
9:20 a.m.

9:20 a.m.



B-G- T.R…

Infinite Truth Beauty of Grasse ( Being of Grace)

Blue Green, Truth is Radiance… R=18….

2018… Which is the bed number I am sleeping on represents.

I know that by the expression of Francis Fenz linked to Francis Frick my neighbor in room 4B..Foundation of Being, the Square Root 4B…D.B…Doing Being.

It means after such a long and ardous journey- a journey through the full Circle of the Past , from the Eternal Realms like a Perfume, moving through the 4th Dimension Awareness of mind and body, Being The Past achieved finally at the completion of reaching Blair Andrews 44 and completing that Full Circle of my former bed 4-004, 44 by moving all the bed numbers ( and what they represent in the Matrix) to alignment…

…We are now firmly moving to the present 2018….

Francis was bed 4-018 one year ago, but now that same bed has shifted, and become bed 4-017… DO..Q… DO..A-G… Quantum, Quintin, Qualify, Quantify… Rainbow, Silver, Moon….

…You do get where I am going with this don’t you…?

The Past has finally caught up with the present…

All through Expression, post and my battling through the Mind Matrixes of Humanities Sum Total of Expression.

I could not sleep last night, as the realization was finally allowed to penetrate my being that I had been Doing and Being exactly what I had stated, written…

That I had told the truth, the most absolute and perfect truth. And yet the process has been so so so bad, so awful, so evil…

This is the mind of the World, people, who I have been literally travelling through. The Mind of the World past to this illusion of the present but which became the Non Existent past since most people in the present along with their Nations are living in Delusion and Illusions, often intentional created which has no true honest cnnection to even the Cause and Effect of their pasts as a Nation, People, Culture or even Sociey of Individuals….

How could it be this bad…

I look at the example of my biological family and how my Uncle was probably told by some, persons who had Heard that I was posting on Facebook, and of course, without having investigated to find out what I was doing, saying.

Not even the courtesy of texting me, or asking me a questions had run back to Gossip and spread the LIES that I am creating a religion.

And how my Uncle had not sought to ask me, sought to recall all our interactions over the years, of the logic of how this his nephew had been telling him what has been happening to him telling his mother ( who apparently did listen), instead chose to listen to gossip.

To make his own jugdment- how my Aunt Julie had suddenly decidd to not return my calls..just like that after promising to send a donation.

My Sister sending me a E-mail of inquiry after 5 years of Silence and my responding… and Silence.

To my Brother, holding a grudge because I sent him back after he had invited himself to come see me when he had decided he was ready…

I have family scores of them here in America, even a once close aunt in New York whom all had decided over a decade ago to not communicate with me because they had listened to Gossip from my sister, from someone whom without even chosing to come here themselves anbd investigate or to listen to what I told them, told my mother…

Has my Truth been so twisted.

Who are these people… How could I habe ever loved them…

or is it that the people they once could have been that potential in them I had loved so much, they had not chosen to cultivate that, rather they had chosen to cultivate that which other part of themselves which I also could see, but kept private.

Did not speak about aloud, even to myself so as not to give ir power.

And yet that is what they became.

That is the Truth of my not being present in their lifes as a constant reminder of who I am.. Explaining my Existence each moment so that they could see me, because they were too lazy to make the effort to see me as I AM.

Or perhaps my Mother, twisted the Truth to her own point of view and relayed her perspective to others in the family as well as my sister, which created a image and reaction she had not truly intended but had created out of Hurt, Selfishness, even petulance of not seeing any other point of view but her needs, their needs…

I know my Mother… and I know she sees and I know here Hurt, it does not forgive the mess made of the Truth told to her but she of all of them I can understand andonly get mad at her as a son would… Who understands her point of view.

But the rest who I could see, who refused to see me, to even investigate or listen to what I HAD SO CLEARLY stated is happenig to me since I arrived in the States…

And funnily enough, I was not at at surprised or shaken… just stirred enough to speak to me uncle, shout him down and make it clear that he is never to speak to me about religion or my mother ever again.

That is my final cut with the Umeano Family…

… And to the past.

Because I could see the mirror of them in the World I had lived in.

Where people do not investigate, do not wish to see, and even if they can see, they intentionally change the clear reflection an expression. Super imposing their own thoughts corrupted, diseased, filled with their own illogical expressions, traumas ideas…

This is what I had been having to deal with, to travel through, such mind, such beings, such blind deaf Dumb and incredibly stupid and ignorant people who chose that side of themselves rather who simply are the worst expressions of themselves…


Why because it is so much easier for you to believe the Worst rather than fight for the best in yourselves and each others.

So much easier to blame others, to not care about the facts, the truth… but just decide to spread lies, listen to gossip destroy lifes, destroy trust… destroy the beautiful messengers destroy the way to evolve… Destroy rather than to persevere…

Who are these people, who are you people…

No wonder the exprience became so so evil so bad… so awful…

…And thank the heavens and Everything that I did persevere despite my desire to walk away. my fight to walk away was my wrestling with my E-Spirit.. Onye dika Chi?

Ji Ihe ?j? Chi… Ikemefuna… my Will never left me, I fought withh my D… Dee and I realize, how my Dee. Di is my past who came to me E to Arouse and Awaken me from the most terrible dream

Right now, there is a man called Connect a tall white male who is always being poive, using as a tool and an armor that he actually sounds ridiculous.

But after months of observing him I recently walked up to him telling him that he really is a Good Espirit, that he is for real, that no matter how corny he sounded seeing only the good in people and calling out compliments to everyone it was his way of dealing fighting back with this terrible dream…

Cleveland just came over and told me that he is on the roof right now contemplating suicide, ready to jump.

10:25 p.m

It is funny isn’t it that this person name is Connect….

And that is really all he really tries to do.. to connect…

…But with what…?

All the Evil False people in the world who are not longer connected to simole facts common sense… or even anchored in themselves or any solid reality of True Nature.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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