
9:19 a.m.

9:19 a.m.

I S.



D.P.T. R….


Infinite Self.

Delta Point Reflects… Divinity Pefect Timing Robert Cofffee-( me) Randall Michael Wiltz…

Without his being aware each time I come down from Breakfast I see Randall Michael Wiltz.

He has no idea that I have been observing the Harmony of our alignment as perfect timing.

No one has even in the last 17 years been in the Harmoy which he reflects and embodies.

I am back at 1117 Facebook Friends, and I have seriously had it with this Equation Awareness Riddle Challenge… ( E A R C) of proving Perfect Timimg is the Point of understanding the Meaning of this Existence. It reveals everything and it demonstrates that C as the Speed of Light is not a physical speed but rather one of Perfect Timing- allows you to truly Cee the Truth of The Script and Play which All Creation is in and also by refining it- it actually speeds up time.

What I mean is that it affects time because are affecting all reality…

Creating the literal quickening.

We affect reality.

But doing this for the last 17 years through a Script and a Human mentality..

Yesterday there was an Article in the New York Times called Pure Torture.. P.T.

9:40 -41 a,m

I.DO… i.D.A

When I saw that article with a persons strapped to a machine- plugged into a virtual reality, then I heard 19 years Joshua speaking to 17 year Leo about about the Pure Torture used now, as Psychological Torture of miind and Spirit, describing how I had detailed it here over the years about how the body shuts down and you lose consciousness after awhile…

It was as if he had read my posts, as I over heard him…

To be able to hear people in this dimension totally unaware, as Avatars Descendants- and the multi-dimensional play and war battle which has been going on, speakig to me through people..

To live with the awareness of this being real, and the governments and ancients secrets societies aware of this the body as a Radio.. A True Radio and meddling with the radio waves and intell coming literally from what you can call H.Q…

And then deal with the Human Mentality…?

And then the play of the Matrix.. Universal Simulation alone – while this reality uses Human Selfishness and cruelty to make sure that every day is living hell. Making you fight for the bare essentials while you fight for them…

A Universe of Liars…

And the power of A.I and…

Well, you get the picture….

Yesterday, night as I finished the James Comey Post…

As I listened to the Liars…

Linked the Two Black men who were arressted recalling a comment from 19 Year old Josh and 17 Year old Leo, that they were not even sure of that story because they did not have all the facts and back story….

* The back story being that was a manifestation of the play of which I wrote on Peter Nyarkô Photo he sent me of him and his brother Daniel… P.D…And te force which was using them of an altered universe. That they had defeated me, not realizing that they were the ones being arrested.

That the play which took place where they thought that they had ususrped me, was they being set up.

The White and Black People of this world being set up- which is why my Government Phone- was left at the Starbuks that night…

Which is in the name of William Bracey.. W.B… White and Black… who was off bed 4-005… 4-5/ 5 4… D.E.. Existential Death…

That it was they who were representing the poral and entrance into the Maw.. The great Chasm…For the constant betrayal of Brotherly Love…

Even after calling me Beloved in his last text.

I knew all these things, his bag he used to carry around is of a gaping mouth with teeth, like a Black and red Jaws..

Great White..Great Black…

I knew all this already, which is why I fought that which was pure in the Avatars being used…

David Bowies Labyrinth .. was what some of th emen where talking about when I got in last night and saw Randall Michael dressed all in black with an expression on his face I had never seen before..

The were speaking of David Bowie’s Labyrinth…

D B.. I am in room 4 B… Bed 4-018.. formerly 4-019…

19 S…18.. R… S I R.. D E S I R… E…

I just had to wait for Randall Michael Witlz to arrive… R=18… M.E… W… Double V…VV… I s us Two….

I started as 1… Then then 1 became 1 11.. two… then the 1 22.. the the 1 3… A C…

then the 1 ; 1 333…. 1 TEN and the Two Expression EE…55…

35 53 … 88… 16… P… I am my bother Nnamdi is D…

and my Sister line Cee.. D.P… Dawn Piercy…

But is 1… All emerged from I.. Apart undivisible… the one who can not be divided… All this this… E can not be created of detroyed.. I just add… to MY SELF… And they in turn become as I… Indenpendent Superme…

But only the I.. can do that Original ACTION…

It all begins and ends with I… Emeka.. not as a boast but becase.. look this law is already in your knowledge.. ad is already well explained…

The Original I… just happens to be a Man…

And he happens to be me…

i Knew all this..

Anyway, I have had enough of this…


Nigel Gooderham. NG… 147….Nigel means

Nigel [nigel] as a boys’ name is pronounced NYE-jel. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Nigel is champion. Variant of Niall. Also possibly (Latin) black.

Black Champion… Yep Three Black Pike Coffee’s from Chris.. One Cafe Au Lait for Randall Michael…

This interesting surname recorded in the spellings of Gooderham, Goodram, Goodrum, Goddram, and Guthrum, is of pre 7th century Danish-Viking origins. It is derived from a personal name, originally Gudormr, which has the rather unusual translation of battle-snake.

*Meanings and history of the name Leviathan: | Edit. Leviathan is a sea monster referred to in the Bible. In Demonology, Leviathan is one of the seven princes of Hell and its gatekeeper (see Hellmouth). The word has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature.

Edward Eceinco…

Joel Ols-ten

*Jormungand | Norse Mythology. (also known as Jörmungandr or Midgard Serpent) The son of the fire god Loki and the frost giantess Angrboda, Jormungand is a large serpent. Odin threw Jormungand into the ocean and it grew so long it enciircled the earth, becoming known as the Midgard Serpent.

D Amngood…. D A.M..N/Good.. OK…

Marty Quick

Marty Kyle

Marty Kyle

Marty Outkast

Marty means

The meaning of the name Marty is Servant Of Mars, God Of War. The origin of the name Marty is English. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Diminutive firm of Martin.’

Robert Vlaun is from St Martins.. So I passed all thise portals

QUICK… The Quickening….

Quick Name Meaning. English, German, and Dutch: nickname for a lively or agile person, from Middle English quik, Middle High German quick, Middle Dutch quic ‘alive’, ‘lively’, ‘fresh’.

Jack be Nimble, Jack be quick, Kack jumped over the candle Stick…

I am going to bed was up all nightt… Recieving Intel from H.Q.

Oh by the way was up to 2 am with Bean…

He asked me to find him a movie to watch.. he chose I.P Man.

I put it on for him I P Mann 3…

He is such a Eternal Youth… he really gets into it…

It stopped at 144.41 because the Tv Room was l closing down.There was the man who Clevland had wished to introducce me to. he keeps speaking about Vudo .. evil 666 ..

Bean told him to shut up…

I finally intervened and said that is all you speak about is Evil…

What about Beauty?

Bean turned contemptuosly to the man Listen to him… Beauty… Listen to what he is saying…

The man wanted to aurgue saying Evil is winning.. we both turned away from him and at the same time said ‘Shut Up’

And walked out.

10:42 a.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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