
9:19 p.m

9:19 p.m



I just wished to make a comment..

Don’t you think it fishy in this play of how few are loyal to me or the Truths they witnessed.

Or to a set up, which limits finds ways to limit my expression by placing me in homes and portals I have to pass through, people I have to live with, and post from their homes and correct and clean from Impuse Stimuli of situations which I have to transmutate publicly..

And still live with them, and their responses or misunderstanding..

And retailation.

That I have to edit, what I would normally say because I am living in their homes in a 3D Simulation.

Or wouldnt a person who has disimulated so much expression and knowledge, proven so much and still not be recognized even in this 3 D reality.

Not have a sponsor, or be independant by now, and not have to live in other peoples homes and be put at their mercy

I guess, I am making note of this for the record.

9:29 p.m

Time I left with Liberty C Liscomb to the wellness center.


I do not get many likes.. chuckle..

Nor do people clamour to call me and take care of my needs.

My body is evolving and the continued bottom line appears to be Self Interest.. self worth.

Or even purpose.

I do all the work, and most people I have experienced resent giving acknowledgement.

I am challenged, constantly by others, in ways from direct confrontation to subterfuge.

I am sent to train people,

I call out people in their homes and lifes.

And I tell the truth and give proof.

Love Truth does not move people here but a few.

Fear they respect, power but even if you manifests it, then keep me in this homes, the people always turn on me, blame me, make me pay even in the subtlests ways.

This is Human Nature in this world, so I don’t take personally.

But as The Creator, The Source I really do.

How is it that no one has called this out for what this is.

Or protested by few.

Tell me how many give praise, true sincere praise backed up by actions.

How many put their Creator First?

I am not really bothered, but I think of the ser ups: the people recording me, ( which I am fine with) and all which has been given, shared tested and checked, and found that I neber lied to you.

How is it that no one has protested and called this out.

Liberty was actually mystified and surprised when I said by now, I should have been in the news, after all I had done including my 19 yrs in New York..

And I was mystified by her response given all that she had experienced and witnessed with me..

Just as for the last 5 years been mystified by people lack of response.

Libertys response, is lterally the response of the World which I have been led to, the people I have been led to, not necessarily the true represenration of the World.

Because I have recieved those responses, I deemed and recognize as approriate to such an.action and claim.

The Source

The Creator.

The Orginal Man.

The breaker of the Source Codes.

The list goes on.

Between 6 to 4 years ago, people came to even this page with the more approriate response.

I felt that it was White Supremacy, Intellectual Superiority and then no, it was all about.

A Love Hate, because of the Truth, no matter I prettily wrap it up, do the work to spare the.persons fragile ego even if I explained and explained the play to them .

There should have been some distance between myself and the people, and who selected them for these roles they had to play.

I do all the work, and the people languroysly, pay attention, but only after so much effort forced on me to do, to prove to them, for them.

And though most do love me, how this script and the role given to me has fosters resentment, and even a desire to prove me wrong.

Why has no one not called out Not Fair! This is not binding because it was done on duress?

Not admissable.

How is that none would take my evolving body seriously, and of recent ( because she us more settled, Liberty).

10:00 p.m

Why, I laugh has no one called out the absurdity of this Script- The Source held hostage and bound to an Insane Absurd Script of my.living in 64 homes, laid out in a pathway.

He solves, the riddles, is almost crippled, possessed obviously Impulsed and Simulated and I an even criticized, blamed and in.a Script which limits me frim.walking out, and.saying to hell with you and your half truths, insinuations, petty retaliations, even poisoning others about me, in so many subtle ways.

And no, I am not talking about Liberty.

But the World.

Why is this so unfair, imbalanced and why are hardly any one testifying, posting.

This whole thing is dishonest.and stinks hi heavens.

Yes, it makes sense, in that it is proving Evolution Awakening, Art and Science, and yet no one, or hardly seems impressed..

With what I have done, but instead seek to compete or put me aside and all achieved and shared to push their own agenda and purpose .

This is Human Nature.. H.N..

But Human Nature, even in this reality is not lile this, people still get impressed.

Anne McHugh

Kyle Murphy

Both sent messages that they were given messages for me from E.T realms claiming to be Family ( and I do not doubt.Anne or.Kyle.

but rather who is sending this message?

Claiming to be E Family

No E Family would allow me to exist in such a situation bound in peoples worlds and to.their rules, laws, not.free to speak my mind or be myself because despite their really wishing me to.be comfortable and myself, they do not miss a beat in finding was the put me in their place, they use words to convince me, to put the wool over my.eyes, of that which I can sse so plainly with my.5 6 senses.

10:20 p.m

And one point, you stop talking, proving cleaning their see, and simply stay quiet accepting, with incredulity that I am really the Source..

I am the Creator in a play so Self Centered Selfish and lacking in respect for The that which has been achieved by A MAN.

In which the People have all the privilege and every given moment, instead of being in my own home and bed after 18.8 years in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

doing the work but for others, do nothing but lie back and make me convince them, fight for them every thing for them in my Own Creation, House, Creations each taking advantage of this 3.D world.

10:28 p.m

And no one, or hardly anyone seems to think this strange?!?

First Contact, all the codes, work and..

Of course, there is no one who recognizes me here as The Source, The Creator, not even a brilliant man whose brought or added knowledge and Wisdom.

10:33 p.m

Sacred Portal 33..

A Terrible Dream..

Of being forced to provide all intel of Area 51 birth of Creation.

Busayo Alonge shared a post about Christ Consciousness that is is a Cosmic Expression unknowable, unfathomable.. etc…

How does he Know?

I mean, truly, How Does he Know..?

And how does it seem to me, who reads it, after posting truth I would never.have shared exvept to the proven true, elegant beautiful ones meriting the right to such sacred knowledge.

Do you know what I am thinking?

Do you know how people, set me up every moment.

Maneuvere things to be the way the wish it to be and then try and convince me, even.quareek with.me if I do not see things their way.

I often had to blink..

Do they realize what they are saying, revealing

They know what they are saying of course, but they have no idea how much they.are revealing.

The whole thing is just so insane.

10:43 p.m

This play, in which I earn work to.my constant inconvenience, footing the bill to.give them what they want, or fighting for them coaching them to give them what they want, bringing forth their Beautiful Truth at least as high as they are willing to.go.


Doesn’t anyone see, none of this Script makes sense, apart from that which I am transforming and making manifest.

And if people refuse to acknowledge publicly or privately that which was done for them, why in earth does this script insist I stay and share, and be made available to anyone It choses.

If people have no true grace, why force it on them.

Human Nature is Harmonious.Naturalness Beautiful

This Human Nature is Self Serving, Delusional, Self Centered on a point of view which.always makes them see Bright and Shinny.

And unforgettable unforgivable things actions done to them are excusable when it cones to them.

A psyche and nature, spiteful, vindictive, lashes out if they do not get their way.

Nothing is Free in this world.


So why should I.

10:58 p.m

Stay in such a Self Destructive world.

But more so, what kind of force keeps me still here, in a world, a dimension way of percieving which is not of E.

But is obviously where I do not belong.

A place where people pretend to be E?

A Farce: A Devine Comedy of pretenders carbon copies?.

You have no idea what I truly see.

This is some strange Altered Reality.

11:05 p.m

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