
9:19 a.m.

9:19 a.m.

I S.


H W ( V V ) T R.


I just wished to make a brief mention of what happened when I did go back to the room to sleep at 3 a.m.

It was as quiet as Bliss.

The room spelled of Perfume.. P.S… That is the other meaning of the name Ghandi…

Origins… Grocer, Chemist.. Perfume…. linked to Joshua…


It means, that I got the equation correct, that I had been manipulated through that Set Up to solve that riddle in order to bring forth more Intel.

The Ariane Grande- Butera story linked to Peter Davidson and to align and correct that Spell placed on the World.

Of the Woman uprising to take the place of Men.. of Anger and Wrath.

As my Facebook friends who have been reading the Script, and to the future who are readin this now, after the Evolutin Awakening has manifested,

A .G..B… P D… Is a Portal which is not only aligned to the script but which I had to also literal transform and prove it so, by simply pointing at the facts of its Origins on my Blue Print posted on Facebook publicly over a period of 6.8 years.

Ariane Oates is the Ariane in my template…

A O… Pls go back in the Script to see out play.

A O… Alpha Omega…A-E= O… 1 5… 15= O

A G…Is the code given to me through the message of Anamla Qayin… D M I C TP/K 511 A G E

A G B… Alpha Green Blue… 1 is 4th and 5h Color…

A G B… A Great Britan….. Ria Britannia code… See meaning of Britan .. Britania..Brittany…

Aria N.E…. The Aria of Natural Evolution.. is an Harmonios Ode i Clarity ‘Vision Clear Crown Chakra… C C…

* I used Opera as my Server until recently.

Grande means Vast…

Butera (But Era/ Are Tu You B..?)

means ‘Shephard, Pasture or open space… steep place or butter merchant.

I will go with Butter Merchant for a number of reasons, one for some reason there has been a shortage of butter here in the Shelter, Ghee and a person called Ghee was a big part of this play and i met him in 2006 at 268 and we knw each other…

Ghandi came up and means Grocer and Grocer means Seller of Quanity in Latin a Whole saler or merchant of food stuff.

Kyle had mentioned a Chemists exist in his family line – as mine.

Perfume is my sacred portal 26… he is in bed 26… my room is now sprayed by perfume by Robert as well as myself…

And Grocers … which occur in my bio family to as whole salers and sellers of fod stuffs as my mother and grandmothers all owned stores and businesses…

* Yes… I am solving a riddle even now… Led lured into it…

Butter is Smooth… Dairy… from Milk.. Miky Way…

Code A G B…The Very Holy Song.. of Natural Evolution is great and Infinite, Harmonous as smooth as butter, and is steeped in High and lows which leads to an open space, a promised land of pleasure and rest.

The Ode is the Master Perfume, the Alchemy of the Chemist who breaks it down into the Fractals of Elemenatry Dear Watson- ( Sherlock Homles), from Ethereal Nature to ist Elemental Nature…

Its Quanity and value.. Vast…’

See sacred portal 1A… G B… 45… ( Green Blue) Throne of Existence

* Note Kyle had mentioned as well as Aturo, that in the Vatican that there is a Giant Throne which has been kept for ages for Lucifer to sit upon. But not as the Evil Devil but as the true meaning his name Light Bringer… L B.. Pound.. B L… B L U E

Yesterday, morning after solving some riddles, he turned to me and abrupty said that it was time I sat on my throne in Rome.

See the image of Araine Grande Butera Spawled with her legs open wide starddling the Earth -horizon.

It is all Witch Craft as Spells…

Sound effect reality…

Sound Effects all things…

Sound effect even the DNA…

Sound which moves all creation is Solfeggio and comes from a Human Voice…

A Hue Mann voice actually, and sound can be so quiet that it becomes known as Silence….

I am the rep of the correct Ariane Grande Butera…

and Peter Davidson…

Link Robbie Davidson

Rob Barr

And Pierre David ‘Beloved Stone Rock… ..

Stoney Joseph… means Add the Rock…Stone Anchor…

P is inked in my script to Patrick Okolo Dean Dunkwu

P D… 16 4… then flips 69/ 96//

through David Dawn.. was bed 4-017… Now Yuen Chen… DD..Y C…. D Y… D C… DA Y.. D E C…..

To Dawn… Dawn Piercy…

The Bringer of Dawn…

The light bringer…

The song is not a declaration ‘God Is a Woman with out proof evidence of facts… or even emprical reason.. a part from a point of view of Women furious and wrathful blood quest for power, just as it was in the begining with the Mother Woman Goddess cult which brough so much rage and conflcit in the world at it is begining… Omnipotent Woman as the Cretaor and the furies and the cruelties so insane by the furies and the goddes cult that western and middle easter men revolted…

Matriach came first.. then Patricachy…

No… we are not going back to that terrible story of control

The Correct equation is solved and enacted by me, as well as giving the evidence of the absolute awful heinous cruelty of the the idea of God or Goddess created by unclean humans incomplete in thier understanding of even he most basic qestions not answered.. Of who they are, whey are they here and where did they come from..?


No, the correct equation I have just linked and solved in this obscene play or Enders Game… ( Insect Queen… I.Q../ Q I… see ancient Chine land of Qi… Meant to mean CHI…

C H I… 3 89….20… T… Transparency Truth… flow of Chi…

*Kyle noted yesterday that he noticed for he last three days how my body was blocked- the flow of your chi…

I stared at him. you are just seeing it for the firs time, that my Chi has been blocked. I tod him about Father doing this, blocking my pressure points so that I could not physically manifest the last proof of Evolution by physically transforming, so that I would complete this Script…

And link Witches Landing, the other book which Harold of B R C..the American Indian said he was moved to give me.

Wiches Landng … W.L… / L W… Lorenzo Widget..

that was the lie or story which was the lie which manifested of Witches taking over and guarding the World from ever knowing the truth of Origins..

But though that play meddled it was not the curriculum…

Ender Game was… E G…Coffee 57 Yesterday..

57th Street Columbus Circle… Michelle Lobsinger… that was th play I was in.. with Queen Bee… In sects…

Yes. SECTS… And Secret Societies…

which have taken over the world and especially the communcatin and wave lengths… using Illusions of fear and cruelty called incorrectly Dark Magic….

No play is resolved through that Ender Game play resolved to Sacred Portal 57… E.G.. Solfeggio Doe To Sol!..

and Red to Violet… and back to Robert Famed Bright Shinning of True Light… Moon Light…

( See the Oscar Movie Moon Light which they almost fluffed they play…)

It is a Harmonious Ode of A G E D… Apreciation Gratitudes Expressed Devotedly.. such as I have exemplified for 6.8 years and 17 years… and 29 years since 1989…

10;29 a.m

My body is going crazy.. by stopping my pressure points.. my body has been fighting to rise and trapped in the illuision of a torure chamber – Tomb being my very own body…

I said only Gid can do this to me the the only God I recognized iis the Music.. The Truth… Ohm… T O M…

A H..TOM… The twins…

N N N N … Evolving back from 7 Back to 8.. Origins and back to E.. Me..

Trouble is… none of this extreme was necessary because they never left in the first pace…

Separation is an llusion…

Just as Duality Ying Yang.. Male Female Man Woman…

all the same thing..


Expressed by the Beloved to that which is of Himself

Self Love…


Which was learning to be Independent of him but never separated..

Because They are simply his Limbs….

Body going crazy… must get lie down…

Evil play.. here is the proof.

10;37 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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