
9:19 AM

9:19 AM

9:19 am.

I S.

( Ah look at that… the two people first to like my last past are Ish Kumarr and Susanta Nayak I.S K.N…..iD, IS 11 14 ..25…Y..Nnamdi Kolo S.I…Yes.. it also refers to the two i noted as Sacred Portal 148, 149..who challenged me the new Lady Harmony N.H, Natures Harmonyand Alien Father Alphawho played the roles I first incarnated.

You can see them both as the tormentors in sacred portal 94.)

Kemi Sara posted on my time line the codes of those influencing from outside come from the Blue, code 17 1 17 and 18 -1-18..

Q-A-Q.. R A R….Question Answer Quantum * See the play of Anamla Qayin, R A R ..E….

I woke up.. well not yet actually… but there is someone here posting…

The computer at the shelter opened up the moment I finished breakfast, I eyed it balefully, wrestling with my exhaustion to lie down, a cough that has not left me in 2 months, and more posting….

I sat down warily…

Something happened last night after the Nicole incident and the message in code through the Descendant Avatar Jimmy Kimmel ( J.K.. 10 11…E Galaxy Portal)

Code of Nicole Gallant N G.. 14 7

Gabriella Nicole G N

Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M…

I Wish To Show you the Evidence of the Response from those Beyond.

And the Rage of the Children whom I had to pass through.

*(see sacred portal 3-2)

Duration of Sex of the average American couples… 25.51 for Women and 25.43 for men.

Yes, I saw the code 43 on the Micro Wave when I got up,

and that was the code on my coffee yesterday and that was the code played out with the Quick Response Cube which Amoza Born, which Blair G Andrews solved instantly that he saw a Square and 3 Triangles which form a Square.. i added my Equation for Existence-Energy E=CmE4/3..

43 is the Sacred Portal which naturally and without my even being aware when I Drew them, or numbered them- the Sacred Portal Door of Life.. D O L…

Bed number 4-003 is seated right besides me on the computer, is here right besides me, he was here before I sat down..

Herman H.. H H.. 8 8.

Blair is in bed 5-025… 25…. Y.. Symbol of the Male Chromosome.

25. 43… Y… D.C…. David Cecilia…A Male is in the Oval Office

25.51…. Y…E A…. Y E A H… B E E A G-H-I… 789…Ifinity.

25 25.. 50…43 51…94…!

50 94… 5O.. E.O…I.D… Y D.C… B E D….C…. Jamel Salter is in bed 3.. 5-003

*See Kemi Sara post.. Jamel born 7-17…. The code of his numbers he first gave me 17 1 17…. 17 117/ 711 71…

Blair G.Andrews.. G A…. 7 1…

Agusta Georgia.. My Uncles Widow and Cousin home I stayed

Allen Ginsberg…. Eros Mag contacted George Andreo…

George Andreo of Alfred Knopf Random House.

50 94!

Response to E.O I.D…

Eternity Full Circle Idenity.. Infinity Defined.

Jessica J Fruehauf J J F..

10 10 Fact.. 10 10… 6… 2 6 8…26 Z.

Meaning: Foresighted, to see before

Pronunciation: /’d??s?k?/

Region of origin: Hebrew

The name Jessica is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jessica is: Rich. God beholds.

Fruehauf Family History. German (Frühauf): nickname for an early riser or an industrious person, from the phrase früh auf ‘up early’.’

Happy Birthday Dawn Jade Smith… just saw the Notice…

A Great Day for you, and for the World…


10:10 a,m

10:11 a.m

Jimmy Kimmel… J K.. J=10.. K-11…

Two Men Jamel and Blair…. J.B…E.. E… AH!..

The Real President Resident of The Transparent White House and the Oval..

Dec 2nd 1973… 12-2-73 Blairs Birthday… 44… I am on bed 44

July 17th 1984… 7-17-84…Jamels…. 33.. My Yr of Birth on Facebook.

See Sacred portal 33… The Terrible Dream.

See sacred portal 44….The G.O.DD..E.SS Bliss.. G.B..

Blair G. Andrews… Andrews means Manly Brave B G A

Starbucks is Sacred Portal 44…. G O DD EE SS Bliss rises from the Sea….

Starbucks is Siren based.. Mermaid.. Mami Wata… M W..

Metropolitan Woods….

This is a Spirit Play of which the E had to pass through their portals to reach me at Eternity…

Two places at the same time, but really I reside in one.. E O…Mathematical Symbol of Eternity…

My Home.. Symetry Perfection, I just send my Thoughts Relfections through Waves of Intention Defined undercover into the Lower Vibrating Realms on Non Existence, which I activate with my awareness to vibrate and from Stillness Death ( Coma) Death Potential.. D.P.. David Powers Pierre David Dawn Piercy…

D..= 4.. P=16… 4+16=20..T…

Sâmi Prø Torpedo… S.P.T…. S.P… T..20…Sacred Portal 20 Lady Echo… S=19…. The PT…Point… Perfect Timing.

My Next Facebook Friend…

Her name in Russian is Anastasia Ryabov… A.R.. E/ E R A Y

(Ray has been sent away. I am the L ion King… K.L… K O L O. E

*In Greek the meaning of the name Anastasia is: Resurrection. One who will be reborn.

Code Amoza Born….

The name Lyubov is of Russian origin. The meaning of Lyubov is love. Lyubov is generally used as a girl’s name…

‘Resurrection of the one Reborn…as Love…

That is the message response to me from LADY ECHO..E

1030 Facebook Friends… J.C.O E…

13… M…D…. M A DE… M E…..

Signed Lady E

10:34 a.m.

J C D…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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