th… 7-4… 9 months duration…

9:45 p.m.


I had to defeat the line of My Father Guide and Sister Mother

Intuition and Reason…

Sixth sense to Fact.. and Music.. Invincible Music.. I.M/MI..Mi!

Invictus was one of the words in the Bathroom at 54 The Bean..

Yes, it is a Matrix.. a literal Simulation..

or how could codes of a play of the E.T Consciousness permeate everywhere including window displays and bathrooms… Literal Matrix stuff.. but it is Energetic but still the same thing….

The problem was that people no longer had the Imagination to imagine how such a truth would translate into physical actuality in this world…

And so I will let you, draw your own conclusions as to the true Significance of Prince Passing…

Supremacy of the E Consciousness..

Please recall the the Origin of my Last name as Okolo.. means in Edo ‘Royal Prince and Manly Warrior

And the code of Prince is my Face Book password..

as well as the code of the my recounting the story of the First Black Panther aligned to Face Book friend Prince Panther…P.P..16 16 32..

Prince…Rogers Nelson… Meaning Prince, the Famous Spear of destinies Champion

Jude Rogers

Michael Rogers… M.J..Rogers that.. Jude means Praise, Emeka means the same thing..

Susan Otelia Nelson… S.O.N…7tH Note G..


Born June 6, 1958… 7-6-58… See sacred portal 76..

A.Santana spoke History and the number 76

I went to buy some groceries and the bill came to 18.76…

76 is the Sacred Portal 76…

18 is 1-8… 18 Mountain View full Circle to 268…

Awakening Full Circle from the City to Nature ( The Rural )…

*My word this is very similar to my First degree title…

Urban and Regional Planning and Minor in Architecture…


See Susanta Nayak date of Birth…

So it would mean that the 4-3…dimension 7 12..G.L..1984…S.H.D..

103 J.C..13..M…4..D..17..Q..8..H.I…Story…

*Those who have been following these posts will see that over the 9 months. Will recognize the sequence of Numbers and the letters through out this play…

Obiora Potency… Obiorah means the Heart and mind of the people are with you, and their well wishes…

Potent means To have power and Influence…


powerful; mighty:

a potent fighting force.


cogent; persuasive:

Several potent arguments were in his favor.


producing powerful physical or chemical effects:

a potent drug.


having or exercising great power or influence:

a potent factor in the economy.


(of a male) capable of sexual intercourse.

O.P…G.. The Heart and Mind of the people and their well wishes are with you with a potency and influence in all levels…

Uchenna Obiora..Uchenna.. Means Mind and Thought

We are the Full Circle moving from the Purple Rain to the Purple Reign of the Crown Chakra, to the most Evolved Harmonious 6th sense now manifested in this world as a Fact..

E.Harmony Fact…

11:11 p.m

1111.. 1…

4… merges back into the One.

11:12 p.m




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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