
9:20 p.m.

9:20 p.m.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic made it…

Linked just in time..

Rosario Mari Bed 5-008…

And then Bed 5-013…5-014…


E O N…E…

Eon… E…

Got to return to the D.M..Delta Manor… Cage Prison…

9:22..9-23 P.M.


I V.O.W…That there will be justice for All…

And most of All for me…

Nothing is forgiven if you do not go back and clean up all the things you did to each other, or to me in the past…

You can not act as if it does not exist…

When you hurt people unjustly, over and over again…

It may mean nothing to you all.. But those who had to take your injustice and Unjuste expressions, can not forget unless it is cleaned up…

Remorse…make Amends..

But no one has..

And so, All will be forced to..not by wandering in the Desert for 40 years… or 61 days…

But in a world and setting of Beauty Returned.. you will have fun those who Rise.. But you must rebuild this World..

While the E line will rest…


You have not seen the meaning of that word…

Merited and Earned… M.E.A…


Not Mea Culpa…

9:29 p.m


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